Heidi Korven
Kootenay Rockies Tourism

Chosen Pronoun: She/Her

Email: heidi@kootenayrockies.com

The jagged peaks of the Canadian Rockies rise in parallel with those of the Columbia Mountains (sub ranges include the Purcells, Selkirks, Valhallas and Monashees). In between are valleys, rivers and lakes that have enabled human existence for thousands of years. With 4 national parks (Yoho, Kootenay, Mount Revelstoke and Glacier) and over 75 provincial parks distributed throughout the Kootenay Rockies, there are vast areas of unspoiled wilderness and incomparable scenic beauty just waiting to be explored.  Amidst this wilderness is the opportunity to connect with some of the deep origins of North America’s history: from wonderfully resorted heritage towns and historic gold rush boomtowns to thriving arts communities. It’s a land of hospitality and graciousness, with a plethora of accommodations that range from wilderness camping to luxury stays in a natural setting. Here, in this part of the world, you are authentic, true, and somehow more alive within.