Buddy System Announced for 2018 TMAC Conference

 Is this your first time to the TMAC Conference? Would you like a “Buddy” who will act as your TMAC ambassador to guide you through everything TMAC at the conference? If so, let us know now!A TMAC Buddy will:• Reach out with an email introduction prior to the conference• Arrange to meet with you at the […]

Industry Career Opportunity for Manager, Travel and Lifestyle Media, Tourism Victoria

Manager, Travel and Lifestyle Media Position Available Tourism Victoria is a rapidly growing, dynamic, and successful organization looking to add to our talented team. Victoria is an increasingly popular and desirable travel destination and recently received the Reader’s Choice Award from Conde Nast Traveller as second best small city in the world. Tourism Victoria has […]

Notice of Annual and Special Meeting of the Members of TMAC

Please take note that the Annual and Special Meeting of the members of TMAC will be held at the Fairmont Empress, 721 Government St, Victoria, BC V8W 1W5 on Saturday, June 2, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. PDT to conduct the following business: 1.      Receive the minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting held in Quebec City, […]

Call for Nominations for 2018/2019 TMAC National Board Now Open

Each year at this time TMAC Directors solicit nominations for the forthcoming year’s National Board of Directors. For 2018-2019 we need to elect members for the following positions: (3) Directors for a two-year term (from among Media or Industry members) Please consider nominating someone – or standing for office yourself. These are all volunteer positions, […]

TMAC’s 2018 Media Marketplace Appointment Scheduling Now Open

This is a brand new module, fully integrated with TMAC’s website, so please follow the directions carefully.  If you are a registered conference delegate, please go to your profile page. You will notice that a new tab has been added called MEDIA MARKETPLACE. If you have not done so yet, this would be an ideal time to […]

TMAC Membership and Conference Update

MEMBERSHIP DUES Please note that we have created an online payment system to collect outstanding membership dues. Those of you who have not yet paid will receive an individual notification shortly. Please note that Chapter funding is based on members in good standing as at April 30, 2018. CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE – MEDIA SPACES STILL AVAILABLE […]

Pre-tours and Travel Grants Announced Today

For those of you who are attending this year’s TMAC Conference and AGM in Victoria and have requested a pre-tour and/or a travel grant, you should have received an e-mail by now notifying you of your pre-tour selection and your travel grant amount. If you have not received an e-mail today, please contact Elizabeth Kerr.

TMAC 2018 Conference Update – Transportation

Please be advised that we are in the process of negotiating discounts for flights with both Air Canada and Westjet, the details of which will be posted March 1, 2018. Detailed information re: ferries and flights, etc. from Vancouver to Victoria will also be included at that time.

TMAC 2018’s Conference Registration is Now Open

I am delighted to announce the launch of registration for  TMAC’s 2018 Conference and AGM taking place in Victoria, BC May 30, 2018-June 3, 2018. Please note that only members in good standing are able to register today. More than twenty TMAC members are working very hard to make this TMAC’s best conference ever, taking into […]

Welcome to TMAC’s New Website and Profile Portal Upload Function

Please look for an e-mail in your inbox for the link to the detailed instructions to assist you in creating your new TMAC profile. Please follow these instructions carefully. Your TMAC profile has several new features embedded in it to help you build a professional looking profile. The content you supply is a key component […]