September 27, 2022
Today, globally we stand united as we acknowledge and celebrate World Tourism Day!
Proudly, from our place of privilege, through our first person lens and experiences, we are grateful to have the opportunity to curate and share stories about people, places and cultures, inspire and motivate travel, educate and build awareness about destinations, done so with pride and respect.
As Canadian Travel Media professionals, today and everyday, we acknowledge and embrace UNTWO Secretary-General iZurab Pololikashvili’s message – we too know the potential of tourism is enormous. Having a significant and respected voice within the tourism industry, and in the marketplace, we too are responsible to play a role, one we welcome gratefully.
While our accredited members may be Canadian, their lens and reach is global, as is their impact.
In the wake of COVID-19, internationally, the economic significance of tourism has be recognized. As the Tourism Industry Association of Canada has often said, tourism was hit first and hardest, and will be the last to recover. Now is the ideal time to rethink tourism, curating the industry we need, and want.
We’re proud to be a part of the Tourism Industry, from our homes in Canada – globally!
For more information on UNWTO:
For more information on Travel Media Association of Canada:
Donna Hatt, CAO
Travel Media Association of Canada