Message from TMAC President | Introducing 2020/2021 National Board

June 30, 2020

JUNE 30, 2020 – We are delighted to announce the 2020/2021 TMAC National Board slate to you:

Dale Dunlop, President (2019-2021)
Tracy Ford, Vice-President (2019-2021)
Monica MacNeil (2019-2021)
Paul Knowles (2019-2021)
Marc Smith (2019-2021)
Jerry Grymek (2019-2021)
Guy Thériault (2020-2022)
Darcy Rhyno (2020-2022)
Jami Savage (2020-2022)

I would like to personally thank Suzie Loiselle who served as a Board Member for four years from 2016-2020 and Yashy Murphy who served as a Board Member for two years from 2018-2020. Both made significant contributions as Board members for which I am truly grateful. Suzie served as Chair and Co-chair of the TMAC Conference & AGM. Yashy served as Co-chair, Social Media and Chair, Media Membership.

I welcome back Guy Thériault who will be serving his second two-year term and has agreed to remain as Co-chair Conference for 2021. Darcy has served as our Treasurer for the past year but is now officially joining the Board.

We welcome Jami Savage who joined TMAC in 2018 and has already served as the Co-chair, Conference PD for the 2019 Conference.

Thank you to all the amazing candidates who put their names forward.

I look forward to working with our 2020/2021 Board over the next year.

Yours truly,

Dale Dunlop, President