Call for Applications: TMAC CAO

July 5, 2022


Call for Applications for TMAC CAO
June 28, 2022


TMAC is changing the way we engage with our main service provider, the Chief Administrative Officer. Since 2017, TMAC has worked with contractors to meet its needs. Based on this experience and after soliciting legal and insurance advice, TMAC is moving to an employee agreement with the CAO. To fill the position, TMAC is offering this position within the organization to members and contractors.  If no successful applicant is identified within TMAC, we will advertise the position more broadly.

The position begins on August 2, 2022. The salary begins at $50,000 annually and includes three weeks of paid vacation and consideration of some expenses such as phone, computer and board-approved travel. After a six month probationary period, the position will become permanent. Below is the job description for more information about the job responsibilities.

Deadline: To apply, email a letter of application, CV and three references to . Application deadline is 11:59 PM EDT on July 12, 2022.

TMAC CAO Job Description


The Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) is the Canadian not for profit association serving industry and all media travel professionals. The association currently has about 350 members — Canadian writers, photographers, videographers, bloggers and social media mavens, as well as highly respected representatives of the travel industry from around the world. Our mission is to foster excellence in travel media coverage on all platforms, to promote professional development, to uphold ethical standards and to encourage the dissemination and exchange of information about travel. We cultivate relationships that result in relevant connections, comprehensive opportunities and successful outcomes. As an organization, we strive for inclusivity, openness and forward- thinking in the ever-changing travel industry environment. TMAC values diversity and equal opportunity.

CAO Responsibilities:

The CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) plays a key role in all administrative functions of TMAC, including general administration, financial oversight, conference facilitation, future host and sponsorship outreach and planning, brand development, partnerships and website management. Functioning both collaboratively and independently, this team member is responsible for ensuring that TMAC operates effectively and efficiently while helping to build TMAC’s brand and organizational profile through ensuring a strong presence and forward looking marketing and partnership initiatives.

Broad Responsibilities:

– General

– Financial Oversight

– Administration

– Membership Relations

– Conference, Future Host and Sponsorship

– Website

– Marketing


  • Coordinate with and take direction from the Board and from all relevant Committees of the Board in carrying out all tasks.
  • Make monthly reports to the National Board and Membership Committee summarizing monthly activities, estimates of time spent on broad responsibilities monthly and year-to-date, outline upcoming tasks and provide alerts to any urgent matters.
  • Participate in an annual performance review.
  • Coordinate with and take direction from the Board and from the Membership Committee, Awards Committee and all other relevant Committees of the Board in carrying out all tasks.
  • Other duties as assigned by the board.

Financial Oversight

  • Secure and contract bookkeeping services, auditor, web tech services, and any other required services as approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Oversee bookkeeper, web tech and any other outsourced services.
  • Prepare TMAC books for annual financial audit, liaise with auditor to provide all information requested and make all adjustments suggested by the auditor.
  • Ensure TMAC meets responsibilities required by the Canada Corporations Act, including annual filings.
  • Ensure TMAC has necessary liability and indemnification insurance for the Board and association.
  • Change the signing officers of the TMAC account to reflect new signing officers and ensure that TMAC has a banking and signing policy in place and it is updated as required.
  • Process membership fees.
  • Process all cheques and other payments.
  • Provide the Treasurer with monthly statements and a detailed quarterly financial report.


  • Manage and oversee contracted services to ensure TMAC’s needs are being met.
  • Assist the Secretary in organizing monthly board conference calls.
  • Working with the Secretary, Treasurer, President and Committees, distribute Board packages to TMAC Board members in advance of each meeting including financial statements, agenda and any required supporting material.
  • In advance of monthly Board meetings, provide financial statements to the Treasurer for approval and distribution.
  • Attend and record all Board meetings and, if necessary, assist the Secretary in preparation of the Minutes within seven days of each meeting.
  • Oversee and administer the reimbursement of all TMAC related expenses to National Board and Association members.
  • Coordinate and oversee distribution of AGM package, including the annual report.
  • Implement the strategic plan as developed and directed by the National Board of Directors.
  • Organize strategic planning sessions only as directed by the National Board.

Member recruitment

  • Design and implement an annual recruitment drive.
  • Receipt of membership applications determine eligibility and work with Media and Industry Committees to approve new and renewed memberships.
  • Collect membership renewals and process membership dues.
  • Follow up with overdue accounts.
  • Design, print and distribute media membership press cards and optional industry ID cards.
  • Explore and propose new TMAC membership categories that reflect the changes in the travel industry and the emergence of social media.
  • Develop initiatives and strategies to grow TMAC membership.

Membership management

  • Maintain membership database.
  • Provide updated lists to Chapter Chairs on a monthly basis.

Member relations

  • Respond to enquiries from members in a timely manner with the goal of satisfying all enquiries in a complete and timely manner.
  • Respond to enquiries from National Board, National Committee Chairs, Provincial Chapter Chairs.
  • Attend chapter meetings and M&M’s whenever possible.

Conference, Future Host and Sponsorship

  • Facilitate the execution of the annual conference under the leadership of the Conference Planning Committee (CPC).
  • Support CPC in the solicitation of host proposals.
  • Visit prospective sites when necessary, possible, affordable.
  • Send announcement of selected host destination and conference dates to TMAC members.
  • Prepare and work within the conference budget in collaboration with the TMAC Treasurer and CPC.
  • Ensure conference payments and invoices are dealt with in a timely fashion.
  • Submit final report to Board including revenue and expense overview, sponsorship and final registration summary by membership type, including provincial breakdown and comparison to previous conferences.
  • Work with Sponsorship Committee to communicate opportunities to industry and liaise with sponsors.
  • Ensure that TMAC has an efficient registration, media marketplace appointments and all other necessary components required.
  • Maintain and update registrations as required. Ensure that the registration service provider has the capabilities of producing name tags, delegate kits (if required), media marketplace appointment schedule distribution.
  • Ensure all additional expertise is available for audio visual and technology on site.
  • Manage delegate requirements.
  • Coordinate and confirm conference venue and room blocks.
  • Prepare in conjunction with CPC and PD Committee a detailed review of conference programming and activities for presentation to the TMAC Board of Directors.
  • Assist in procurement and distribution of gifting for hosts and sponsors, if required.
  • Manage all issues that may arise onsite related to transportation, sponsorship, host destination, offsite venues and registration. Arrive 48 hours in advance and be on call 24/7 during the conference.
  • Support TMAC Board of Directors in the preparation and facilitation of the AGM and ensure all necessary voting materials are printed and distributed in proper quantity and in a timely manner.
  • Design and carry out a conference survey of all delegates and report findings to Board of Directors and CPC.


  • Administer the functioning and evolution of the TMAC website to best serve members.
  • Manage and oversee all aspects of the TMAC website ensuring information is current as it pertains to all aspects of the organization including communication pieces, Board packages and annual conference updates and registration.
  • Manage the TMAC website within parameters of annual operating budget.
  • Liaise with web developer, as required, to ensure changes to TMAC website are made accurately and expeditiously.
  • Develop SEO plan and interpret data sets to grow TMAC profiles.


  • Help position TMAC as the leading industry voice in the Canadian travel marketplace.
  • As overseen by the National Board, develop marketing initiatives and build partnerships to help raise the profile of TMAC in the Canadian travel marketplace.
  • Develop marketing and communication plans across all communications channels.
  • Develop an external social media strategy and manage the platforms on a daily basis.
  • Develop sponsorship programs to retain existing sponsors and attract new sponsors to TMAC.
  • Working with the National Board, serve as TMAC’s industry representative at other travel conferences and travel related events where appropriate or as directed by the National Board (e.g. Go Media, etc.)
  • As CAO, attend chapter meetings and M&M’s as required or as directed by the National Board.