About TMAC

TMAC's Mission Statement

Rooted in Canada with an international reach, the Travel Media Association of Canada creates a positive space for travel media and travel industry professionals to cultivate relationships that result in relevant collaborative, comprehensive opportunities and successful outcomes to foster and inspire travel. 

TMAC Strategic Plan 2024

The 2022/2023 TMAC Board of Directors came together in January 2023 to embark on a Strategic Plan to update the vision and mission statement for TMAC and provide a roadmap for the future of the organization.  

Considerable dialogue revolved around the changing landscape of travel media. The  recurring message was, that even though the method in which travel stories are being delivered has shifted over the past 30 years, the essence of what travel media writers do, has not changed. Regardless of the delivery platform, travel writers inspire travel. 

With this core foundation of what travel media delivers, the value of what TMAC brings to its membership is as important regardless of which format is used for the delivery of the message.  

TMAC's Vision Statement

To be the trusted organization of choice for accredited travel media and tourism industry professionals in Canada.
Millions of people call themselves travel ‘experts’, but only a handful of travel media worldwide can truly be called trusted, accredited, sources. In Canada, most of them belong to the Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC).

Founded in 1994, TMAC represents Canada’s most professional and productive experts in the field of travel. The Association currently has nearly  400 members, Canadian writers, photographers, videographers, bloggers and social media curators, as well as highly respected media relations representatives of the travel industry in Canada, and around the world.

When the tourism industry is seeking to engage travel media, they can trust and be assured that when they choose to work with a member of TMAC, they are working with an accredited professional in the field of Travel Media. Similarly, with confidence, our Travel Media members acknowledge their fellow tourism industry members as colleagues that understand and appreciate their value and the role storytelling plays within marketing and communications plans.

Our accredited membership is well represented across Canada and supported nationally as well as through four regional chapters: British Columbia, Alberta & NWT, Ontario and Atlantic. TMAC is currently working on furthering its regional chapter representation, specifically developing a Quebec chapter.

Each year, TMAC members gather for an ambitious and wide-ranging annual conference in a new, local host destination. Over 4 days, plus pre/post media tours, they exchange story ideas, explore new destinations and keep up to date on skills, trends and techniques. Most importantly, industry partners are able to showcase their destinations at the Media Marketplace, a scheduled one-on-one networking session that brings together industry and media members. With attendance limited to 200-250, this intimate annual conference nurtures networking for media professionals across  the country.
Recognizing excellence in travel media, the annual TMAC Awards welcomes and celebrates the work of its members. Categories may evolve to reflect the changing landscape and channels of storytelling, but the coveted awards garner national attention for our members, and TMAC as a professional organization.
Throughout the year, there are a variety of ‘Meet-Ups’, virtual Professional Development Sessions, and each chapter holds a series of local events, activities, presentations and professional development sessions attended by both media and industry members.
As a not-for-profit organization, TMAC is guided by a volunteer board of directors and managed by its Chief Administration Officer. For more information on TMAC’s structure and function, see the Board of Directors, Committees and Bylaw sections of our website.
Membership within TMAC is by application, vetted and approved by the membership review team to ensure TMAC welcomes and has within its network a collective of professionals who value and aspire to harness the power and impact of travel media.

Committee Descriptions


The TMAC Awards recognize the very best travel writing and photography our media members produce. All categories are open to all TMAC members, including our growing digital influencer community, to participate. Each year, the Awards Committee establishes the award categories as well as the criteria for each category to ensure that all TMAC media members have an opportunity to participate. The committee also sources, chooses and liaises with the judges (non-TMAC members).  Assisting with award sponsorship, and the production/co-ordination of the Awards presentation at the Annual Conference (and AGM if in person) are also the responsibility of the committee.


The Awards Committee is responsible to meet in the early fall to review the award categories and evaluate if there needs to be any changes/updates.  Once the categories have been established, each category requires a criteria description.  This has included a survey to the members in order to receive feedback. The other responsibility includes the evaluation of the previous year’s judging panel.  Should there be any changes, recruitment needs to take place in the fall and the final judging panel must be established by the time that the awards competition begins. Once the award competition starts, the committee will bring together the judges for a conference call, so that they can be briefed on their responsibilities and timelines.  The awards committee will also assist the sponsorship committee with the sponsorship of each award.  Once the competition closes, the committee ensures that the judges provide their top five in each category.

June 2024 – June 2025 Deliverables: 

The committee in conjunction with the CAO will deliver the following:

  • Undertake a review of award categories, recommending the upcoming Award Program to the Board of Directors for approval.
  • Ensure that the award categories are established including criteria prior to the award competition.
  • Ensure that the judging panel is established prior to the award competition.
  • Assist the sponsorship committee with securing award sponsorships.
  • Update the award guidelines and FAQ’s.
  • Share categories/criteria, guidelines, FAQ’s and judging panel with the CAO so that these can be shared with the membership – January timing.
  • Ensure that the judges provide their top five finalists in each category and share with the CAO in order to share with the membership – spring.
  • Assist the CAO with the organization of the production and coordination of the Awards presentation at the annual conference, including script, speakers and video inclusions.
  • Assist the CAO with the award certificates and award payments for all winners.

Policies & Procedures:

The Awards Committee is responsible for all aspects of the organization of the annual TMAC awards.

For more information or to join the Awards Committee, contact Diane Selkirk.


The Communications committee is responsible to oversee the internal and external communications to and/or about TMAC members and membership, including the development and successful implementation of TMAC’s overall marketing and communication activities. Drawing from the expertise and guidance from its members, and support from CAO, this committee supports and curates TMAC’s reputation as a nation-wide, professional, non-profit, member driven leader in Travel Media within Canada.


Working to support the activities of all TMAC committees, the Communications Committee will establish and maintain a board approved, three-year marketing and communications strategy which includes an actionable annual plan that guides TMAC’s communications policies and programs, social media accounts and all internal and external communications to and/or about TMAC members. The purpose of the committee is to help curate and build TMAC’s brand image, public relations activities and increase internal and external engagement as a way to share information among current TMAC members and to connect with Canadian travel industry professionals.

The annual marketing and communications plan that will include goals, objectives and measurables using, but not limited to:

  • Website content and management
  • Brand management (logo/voice/tone)
  • Social Media channels and content calendars
  • Newsletters 
  • Public Relations
  • Advertising
  • Promotions
  • Monitoring and evaluation frameworks
  • Plans will include, and be guided by, an annual budget for review/approval by the Board
  • Provide the Board with a report and updates at meetings

June 2024-2025 Deliverables

The committee, supported by the Chief Administration Officer, will work to:

  • Monitor brand guidelines (including logo, tone, voice)
  • Undertake a marketing and communications plan for 2024 to feed into 2025;
  • Undertake a review of and implement a social media strategy;
  • Undertake a review of current website and CRM content and functionality;
  • Advise staff on strategies and development for various marketing communications channels and web presences including, social media, newsletters, public relations, website and annual report.
  • Explore role of TMAC publications (TMAC Travels and annual report) and create content for them;
  • Seek and implement ways to communicate with members and non-members to elevate TMAC’s brand awareness;
  • Solicit feedback as needed on TMAC’s communication and outreach initiatives;
  • Work with other Committees on matters related to communications;
  • Identify key speaking and public relations engagements for members to help market and brand TMAC.

For more information, or to join the Communications Committee, contact Yashy Murphy (media).


The Conference Committee is responsible for providing leadership execution of TMAC’s capstone event, our Annual Conference. The Conference is an elaborate event that includes pre and post tours, networking events, professional development, and the foundation of the event, which is the media marketplace.


The Conference Committee is responsible for planning and supervising the execution of the annual conference. This includes development of overall programming, liaising with contract providers, host, and partners, and managing logistics primarily via the CAO. They also work closely with other committees including the Awards Committee, The Sponsorship Committee, and the PD Committee.  They strive to provide the highest quality event for our members and set the standard for the Canadian tourism industry.


  • Future Focused – Working with the future host committee to help secure future conference sponsors, ideally at least 3 years out.
  • Working closely with conference hosts to design the best possible conference possible.
  • Collaborate with the Sponsorship Committee to grow sponsorship opportunities.
  • Collaborate with the PD Committee to provide the highest quality of programming.
  • Working with the CAO to ensure seamless execution for the conference.

Policies & Procedures:

The Conference Committee is responsible for upholding the Committee Code of Conduct, and following all TMAC Bylaws and policies and procedures. Specific attention to the expectations of members at TMAC events in the Membership Code of conduct should be fully understood by Committee members.

For more information, or to join the Conference Committee, contact 2025 Conference Chair Katie Conklin (industry).


The Future Host Committee was established following the 2019 Conference with the purpose of assisting potential conference hosts through any issues, streamlining the bidding process and looking at new opportunities.


By reaching out to prospective hosts and helping them through the process, we can hopefully secure and plan for TMAC Conferences years in advance – not just year after year. Committee members will include former conference destination hosts with experience in the process and feedback on what could have been improved on (members to be announced as they become available).

June 2024 – June 2025 Deliverables: 

Working closely with the CAO:

  • Update Call for Proposals for 2026, will be revisited and updated for 2027 and 2028 call
  • Ensure that we have reached out to the membership to secure a 2026 Conference Host
  • Aim to line up intended Hosts for the 2027 and 2028 Conferences
  • Developing evaluation criteria for use when reviewing and revising the measurement criteria as needed.
  • Reporting to the National Board, updates will be provided to the National Board on any issues and recommendations for future hosts, reaching out 2 years.

Policies & Procedures:

The Future Host Committee is responsible for helping potential conference hosts through the bidding process, development of the selection criteria, and looking at new opportunities for future hosts.

For more information, or to join the Future Host Committee, contact Jerry Grymek (industry).


The Finance Committee is responsible for offering fiscal guidance to the organization through the Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer. The Treasurer, whose responsibilities are laid out in the by-laws, chairs the Finance Committee. The President and the CAO are ex-officio members of the committee.


The guidance provided by the Finance Committee should look several years into the future while keeping lessons of the past in mind. Long term planning is key to the success of TMAC; therefore, the Finance Committee recommends how to achieve break-even budgets while welcoming annual operating surpluses, how to preserve those surpluses and when to strategically or out of necessity employ them. The overall fiscal health of the organization is the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The CAO takes guidance from the Board of Directors and works closely with the Treasurer in providing financial services to the organization. These services as laid out in the CAO contract include but are not limited to providing quarterly financial statements to the Finance Committee and the Board, leading the preparation of annual budgets that takes into account the guidance of the Finance Committee, arranging for an annual audit, working closely with the bookkeeper and guiding national committees regarding their financial responsibilities. Using the financial reports created by the CAO, the Finance Committee is  responsible for continually reviewing and updating its guidance on the long-term fiscal health of the organization.


  • Monthly Financial Updates to the Board of Director.
  • Annual report on the fiscal health of the organization.
  • Annual Budget preparation and presentation to the Board for approval.

Policies & Procedures:

The Finance Committee shall operate in accordance with TMAC’s policies and procedures as they apply to national committees.

For more information, or to join the Finance Committee, contact Treasurer, Andrew Hiscock (industry).


The Governance Committee is responsible for providing leadership through governance for the TMAC organization, building a solid foundation of policy and procedure, and supporting it with leadership in execution. The responsibility for governance lies within the board; the staff and contractors are responsible for executing the governance. The governance committee must comply with all rules laid out for Canadian Not for Profits and implement them to the highest standard for TMAC.


The Governance Committee is responsible for supervising the execution of the governance regulations, procedures and processes, and offers guidance and support to board members, general members, staff and contractors. To the full extent, they strive to understand the key governing rules for our organization as found in the bylaws and execute them to support TMAC through the supported policies and procedures. As a committee, they are responsible for continually reviewing and updating our policies and procedures and ensuring we are industry leaders.

June 2024 – June 2025 Deliverables: 

  • Annual Review of bylaws and presentation of any changes and updates to members at the AGM.
  • Ensuring that any deliverables in the bylaws or policies and procedures are being executed by the responsible party.
  • Providing industry leadership and positioning TMAC as a forward-thinking organization with a strong foundation for our organization and leadership in developing and adapting policies to reflect the needs of our members and our industry.
  • Review the TMAC Strategic Plan annually to ensure that TMAC follows and implements it as intended and that it remains up to date.
  • Ensure the National-Chapter liaison and Chapter functioning support TMAC and its regional members.

Policies & Procedures:

The Governance Committee is responsible for the oversight of all policies and procedures.

For more information, or to join the Governance Committee, contact Wendy Nordvik-Carr (media).


The Membership Committee is responsible for providing leadership and growing the membership in TMAC. This includes recruiting, reviewing applications, approving, welcoming and retaining industry members. This committee is responsible for providing leadership on the application and re-qualification processes, which include checking references and ensuring membership criteria is met. Committee members are also tasked with increasing membership benefits and perks, an ongoing project to help increase the value and ROI for TMAC members.


Members must be active members of TMAC.
TMAC’s goal is to create a forum for communication and mutual benefit between industry and media members.

Industry membership:

  • Is not limited to Canadian companies or individuals, but foreign members must be willing to serve the needs of Canadian writers.
  • In order to serve on TMAC’s national board, you must be a resident of Canada.
  • Industry members include representatives of tourist boards, airlines, transportation companies, hotel companies, public relations agencies, attractions, tour operators and wholesalers locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Must meet the industry membership requirements as outlined in membership guidelines.
  • Industry Member – Secondary memberships are available to someone who is employed by the company for which the Primary Member works. Secondary does not have the ability to cast a vote during an AGM.


  • The membership committees’ primary responsibilities can be broken down into four sections:
  • Member Recruitment: Creating and supporting implementation of marketing initiatives to help recruit new media members.
  • Member Applications: Providing leadership on the application process and re-qualification, which includes checking references and meeting membership criteria.
  • Member Experience: Creating an onboarding, welcoming and mentoring program to help new members to TMAC.
  • Member Benefits: Increasing membership benefits and perks, an ongoing project to help increase the value and ROI for TMAC members.
  • Annually reviews and presents the Volunteer Recognition and Benefits Program Policy.

June 2024-June 2025 Deliverables: 

  • Assisting with new website  – ensure that the membership application pages are functional and accurate
  • Publish refreshed Points Table for re-qualification for 2025
  • Ongoing review of application process to align with industry standards and set best practices for our organization.
  • Ongoing review of new applications and ensuring efficient processing of potential applicants.
  • Onboarding of new members and ensuring a high-quality experience for new members to TMAC.
  • Continual growth of our member benefits program.

Policies & Procedures:

The Committee is responsible for the oversight of all membership policies and procedures.

For more information, or to join the Membership Committee, contact Committee Chair Tracy Ford  (industry).


The National Professional Development (PD) Committee is responsible for providing an innovative and timely PD program for all TMAC members, media and industry, across Canada. Providing industry leadership and positioning TMAC as a forward-thinking organization with a strong and robust PD program, a value-add for TMAC members.


  • The PD Committee coordinates all National PD efforts, including educational seminars, panels and workshops offered throughout the year through online webinars.
  • The PD Committee is responsible to coordinate PD at the National Conference, in collaboration with the Conference Committee. This typically includes arranging for keynote speaker(s), and between four and six PD sessions targeted to Media, Industry, or both.
  • The PD Committee determines the topics in response to members needs and interests as indicated through member surveys and outreach.

June 2024- June 2025 Deliverables:

Gathering ideas for topics and recruiting speakers, panelists and facilitators based on member feedback, the committee will:

  • 2024 deliver a minimum of 4 PD Sessions (in addition to Conference sessions)
  • Achieved to date:
    -3 sessions (Pinterest / Architecture/ Video Skills 101) + Conference PD/Keynote
    -Anticipating at least 2, maybe 3 more sessions on the horizon 1) Influencer Marketing Trends 2) Indigenous Voices 3) YouTube
  • Coordination with Chapter Chairs for collaborative PD sessions.
  • Providing industry leadership and positioning TMAC as a forward-thinking organization with a strong and robust PD program, a value-add for TMAC members.

Policies & Procedures:

Committee is made up of TMAC members from across Canada, with new volunteers always welcome to join. The Chair of the committee is a Board member, who also acts as liaison between the Committee and National Board.

Through monthly committee meetings, the group assesses PD needs by evaluating member surveys, feedback and outreach.

  • PDs are chosen based on member interest, industry needs and committee recommendations.
  • Speakers are approached based on subject matter expertise.
  • Speaker fees can be paid, based on Board approved amounts, a line item with the budget.
  • TMAC has Zoom accounts for the event.
  • Topic/speaker and application are to be confirmed with the PD Chair six weeks in advance of date.
  • The PD Chair will then share with the Committee and present to the Board for final approval.
  • TMAC PD Committee, with assistance from the CAO, will handle all Communications with Members, including registration and RSVP list and sending a post-event survey to registered attendees.
  • TMAC PD Committee responsibility, on the day of a PD event includes handling technology, coordinating with speakers, starting events, welcome remarks, intros, coordinating Q+A’s and final remarks.

For more information, or to join the Professional Development Committee, contact Chair Tania Kedikian (Industry).


The Sponsorship Committee is in place to attract and respond to revenue streams for the annual Conference; Awards Program; National PD program; and overall revenue for the Association.


The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for reaching out to, and responding to inquiries from industry members that are interested in sponsorship opportunities for the annual Conference.

June 2024 – June 2025 Deliverables: 

  • Aim to generate a base of $30,000 in sponsorship (an increase of the 2022 Conference) with the goal of exceeding that. Sponsorship Kit will be developed and distributed before end of 2024.
  • Explore approaches to secure multi-year sponsors
  • Look for National Sponsorship opportunities for the year outside of the Conference to the goal of $15,000. Which may include an Outreach Plan that includes organizing tactical outreach initiatives to reach members and outside companies such as eNewsletters, social media posts, and traditional cold calling.

Policies & Procedures:

The Sponsorship Committee is responsible for all sponsorship related to the Conference and any additional initiatives that arise during the year.

Work includes:

  • Review of Previous Sponsors/New Opportunities:
  • Reviewing previous Conference sponsors and approach them to see if they are willing to repeat. Depending on the host, look to target industry members and companies that are located within the host destination given the relevancy.
  • Work With Committees:
    Working with the different Conference Committees to coordinate the different elements with the confirmed sponsors.
  • Reporting to the National Board, providing updates regarding the progress, confirmed sponsors, and any support required.

For more information, or to join the Sponsorship Committee, contact Jerry Grymek.