New TMAC Board Energized, Ready to Contribute to Tourism Recovery

July 15, 2021


New Travel Media Association of Canada Board Energized, Ready to Contribute to Tourism Recovery

Thursday July 15, 2021 – Bridgewater, Nova Scotia – Never before has the role of travel media been more important to the travel industry, and our communities. Through the collective voices of the Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) members, and their newly elected Board of Directors, efforts are well underway to inspire and motivate travel as restrictions ease and the hardest hit sector of our economy, the tourism industry.

Energized by their successful annual conference and AGM, stepping forward to curate a stronger way forward is the newly elected Board of TMAC Directors with a commitment to supporting their members while engaging and contributing to the sector and economic rebound.

“COVID-19 hit our members hard” stated TMAC’s president, Tracy Ford. “Our members not only work within the travel industry, they live and breathe travel serving as champions and storytellers for the tourism sector. This pandemic led to many uncertainties for our members – who feel more
like family .”

Having just celebrated their 25th Anniversary in 2019, the shutdown that ensued early in 2020 saw TMAC rally together in support of their members, hosting national and local events that have brought the community together to not only grieve but celebrate, collaborate and even innovate.

The Annual Conference, a cornerstone for the organization and its members, went ahead successfully in 2021 with nearly 200 travel media and industry members in attendance, virtually. Recognizing excellence in travel media, drawing from more than 400 submissions – a record number – the annual TMAC Awards were also presented across 14 categories at the conference.

Ford says the theme for the conference, ‘Together Towards Tomorrow’ was fitting, and embodies the spirit of the newly sworn in National Board of Directors.

As restrictions ease and their sights set on helping the travel industry and economy bounce back, TMAC is drawing on the expertise of its board, preparing aggressive communication strategies and strengthening of their membership as they work to inspire safe travel and serve as a hub for the community to connect and share ideas.

Putting into practice their commitment to build confidence and contribute to the recovery of tourism, plans are well underway for hosting their 2022 in-person Conference being held over four days in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in June.

Drawing on decades of experience and a wealth of insight, TMAC welcomed returning and new board members at their AGM in June, each bring a rich history of knowledge, as well as, new faces that bring fresh ideas and perspectives. Newly elected board members include an impressive collection of individuals:

  • President: Tracy Ford, Director of Public Relations, Chelsea Hotel, Toronto
  • Vice-President: Paul Knowles, Freelance Travel Writer & Editor
  • Treasurer: Grant Fraser, Contributing Writer & Photographer, Flagstick Magazine
  • Secretary: Judi Cohen, Freelance Writer, Social Media Influencer, Founder: Traveling Judi
  • Director-at-large: Darcy Rhyno, Freelance Writer & Photographer
  • Director-at-large: Kattrin Duncan, Global Media Specialist, Destination Ontario
  • Director-at-large: Guy Thériault, Senior Marketing Specialist, Parks Canada
  • Director-at-large: Jami Savage, Family Travel Writer, Adventure Awaits & Owner, Savage & Wiser Digital Marketing Agency
  • Director-at-large: Jerry Grymek, Vice President, Client Services, LMA Communications Inc
  • Director-at-large: Yashy Murphy, Freelance Social Media Strategist & Content Curator,
    Y Curation & Content Creator, Parenting To Go
  • Director-at-large: Pamela Wamback, Media Relations Specialist, Tourism Nova Scotia

Working in partnership with its committees, partners, and welcoming new members regularly, TMAC looks forward to building on the foundation established by past board and committee members while expanding and forging ahead to grow their impact and role for their members, and the communities they serve.

It’s evident they embrace and exemplify their TMAC motto , “We ARE Going Places!”, and they invite you to join them, safely. For more information about the Travel Media Association of Canada, visit .


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For inquiries:

Donna Hatt, Chief Administration Officer

@Travel Media Association of Canada


About Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC)

TMAC is a Canadian not-for-profit association serving industry and media travel professionals and directed by a volunteer board of directors. They cultivate relationships that result in relevant connections, comprehensive opportunities and successful outcomes. As an organization, they strive for inclusivity, openness and forward-thinking in the ever-changing travel industry environment. Founded in 1994, TMAC represents Canada’s most professional and productive experts in the field of travel. The association currently has almost 400 members — Canadian writers, photographers, videographers, bloggers and social media mavens, as well as highly respected representatives of the travel industry from around the world. The membership is well represented across Canada and supports four regional chapters: British Columbia, Alberta & NWT, Ontario and Atlantic.