AGM Package to be distributed on April 15, 2024

The 2024/2025 Slate of Officers will be presented within the AGM Package being distributed on April 15, 2023. 

The AGM will be held on May 15 at 1:00pm EST via Zoom, please REGISTER HERE before May 14, 2024.

February 26, 2024

Each year, TMAC Directors invite nominations to fill vacancies for the National Board of Directors.

In the approach to our AGM being hosted on May 15th, with a maximum capacity of 11 positions on the Board of Directors, we are currently seeking nominations for five (5) positions in total:

  • five (5) Directors-at-Large for a two-year term (from among media or industry members), beginning June 17, 2024; 


These positions will join the current Board of Directors’ members who are in the midst of two-year terms, namely:

  • Paul Knowles (media), based in Ontario, in the midst of his two-year term as President.
  • Jerry Grymek (industry), based in Ontario, in the midst of his two-year term as Vice-President, after which he automatically assumes the position of President (following the TMAC Conference, 2025)


Entering the second year of their two (2) year term, are the following Director-at-Large Board Members; they continue on the board:

  • Katie Conklin – industry member (Nova Scotia)
  • Tania Kedikian – industry member (Ontario)
  • Yashy Murphy – media member (Ontario)
  • Diane Selkirk – media member (British Columbia)

Four current board members have completed their first two-year term; they have the opportunity to seek nomination for re-election to the board to serve a second term. 

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are extending an invitation to TMAC members to consider nominating someone – or standing for office yourself. These are volunteer positions.



  • Nomination Deadline: 12:00pm EST, March 23, 2024.
  • Nominees and the nominator, must be TMAC members in good standing.
  • Using the Nomination Form, nominations must include naming of the nominee, a nominator, a seconder, and the submission of a nominee bio (250-300 words).
  • Nominations will only be received by TMAC National Board Secretary, Katie Conklin,via completion of the online nomination form.
  • Questions regarding the Call for Nominations and elections can be directed to Katie by email at


Elections, if required will be conducted electronically, with voting taking place between March 26 – April 5, 2024.


Please review the full information package prior to nominating a member – or accepting a nomination. You can find these details within the link below.

As you consider potential nominees, please review the position responsibilities carefully. You can review all position descriptions on our website here: 

Director-at-Large includes the following responsibilities:

  • Elected by the membership for a two year period, for the term of 2024-2026, effective June 16, 2024 (the final day of the 2024 Conference) with official office being assumed at the first meeting of the Board of Directors. 
  • All directors are expected to attend monthly and special meetings of the National Board (typically via Zoom with up to two meetings in person per year).
  • All directors are expected to chair a National Committee, and are responsible for executing the strategic plan for the National Committee they are leading.
  • Directors will attend the National Conference and take on key leadership roles and responsibilities for the duration of the conference.
  • As part of the Volunteer Engagement Program, National Board Director-at-Large members receive:
    – Membership Dues waived
    – Conference Registration Fees waived, and subject to budget approval accommodation and travel expenses will be reimburse
    – Media Members receive seven (7) – ten (10) Volunteer Points Per Year towards re-qualification depending on their roles.


Your current Board of Directors can be found here on our website.


Thank you to our current Board of Directors, and thank you in advance to those who step forward as nominees. With your assistance and engagement, you help us ensure that we have a strong and dedicated National Board for 2024-2025, and beyond. Your contribution of time, expertise and engagement are appreciated and valued. 

Paul Knowles, 
National Board of Directors President,
Travel Media Association of Canada