1. This operating policy is created pursuant to Paragraph 3.1 of the Travel Media Association of Canada (hereinafter TMAC) Bylaw No. 1 and shall, until amended or repealed, govern all matters relating to the creation, governance and funding of TMAC chapters.
2. The four existing chapters of TMAC, British Columbia & Yukon, the Prairies & NWT, Ontario and Atlantic Canada shall continue as constituted and shall forthwith abide by the provisions of this operating policy.
3. It is the intention and preference of TMAC that all members have the benefits of belonging to a Chapter.
4. The purposes of the TMAC chapters shall be to encourage and foster membership in the organization by:
i. holding regular meetings for the purposes of interaction between media and industry members
ii. using the funds provided by TMAC for the purposes of continuing education and professional development
iii. electing an executive committee to administer the chapter’s funds and organize events that promote the chapter’s purposes
5. The minimum number of TMAC members required to start a new Chapter shall be set at eight (8). Chapters should be organized based on regional proximity but need not be confined to one province or territory.
6. Once a representative of at least eight(8) members notifies the TMAC Executive Director that they would like to start a new Chapter the TMAC National Board shall, if satisfied that the proposed Chapter is viable, pass a motion formally recognizing the new Chapter.
7. TMAC chapters shall not be incorporated entities but operate as recognized sub-groups of TMAC within the guidelines of the Not-For-Profit Act under which TMAC is incorporated.
8. Each chapter shall maintain its own bank account with two signatories, where possible.
9. Each chapter shall hold an annual meeting at the same day and place as the TMAC annual general meeting. However, if there is only a virtual AGM, the Chapter Chair should determine a time, place and mode of the Chapter elections. At the annual chapter meeting the members of the Chapter shall elect a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. A chapter may but is not required to elect a Vice-President. The persons elected may serve one- or two-year terms at the discretion of the Chapter members. Members unable to attend the TMAC annual general meeting may vote by proxy.
10. Chapters may, but are not required to, elect a Board of Directors for the chapter with each member serving a one- or two-year term at the discretion of the chapter. The maximum number of board members, including the executive, shall not exceed seven.
11. No member may serve longer than four consecutive years in an executive or chapter board position. In the event that a replacement cannot be found for a member who has served four consecutive years on the chapter executive or board that member may, after advising the TMAC national board of the situation, continue to serve until a replacement can be found.
12. Each chapter shall receive from TMAC on an annual basis $25.00 per member to a maximum of $2000.00. Each chapter, regardless of size, shall receive a minimum of $500.00 per annum from TMAC. The funds provided to the chapters from TMAC are delivered in trust and are to be used solely for the purposes outlined in paragraph four. Nothing shall prohibit a chapter from holding its own fundraising efforts providing the funds raised are used solely for the purposes set out in paragraph four. The TMAC Board may, upon reasonable notice, require an accounting of the funds provided to each chapter.
13. Each chapter shall hold a minimum of three events per year which may include the annual chapter meeting at the TMAC annual general meeting. The chapter Executive and/or Board shall determine where, when and for what purpose each of the meetings shall occur.
14. TMAC members who are not currently members of a chapter may, where possible, attend any of the events put on by an existing chapter.
15. The TMAC Board of Directors shall include one or more directors who are responsible for liaising with the President of each chapter. Any concerns raised by a chapter shall be provided to the TMAC chapter liaison director(s) who in turn shall present it to the Board. If the concern raised is urgent the chapter liaison director shall bring that to the immediate attention of the TMAC President and the Executive Director.