2025 Conference FAQs

We’ve already started receiving your questions for TMAC 2025. We’ll keep building on this list as more questions come though. 

If you have a question that you don’t see on this list, please email The Conference Team and we will direct your email accordingly. 

Q: What is the deadline to register?
Deadline for media to register: March 3, 2025
Deadline for industry to register: April 4, 2025

A: Discover Saskatoon has put together an array of wonderful local tours for all delegates to participate in. View the itineraries here.

A: The Media Marketplace selection will launch on April 29, 2025. When it launches, you will be able to select which media/industry you would prefer to meet with during the conference.

A: We’re thrilled to share the 2025 pre- and post-media tour itineraries, crafted by our amazing partners at Tourism Saskatchewan. View the itineraries here.

A: Each evening will come with it a unique dining and networking experience. View evening event details here. 

A: June 4 – 8, Saskatoon, SK 
(note, there will also be pre- and post-conference tours just outside of these dates for media who opt in for that experience). 

A: Yes! We are anticipating the conference will sell out in Saskatoon as it did previously in St. John’s, Sudbury and Yarmouth. Registration is OPEN Feb. 10th (new date). Should we SELL OUT, we will immediately start a waitlist and revisit this list should cancellations comes in. 

A: Yes. Due to server issues, we had to postpone registration from February 3 to Monday, February 10, 12pm EST for media and 2pm EST for industry. More details and FAQs  here.  

A: We’re thrilled about the excitement for the upcoming 2025 TMAC Conference in Saskatoon! To ensure fairness for all members, we are unable to hold or guarantee spots ahead of the official registration day. With ample time before registration opens on February 3rd, there’s plenty of opportunity to plan and prepare. We’ll also provide detailed instructions in advance to guide you through the process. If you need someone to register on your behalf, these instructions will make it easy for them to assist you. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to welcoming everyone to the conference!

A: NEW: February 10, 2025, 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time. 

A: YES! Our annual Conference and the Media Marketplace are exclusive to TMAC members only. Your membership must be paid in full prior to registering for the conference. If you want to become a member in preparation for registration, please do so here:


A: Yes! There are different levels and options for this. Please contact Christine Painter for details. 

Yes! SO far we have confirmed two themes:

Local Host Dinner
 Saskatoon Tuxedo (Denim on Denim)
Location: Champetre County

TMAC Awards Gala Dinner + Social & Dance
Black Tie

A: Essentially, there are four chapters that represent different regions of Canada, which offer members opportunities to gather and participate in TMAC-related initiatives. As a delegate, you are able to go to one of these chapter meetings (depending on your location) to learn about what the chapter did this year!

A: There are TWO host hotels with preferred rates, including The Delta Saskatoon and Delta Hotels Bessborough. Most of the events during the conference, including the Media Marketplace are happening at the Delta Hotels Bessorough. However, the hotels are only a 1.5-minute walk from each other!

Delta Saskatoon Group Reservation Link
Last day to book: April 30, 2025 
Group Rate: $195 – $205 per night 

Delta Hotels Bessborough Group Reservation Link
Last day to book: , 2025 May 1
Group Rate: $195 – $215 per night 

A: YES! We need to know when you are arriving and departing for shuttle purposes. Email Christine Painter (CAO) (christine.painter@travelmedia.ca) and Katie Conklin (kconklin@discoverhalifaxns.com) when you have them.  

A: Yes, absolutely. This is to keep track of media bookings in relation to the subsidy grant and for emergency purposes for the hotel. 

A: No family or children can participate in the pre and post-tours or any of the conference-related events.

A: The honour, and responsibility, of hosting our annual conference is determined by those who respond to our Call for Proposals. We are thrilled that Saskatoon has been selected as our 2025 Conference Host. 

A: 250 delegates in total. 105 spots for Media, and 145 spots for Industry.

A: No, due to capacity limitations, pre-registration is required to attend the conference. Access to the conference will be limited to registered delegates only.

A: We understand that plans can change, but please note the following terms:

Full Refunds will be issued for cancellations made 60 days prior to June 4, 2025 (by April 4, 2025). No refunds will be issued for cancellations made after April 4, 2025.

In the event of illness or unforeseen circumstances, we strongly recommend purchasing travel insurance to protect your registration and travel costs. TMAC is not responsible for covering registration cancellations, nor any other costs related to attending conference.

By registering, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. Please ensure you are comfortable with the policy before completing your registration.

A: Yes. Our local hosts at Discover Saskatoon and their partners have curated a dynamic event schedule for us, which is included in your registration.

A: It depends on the event! Be sure to review your tour itineraries and dress accordingly. General attire for the annual conference is business casual. Media Marketplace dress code is up to you, if you have a particular ‘persona’ you want to reinforce, otherwise it’s business casual.
The Awards Gala Dinner is the most formal event of the 2025 Conference (black tie). 

A:  Yes! There are TWO host hotels with preferred rates for our 2025 conference, including The Delta Saskatoon and Delta Hotels Bessborough. Details and booking links on this page. 

A: The Delta Hotels Bessborough is the central location for the Conference: including the Registration/Information Desk, Conference Sessions, and departure/arrival for all off-site events. If you are not staying at the Bessborough, you will need to be at this hotel for shuttles to/from events. 

A: At this time, we are limited to delegate registrations. Should this change, we will notify delegates of the options and possibilities.

A: Yes, you’ll need to show your delegate badge to enter all events and sessions.

A: Yes, #TMACSK. Please do start using it now in all your social posts about the Conference.

A: Yes, there are a remaining few unique Conference Sponsorship opportunities and Awards sponsorships. Reach out to Jerry Grymek, Sponsorship Chair, ASAP!

A: Yes! We are offering a range of engaging experiences beyond the typical late-night socializing. Aside from your usual conference guided tours, networking lunches, creative workshops, and evening events, we will incorporate mindful meditations, cultural performances and more. These options provide meaningful ways to connect, relax, and explore without the pressure of staying up late. This will ensure that all attendees have a diverse set of options to support the most optimal conference experience.