Each year, TMAC Directors invite nominations to fill vacancies for the National Board of Directors.
In the approach to our AGM being hosted on May 15th, with a maximum capacity of 11 positions on the Board of Directors, we are currently seeking nominations for five (5) Directors-at-Large for a two-year term (from among media or industry members), beginning June 17, 2024.
Click here for full details on the Nomination process.
Nomination Deadline: 12:00pm EST, March 23, 2024.
Nominees and the nominator, must be TMAC members in good standing.
Using the Nomination Form, nominations must include naming of the nominee, a nominator, a seconder, and the submission of a nominee bio (250-300 words).
Nominations will only be received by TMAC National Board Secretary, Katie Conklin,via completion of the online nomination form.
Questions regarding the Call for Nominations and elections can be directed to Katie by email at secretary@travelmedia.ca(link sends e-mail).
Elections, if required will be conducted electronically, with voting taking place between March 26 - April 5, 2024.
The 2024/2025 Slate of Officers will be presented within the AGM Package being distributed on April 12, 2023.
The AGM will be held on May 15 at 1:00pm EST via Zoom, please RSVP HERE.