Call for Submissions: TMAC Member Voted Awards NOW OPEN

April 6, 2022

Annually, TMAC curates a series of awards intended to acknowledge and celebrate excellence from among its media and industry members. This year, again, we invite submissions for a number of awards which will be voted on by YOU, our membership.

As you review the list of categories below, we invite you to embrace the People’s Choice Photo Award, reflect upon your fellow members as you consider nominating individuals for the Volunteer of the Year and Industry Member of the Year, and we want to draw your attention to two new awards being introduced this year.

Over the past couple of years, TMAC has experienced the loss of two of its family members. Honouring their memory and their excellence within travel media, we are pleased to welcome two new annual awards.

The Nathan Fong Award is being presented by our colleagues within the BC & Yukon Chapter. This award will welcome story submissions that raise awareness and highlight the many contributions Canadians of Asian descent have made in Canada.

The Ann Britton Campbell Award invites story submissions that celebrate travel and the bonds it strengthens among family. Proudly honouring the memory of Ann, her family is sponsoring this award. Submissions will be initially voted on by you, our membership, with the five (5) finalists being presented to Kent Campbell and family for the final selection of a winner.

These five (5) TMAC Member Voted Awards are in addition to the 11 TMAC Awards which recently closed for submissions and being reviewed by our judges. We invite you to review the member-voted awards below, with guidelines and descriptions available here on our website.

DEADLINES (may be subject to change):
March 31: Awards Submission OPEN
April 27: Awards Submission CLOSES 11:59pm EST
May 2 – 16: Member Voting
May 19 – 31: Member Voting (Round 2 if needed)
June 25: Winners Announced at the 2022 TMAC Awards Gala in Yarmouth, NS 

Submit Now!

We look forward to your receiving your submissions and nominations.

Interested in reviewing who won last year? Details can be found here for our Member Voted and our 2020 TMAC Awards.

TMAC Awards Committee,
Tracy Ford, Chair
Diane Selkirk
Erica Hargreave
Rhonda Krause
Sabrina Pirillo

For any inquiries and further information, contact Donna Hatt, TMAC CAO at