Another week, another chance to enter spectacular stories

January 31, 2024

Another week, another chance to enter your spectacular stories into the 2023 JUDGED TMAC Award Categories. There are several categories and media forms to enter, including 

Stories 10-minutes & UNDER in Length 

Specifically for this category, the play length of the story (in whatever format) should be 10-minutes or under.

It is exciting to see an increasing number of our members sharing their travel stories through various forms of digital video and audio storytelling. This category is designed to celebrate that, as well as to encourage storytelling with newer and emerging forms of immersive and interactive media, like virtual reality and augmented reality.

We invite you to submit your travel related podcasts, films, digital video (this includes TikTok videos and videos on other short form video platforms), audio guides, games, immersive media (such as augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality projects), travel apps, and interactive stories in this category.