Le Québec en camping


Plus de 190 terrains et des idées pour explorer 16 régions, de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine!

À la recherche de nouveaux sites où planter votre tente, reculer votre VR ou séjourner dans un prêt-à-camper? C'est par ici! La journaliste et campeuse chevronnée Marie-France Bornais a sillonné 16 régions du Québec à la découverte
des meilleurs campings, ceux où les hôtes, les installations et la beauté des emplacements se démarquent. Dans cette nouvelle édition augmentée, vous trouverez:

• plus de 190 campings;
• des pictos pratiques, notamment pour repérer les bornes de recharge des véhicules électriques;
• des attraits incontournables dans chaque région;
• des activités de plein air;
• des conseils de pro et des ressources pour vous faciliter la vie!


More than 190 campgrounds described and dozens of ideas to explore 16 tourist regions of the Province of Quebec.

Looking for great campsites to pitch your tent or park your RV? Or might you prefer glamping? Check this book out!

Journalist, avid camper and experienced roadtripper Marie-France Bornais has explored 16 tourist areas of Quebec, in search of the most interesting campgrounds, might they be in a National Park, a Provincial Park or privately owned. She has picked the campgrounds that offer the best overall camping experience, the most scenic views, the best family camping. She also features the not-to-be-missed experiences, places to go, great things to see in each region, bike paths and hiking trails, good places to eat nearby, and a lot more.

In this 2nd edition, revised and loaded with new material, the author provides information on:

  • More than 190 campgrounds for all type of camping
  • What to see and do in 16 tourist areas, from Abitibi-Temiscamping to the Magdalena Islands
  • Pictograms to find out which amenities are available, such as wifi, swimming pools and EV recharge stations
  • Attractions, museums, off-the-beaten-path places worth visiting
  • Outdoor activities
  • Lots of tips to make sure you will be a «happy camper»!