Invitation to Submit Bid to Host Future TMAC Conference

December 3, 2019

The Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) is seeking applications to secure a
host destination for our Conference & Annual General Meeting for 2021 and
beyond. Pitches for years 2022-2026 are warmly welcomed.

If we should be forwarding this to another member of your organization, please let us know.

The four-day conference (which usually takes place between March and June)
traditionally begins on a Wednesday, with sessions and programming offered
through to the closing awards and dinner on Saturday evening and departure on
Sunday. Three-day media tours are offered prior to and/or after the conference. In
recent years, TMAC’s average attendance is 150 members; approximately 45% are
media and 55% are industry.

By hosting TMAC’s Conference and AGM, your city has the opportunity to:

• Showcase your destination to Canada’s best and most active professional
travel writers, broadcasters, editors, bloggers, online influencers, publishers
and photographers.
• Receive extensive Canadian, U.S. and international editorial coverage — both
short-term and long-term — in print and online media outlets, social media
channels, and radio and tv broadcasters all created by leading travel
journalists and online influencers.
• Develop your own one-on-one contacts.
• Host four events attended by an average of 90% of attendees that include the
casual welcome reception, the formal opening reception and dinner, a dinearound evening event (or equivalent) and the closing dinner gala.
• See your destination highlighted on the TMAC website as well as on the
conference registration site.
• Experience a social media buzz with custom hashtags before, during and
after the event itself.
• Be referred to as the premier sponsor for the event, which comes with the
privilege of being the exclusive host of major social functions at the

For more detailed information, please click HERE.

To access the BUDGET TEMPLATE, please click HERE and download.

Proposed Schedule for 2021 Bids*
Receipt of Letter of Intent  • January 10, 2020
Review Committee Short List for 2021 • January 31, 2020
Site Visit/Final Selection for 2021  • February 29, 2020
Contracts Signed for 2021  • March 31, 2020

* Subject to change

Future Host Committee
Jerry Grymek, Co-chair –
Melody Wren, Co-chair –
Marc Smith –