Code of Conduct: Committee Members

Committees of TMAC and each member thereof has the authority and responsibility to create and recommend rules and policies that are in the best interest and for the benefit of the association.

TMAC expects members to maintain a high standard of ethical performance in the conduct of the Association’s business. The following rules of conduct, standards of behavior, ethics, and enforcement procedures are applicable to each Member and must be signed by all member candidates prior to being eligible to serve on a committee. 

1. Members shall act in the best interest of the Association as a whole. 

  1. Each Member serves for the benefit of the entire Association and shall strive at all times to do what is best for the Association. Members shall not use their position for private gain, nor seek to benefit for any specific interest or interest group of any kind. 


  • No member shall solicit or accept from any person, either directly or indirectly any gratuity, gift, favour, or any other thing of monetary value or personal gain for the purpose of influencing the Member’s decision or vote. 
  • No member shall seek preferential treatment by the Board, its committees , the Association staff, or its contractors or suppliers either for him/herself, or for another specific individual or interest. 
  • No Member shall knowingly misrepresent facts. 
  • No Member shall knowingly take any action which is intended to, or which is reasonably likely to bring harm to the Association, another member, or the association staff.
  • No Member shall interfere with the duties of the management, staff, or any contractor executing a contract in progress. 
  • The above list is not intended to be exhaustive, and is offered for illustrative purposes only. 

2. Members shall comply with governing documents and relevant law.

  • Each Member shall become familiar with TMAC Bylaws, Administrative Policies, as they apply to the purview of his or her respective committee. Each Member shall endeavour to always make decisions consistent with these governing documents. Members shall likewise endeavour to make decision in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

3. Members shall work within the Association’s established protocol. 

  • Each Member shall abide by the system of management established by the Associations governing documents and the Board, and consistent with National law, and will work within that established protocol to establish change. No member shall act unilaterally in making any promise of work, selection, or employment to any contractor, supplier, Association, or staff member that has been duly ratified or approved by the Board and consistent with local law. 

4. Members shall set high standards for themselves as Association members. 

  • Members shall hold themselves to the highest standards as members of the Association during their term and office and shall in all ways comply with the provisions of the Associations governing documents with respect to adherence to all rules, timelines in payment of any dues, professionalism, and conduct toward other Association members, committee Members, staff, The Association suppliers, and all contractors and vendors whether working for the Association or an individual member. 

5. Members shall always act in a professional manner. 

  • Members shall conduct themselves in a professional and businesslike manner at all Committee meetings, work sessions, and functions, and at all other times when relating to other Association members, guests, and TMAC staff, whether directly, or in a conversation with others. Personal attacks, threats, defamation, intimidation, or harassments are not consistent with the best interest of the Association and will not be tolerated. Language shall be kept professional, and inevitable differences of opinions shall be expressed and handled in a businesslike manner. 

6. Members shall always maintain confidentiality. 

  • Members shall maintain the confidentiality of all legal, contractual, personnel, meeting, and staff issues declared to be confidential at the time. The confidentiality of the personal lives of fellow Members, Association members, management, and other staff shall also be maintained. The above includes endeavouring to ensure all spousal and family members keep these confidences.

7. A Member shall disclose and refrain from acting on matters where the Member has a conflict of interest. 

  • A Member shall immediately disclose to the committee chairperson any conflict of interest and shall not vote on any issue for which the Member has a conflict of interest. For purposes of this paragraph, a “conflict of interest” means any personal interest or benefit (financial or otherwise) accruing to the Member related to an action to be taken by the Association. 


  • Action that results in personal financial gain to a member. (“Self dealing eg favoruing or ensuring selection of a vendor in which the Member has a financial interest) 

8. This Code of Conduct shall not be abused. 

  • This Code of Conduct shall not be used by any Member as a tool to target or harass an individual member with frivolous or unwarranted allegations, or to frequently or unnecessarily involve the Board or Staff in devoting time to such frivolous or unwarranted issues. 

9. Committee Members are subject to removal for any violation of this Code of Conduct

  • Committee Member Code of Conduct (Must be signed and presented to the Committee Chair upon appointment and prior to being able to sit at the Committee table as a recognized member)