Join Naturalist, Biologist and Storyteller Erica Hargreave as she explores and makes new friends on Salt Spring Island around their mutual love of parks. Walk back in history to meet Salt Spring's First Peoples pre-contact, visit BC's oldest working farm that exemplifies the culture of sustainability that is Salt Spring Island, help Erica to hoot alongside one of the wise old creatures that has inspired so many local artisans, and join Erica in hugging and kissing a tree as she discovers the Islanders' elixir to their youth and creativity.
Continually being picked up by new networks. First release in the Winter of 2017. Latest release in the Summer of 2020.
Winner of the 2018 Best Documentary at the Woodengate Film Festival in Romania.
Nominee for Best Pilot (under 30-minutes) and Best Cinematography at Vancouver Web Festival, Best Nature / Wildlife Documentary at the Canadian Diversity Film Festival, and Best Documentary at Ouchy Film Festival.