Each year, TMAC Directors invite nominations for the forthcoming year’s National Board of Directors.
In the approach to our AGM being hosted on May 26th, we are currently seeking nominations for four (4) Directors-at-large for a two-year term (from among media or industry members), for a term beginning June 26, 2022.
These four positions will join the balance of the Board of Director members who are all currently serving the second of their two year term, including myself as the President, Vice-President Paul Knowles, Secretary Judi Cohen, Treasurer Grant Fraser, and Directors at Large, Pam Wamback, Yashy Murphy and Jerry Grymek.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are extending an invitation to yourself to consider nominating someone – or standing for office yourself. These positions are volunteer positions. As we emerge from the impacts of COVID-19 and contribute to the recovery of the tourism industry and success of our members, our organization is strengthened and driven by the contributions of our Board of Directors.
Please note the following:
• Nomination Deadline: 11:59pm EST, March 31, 2022.
• Nominations must include a nominator, a seconder, and the submission of a nominee bio (250-300 words).
• Nominations will only be received via email, submitted directly to Judi Cohen, TMAC National Board Secretary at secretary@travelmedia.ca.
• March 8 Information Session:
Members in good standing interested in running for one of the four board vacancies are invited to attend a Board of Directors Information Session being held on Tuesday March 8, 2022 at 4:30pm EST via Zoom.
MISSED THE MARCH 8 SESSION? Here is the recording and reference document:
• Elections, if required will be conducted electronically, with voting taking place between April 13 – 20, 2022.
• The 2022/2023 Slate of Officers will be presented within the AGM Package, with the AGM being held on May 26 at 1:00pm EST via Zoom. Details will be forthcoming.
NOMINATION FORM can be found here.
Being elected to the National Board for the position of Director-at-Large includes the following responsibilities:
• Elected by the membership for a two year period, for the term of 2022-2024, effective June 26, 2022 at the Board meeting on the final day of the 2022 TMAC Conference.
• All directors are expected to attend monthly and special meetings of the National Board (typically via Zoom).
• Executes the leadership responsibilities as outlined in the Directors Code of Conduct.
• All directors are expected to chair a national committee, and are responsible for executing the strategic plan for the National Committee they are leading.
• Directors will attend the National Conference and take on key leadership roles and responsibilities for the duration of the conference.
A complete copy of the Mandate of the Board of Directors and Position Descriptions, can be viewed here.
As part of the Volunteer Engagement Program, National Board Director-at-Large members receive:
• Membership Dues Waived
• Conference Dues Waived
• Seven (7) Volunteer Points Per Year towards Re-qualification (media members)
Information on the current Board of Directors can be found here on our website.
Deadline for receiving nominations is Thursday March 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Please help us ensure that we have a strong and dedicated National Board in 2022-2023, and beyond.
Your contributions ensure TMAC’s success, than you in advance for nominating – or running for our Board of Directors.
Tracy Ford, President
Travel Media Association of Canada