Message From the President Re: 2020 Conference Update

May 15, 2020

MAY 15, 2020 – As you know, the National Board, the Conference Committee and the City of Greater Sudbury have continued to work very closely exploring ways in which to move forward with TMAC’s 2020 Conference & AGM. We have considered all the factors that would impact our decision and together have determined that conducting an in-person event in September 2020 is simply not feasible. Therefore, we are officially cancelling TMAC’s 2020 Conference & AGM.

Not proceeding with the conference will impact TMAC’s bottom line, however we are fortunate that, as a result of the sound fiscal management of TMAC over the past 10 years, we have the financial reserves to be able to ride out these extraordinary times and continue to thrive.
There is a legal requirement for TMAC to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year. This year, we will be holding our AGM virtually on Tuesday, June 30 at 1:00 p.m. EDT. During this meeting, we will be making some very exciting announcements about future TMAC events.
In order to prepare our 2019 Annual Report, a request for updates from all Chapter Chairs and Chairs of National Committees will be sent out shortly. The deadline for these reports will be Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

The AGM package will be distributed on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 along with a Survey Monkey allowing each member to vote on any motion to be put forth at the AGM, including the Election of Officers, the approval of the Financial Statements and the appointment of TMAC’s auditor. We will create a Q&A page on the website to enable members to submit questions that relate to the AGM package (to help make an informed decision before voting). Questions regarding any other issue they feel is important to address are also welcomed. These questions will all be answered in a timely fashion by the Board and posted on the Q&A page on the website.

The Nominations Package is attached to this e-mail. There are currently three (3) Director-at-Large positions open. Nominations will remain open until Friday, May 29, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

We will be announcing the Top 5 (five) Finalists for each category for our 2019 TMAC Awards on Tuesday, May 19, 2020. The Awards Committee is now investigating how best to conduct a virtual Awards Ceremony. Dates, details and sponsorship opportunities to follow.
We will be revisiting the possibility of hosting a virtual Media Marketplace in the Fall. Members will be polled to determine the level of interest and participation and the Conference Committee will be exploring ways in which to deliver a robust Media Marketplace, in the event we proceed.

Although we are truly disappointed that we will not be joining together in Sudbury in 2020, we do know that not doing so is the right decision.
We will continue to keep you updated as events unfold. In the meantime, please send your thoughts to me at and Elizabeth at