Call for Nominations for 2018/2019 TMAC National Board Now Open

April 29, 2018

Each year at this time TMAC Directors solicit nominations for the forthcoming year’s National Board of Directors. For 2018-2019 we need to elect members for the following positions:

(3) Directors for a two-year term (from among Media or Industry members)

Please consider nominating someone – or standing for office yourself. These are all volunteer positions, and the Board is only as good as the people on it. A Nomination Form is attached. Each nominee requires a sponsor and a seconder. The election will be held at the TMAC Annual General Meeting in Victoria, BC on Saturday, June 3, 2018 at approximately 10:00 a. m. in the Crystal Boardroom, Fairmont Empress.

As part of the newly announced Volunteer Engagement Program, all National Board Director at Large members receive:

• Membership dues waived
• Conference dues waived
• Seven volunteer points earned towards re-qualification (for Media)

To access the nomination form, please click here.

Deadline for receiving nominations is Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

For those unable to attend the AGM, a proxy form will be included in the AGM package. You can use your proxy to appoint someone to vote for you. 

Please help us ensure that we have a strong and dedicated National Board in 2018-2019.