Updated January 2022
TMAC members are leaders within the travel industry and represent Canada in a local and global market. With strict application processes and the goal of being the industry leader for travel media and trade in Canada members are required to uphold our Code of Conduct. This will allow us to ensure a safe and positive environment within TMAC programs, activities, and events by making all members and staff aware that there is always an expectation of appropriate behaviour.
This will be renewed with each membership requalification or renewal. Any changes to the Code of Conduct will be sent out to membership via special notice or presented at the AGM. Any questions regarding the Code of Conduct can be sent to
1. Members shall act in the best interest of the association.
- Members shall comply with TMAC governing documents and relevant law.
- Each Member brings credibility and good will to the society.
- Each member is committed to providing an environment in which everyone is treated with respect.
- Each member acts as an advocate for the organization and its mission wherever and whenever the opportunity arises, both personally and professionally.
2. Members shall embrace Diversity.
- TMAC finds strength in the diversity of its members.
- TMAC recognizes, welcomes, and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to, members who identify as or with any race, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, social or economic class, education level, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, culture, and mental or physical disability.
- Every TMAC member is valued regardless of work medium, publication type or professional connection to a destination. We are all travel industry professionals, and we embrace the many different forms of content creation, expression and utilization.
- Acting, when appropriate, to prevent or correct practices that are unjustly discriminatory.
3. Members shall always act in a professional manner.
- Professional Communication
TMAC members agree to communicate professionally on all forms of communications and interactions, including live interpersonal meetings, telephone and video calls, written exchanges and comments posted on any TMAC-sanctioned online social media community such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. - Members shall embrace TMAC values – unbiased, anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-exclusionary — and never include:
- Name-calling or personal attacks
- Racist, sexist or any other type of pejorative terms or tropes
- Attacks on members’ professional credentials
- Defamatory commentary
- Physical or sexual harassment or threats
- Profanity and vulgarity (explicit or implied)
- Disdainful, disparaging, or derogatory language
- Off-topic comments
- Paid or unpaid advertising as a means of advancing personal business interests or promoting products and services for financial gain to industry members outside of travel industry work.
- Comments inciting violence or illegal activities
- Comments that impose political views/beliefs on other
- Members must refrain from any behavior that constitutes harassment, where harassment is defined as comment or conduct directed towards an individual or group, which is offensive, abusive, racist, sexist, degrading or malicious.
No member shall harass or bully (sexually or otherwise) any other person. Harassment or bullying includes, but is not limited to, behaviours directed toward a person’s race, religion, colour, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), parental status, national origin, age, disability, family medical history or genetic information, political affiliation, or military service. Members must read and sign TMAC’s Harassment Policy as outlined in this Code of Conduct. - Members shall take part in programs they register for.
Members attending TMAC meetings and associated programs, tours, trips, and events are expected to participate in all activities for which they registered. If a delegate must cancel, he/she/they shall be expected to notify the host as soon as possible. Any delegate missing two or more scheduled activities for which he/she/they is registered without giving prior notification to the host may be liable for Code of Conduct violations. No refunds will be considered for any “no-show.” - Alcoholic Beverages & Consumption of drugs.
At TMAC events where alcohol is offered, hosts and/or TMAC officials have the right to deny such beverages to any person. Delegates are expected to drink responsibly and to adhere to all applicable laws and/or restrictions related to the consumption of alcohol. Delegates shall not indulge in alcohol to the point that they become disruptive, disorderly, unreasonably loud or offensive, or unable to maintain motor skills. At some functions, delegates may be required to pay for alcoholic beverages.
4. Media Members shall execute industry best practices including:
- Refrain from misrepresenting their credentials for initial membership, renewal, or in order to obtain complimentary or reduced rate travel arrangements from members of the travel industry.
- Assure the integrity of articles written under their byline; materials from other sources incorporated in a story will be credited; the writer’s own views will be clearly distinguished from news reports.
- Maintain a distinction between an opinion piece and an advertorial. However, even though travel-related stories are not an extension of advertising, brand names and specific companies will be used in newsworthy context or for purposes of clarification only.
- Strive to avoid misleading or misrepresenting tourist boards, public relations companies or other agencies about the likelihood of placing an article.
- Show respect for the travel industry or a travel destination in their writing and not compromise this respect in order to write in an entertaining way.
- Disclose the name of the sponsor who paid for the trip on which they are reporting, when possible, especially if the trip has been sponsored through a private concern.
- Remember that their main obligation is to their readers/listeners/viewers. Their obligation to the travel industry sponsors rests in fulfilling the ethical relationship established with a host.
- Provide industry members with as much advance notice as possible when requesting assistance; however, last minute arrangements are sometimes beneficial for both media and industry.
- The annual Media Marketplace is a forum for exchanging ideas and generating opportunities for media stories. It is not to be used as a means of advancing personal business interests or promoting products and services for financial gain to industry members.
5. Industry Members Shall execute industry best practices including:
- Treat media requests in a professional manner, bearing in mind that media requests are primarily for information, not promotion.
- Respond in a timely fashion to media requests, whether the response is positive or negative.
6. Media Members must adhere to the following when on press trips and when attending the annual TMAC conference.
- Abide by all rules and regulations established by the host of the trip.
- Represent TMAC with dignity and professionalism.
- Refrain from making requests that fall outside of the scope of their assignment or press trip.
- Conduct themselves as ambassadors of the association, the travel industry and Canada.
- Respect local customs, history, traditions and laws. “Whether under their own banner or as delegates, TMAC members shall not ignore, denigrate or violate local regulations and customs. TMAC members shall also take into account the guidance of local cultural representatives when making decisions about what to visit and on what terms, as well as the wishes of potential subjects when capturing their images or gathering material for stories.”
- TMAC members shall employ journalistic values of fairness and respect in how they engage with and share depictions of local people, especially people indigenous to a place being visited or depicted. Every effort will be made to understand and identify local people in the manner of their choosing.
- Attempt an understanding of the socio-economic, religious and political differences in other cultures.
- Respect the environment at all times.
- Display a realistic attitude to the host regarding the likelihood of placing an article and refrain from misrepresentation regarding same.
- Participate in all scheduled activities on hosted trips unless ill, incapacitated or if previous arrangements have been approved by the host.
- Provide the maximum notice possible in the event that trip arrangements need to be modified or cancelled.
- Upon registration for the Conference media members shall be required to sign a statement to this effect: I have read the TMAC Media Code of Conduct and agree to its terms. I understand that if I violate the terms of the Code of Conduct I may be asked to leave the conference.
7. Industry Members must adhere to the following when on press trips and when attending the annual TMAC conference.
- Inform media members at the time they are invited to participate on a trip exactly what expenses are covered and what are not (including gratuities).
- Provide media members with a detailed itinerary and any waivers to be signed, PRIOR to their commitment to join a trip. This specifically applies to releases guaranteeing the publication of a story, or waiving the legal responsibilities of press trip organizers in case of accidents.
- Refrain from requiring media members to sign inappropriate waivers regarding activities that are not high risk in nature and would not require a waiver from the general public for participation in a similar activity or event.
- Specify to media members the expectations of the industry member prior to their commitment to join the trip.
- Identify freelance writers as such on press trip documents.
8. Conflict of Interest
- Members shall not use their position for private gain, nor seek to benefit for any specific interest or interest group of any kind.
- Members can not use their position to aid or assist another member, staff member, or contractor in benefitting for private gain.
As a member of TMAC, I pledge to adhere to the Code of Conduct in its entirety. This includes, but is not limited to, my participation in TMAC meeting functions, programs, events and meals, and any TMAC online forum or social media accounts. I understand that failure to conduct myself in a professional manner can be considered a violation of the Code and is subject to review, with possible penalties, as outlined in the Code.