Please note the deadline to submit pre AND post tour preferences is Friday, February 23rd, at 3:00 PM, EST.


Here is how to select from both pre AND post tour preferences in St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, for 2024

Note: We didn't make this easy - so we apologies in advance! 


Use my example below to guide you. In the example I provided, I chose 1 pre tour and 2 post tours.


Step 1. Open the Pre-Trip Form.

Step 2. Add the name of the pre-tour you want to attend in your number of preference

Step 3. Add the words: My [insert choice # here] choice is a Post Trip to the choices that aren't going to be pre-tour selections. 

      Then write: Reason: See post trip form.


Your pre- form could end up looking something like this: 


1) My first choice is a Post Trip

Reason: see post trip form


2) Gros Morne Bucket List 

Reason: I've always wanted to visit Gros Morne.


3) My third choice is a Post Trip

Reason: see post trip form


Step 4: Submit the pre trip form.

Step 5: Opening the Post Trip Form and follow the same steps as above.


Your post- form could end up looking something like this: 


1) Birding on the Edge in St. John's

Reason: Birding is my area of expertise 


2) My second choice is a PreTrip

Reason: I've already wanted to visit Gros Morne.


3) City Joys and the Irish Loop in St John's

Reason: My ancestors are Irish 


Step 6: Submit this form.


Again, use my example below to guide you. In the example I provided, I chose 1 pre tour and 2 post tours.


Good luck!