TMAC Board Minutes – September 30, 2020

Present: Jerry Grymek, Tracy Ford, Dale Dunlop, Guy Thériault , Monica MacNeil, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Paul Knowles, ED Elizabeth Kerr

Minutes recorded by PK.

Meeting called to order by DD at 12: p.m.

Agenda: Approved

Minutes of July 29: Moved by JG, seconded, GT, carried.

Financial Report: EK noted that DR will a full financial report at the October meeting, reflecting third quarter results as at September 30, 2020

Membership: EK presented a current report; overall, we have lost 65 members (Cancelled: 10 media, 12 industry; expired, 15 media, 28 industry). Current membership totals 296 (153 media, 143 industry). EK attributes the bulk of the loss to COVID-19 or retirement of individual members.

Org chart: EK presented an updated National TMAC organizational chart.

Webinars: DD inquired about the continued plans for webinars, since our director responsible for National PD has resigned. EK responded that the webinars will go ahead, and arrangements were made to ensure all correspondence related to them be made available to EK.

Appointment of director: After discussion about filling the vacancy on the board, it was agreed to approach the first runner-up in the 2020 election for board members. Moved by PK, seconded by JG, that Kattrin Duncan be asked to fill the position. Carried unanimously. EK to follow up with Kattrin directly.

Chapter report: PK reported that most chapters had little to report at this time; the exception is the Atlantic Chapter, where a Nova Scotia governmental funding program has created significant assignment opportunities for members.

Awards: TF reported that the committee has met by conference call, and are planning to poll the membership re. themes for awards for next year.

Media membership: JS reported that a meeting of the committee will be held in October.

Industry Membership: MM reported that there will be a push to gain new members and especially to renew lapsed members. As well, the committee is examining membership categories, especially considering adding the potential  for associations to become members.

2021 Conference: Plans are well underway for a virtual conference; announcements for 2021 and the two subsequent years will be made in the first week of October. JS reported that an effective and easily accessed virtual marketplace will be possible.

Resignation: It was moved by DR, seconded by JG, that the Board accept the resignation of Marc Smith from the National Board and from membership in TMAC. Carried.

Next meeting: Wed. October 28, 2020, 12 noon EDT.

DD: Declared the meeting adjourned.