Attendees: Paul Knowles, Grant Fraser, Judi Cohen, Jerry Grymek, Pamela Wamback, Yashy Murphy, Noelle Aune, Donna Hatt, Tracy Ford, Mark Stevens, Rod Charles
Regrets: Wendy Nordvik-Carr, Pierre Santoni
1.0 Call to Order – TF called the meeting to order at 12:03pm
2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF – Moved JG, Seconded PK, approved
3.0 Approval of Minutes –TF – Moved JG, Seconded GF, approved
July 20, 2022 – viewable here
4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes
4.1 TF reminded everyone to review the Director’s Suitcase (Directors Suitcase) if they haven’t yet done so. Volunteers are the backbone of the TMAC Board and committees. A brief discussion ensued on points for volunteering towards qualification.
4.2 2022-23 Committee descriptions, responsibilities and deliverables – status update
Judi reminded each of the committee Chairs that their 2022-23 deliverables as committee are due. While several have been submitted, others will be needed within the next 2 wks.
ACTION: TF requested that the collective deliverables, which will serve as the guidelines for the work of the committees and will impact budget planning for 2023, be prepared and circulated for our October board meeting and that it be an item on the agenda for review, discussion and adoption.
5.0 Financial Report – GF
5.1 Account Balances as of September 13, 2022
Business Unlimited |
Business Investor Account |
Credit Card Balance |
$164,628.36 |
$10,487.96 |
$0.00 |
5.2 UNAPPROVED Monthly Financial Reports:
Monthly Financial Reports: as of August 31/22 (Viewable Here).
GF reviewed the report, drawing attention to the projected 2022 fiscal year end tab.
Motion to approve Aug 31/22 monthly financial report, moved by GF, seconded by JC. Carried.
5.3 CRA Update
TF reported that all necessary steps to formalize DH as an employee under CRA is in progress.
5.4 Bank Signatures Update
TF reported that the bank signatories change is in progress. In keeping with our by-laws, min 2 signatories, from among our board, for 2022-23 this includes positions the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and CAO.
6.0 National Committee Reports (View Reports Here)
(Verbal Reports to be provided)
- Awards Committee: Mark Stevens
MS reported enthusiastic discussions among a very engaged committee. Reviewing survey from the conference and award categories. A new judging panel will be in place.
- Communications Committee: Yashy Murphy
YM reported the success in spreading love from the conference and assessing the impact of hosting within the community. Statistics have been gathered to demonstrate to future hosts the impact of TMAC in their communities.
- Conference Committee: Pam Wamback
PW shared a deck showing the budget and stats. Attached here. Bottom line YASTA achieved great return for their investment with over 40 published articles and hundreds of social media posts reaching over 200,000 thus far.
Start-up meetings are being held with RC as Vice Chair A visit to Sudbury by RC, PW and DH is scheduled in mid-November. PW stated that the schedule will be locked in by mid-January, and then the committee will proceed with implementation.
- Future Host Committee: Jerry Grymek
JG reported that the intent to bid document was sent out. Two bids are possible, maybe more, Kelowna and St. John’s. Penticton was originally interested however they have since reconsidered. It was noted that Vernon (Destination Silver Star) may be interested. Also, Thunder Bay is under consideration for 2025/26. JG is following up with US folks.
- Governance Committee: Judi Cohen
JC provided an update on the work being done by the committee towards a strategic planning session including retention of a consultant to facilitate an in-person session in Toronto. Total budget $7500, $5000 approved in 2022 budget, remaining $2500 requires pre-approval in 2023 budget.
Move that the board approve a 2023 pre-budget amount of $2500 in support of the consulting services by STEM Consulting for the strategic plan.
Moved by JC, seconded by GF – approved.
DH added that the timeframe for the one-day strategic planning session will likely be held the week of January 16, 2023 and a doodle poll will go out to find the best date for as many board members as possible.
- Human Resources Committee: Jerry Grymek
No updates. JG reported all good
- Membership Committee: Paul Knowles
PK referred Board to report submitted. The committee is still finalizing the point system for requalification, and updating new media categories. A recommendation to Committee and Board will be emailed for Board approval in early October.
A couple key points:
- The requalification every 3 years, as approved by board motion in April 2020, will be added to the governance documents and reflected in the membership documents. GF added that the committee is also looking at the volunteer points table and will be making recommendations.
- For 2023 re-qual only, after much discussion, the recommendation will suggest that members will be able to reach back to 2019, and include works up to and including Oct 31/22. Furthermore, if a member cannot achieve sufficient points to requalify, but can demonstrate future assignments or “indication of work on the books”, these will apply to the requalification.
- Volunteer Points for requalification have been updated to reflect the March 2022 board acceptance of the Governance Committee recommendation. Some clarification around this item is required.
- Requalification for 2023 applies to those members who have not re-qualified since 2019 and 2020. 2021 will requalify in 2024, and 2022 members will requalify in 2025.
- National PD Committee: Wendy Nordvik-Carr
Report submitted. No updates.
- Sponsorship Committee: Jerry Grymek
JG provided information in an updated deck. No discussion
7.0 Reports/Updates (Verbal Reports to be provided) (View Reports Here)
- BC & Yukon
Report enclosed. - Prairies & NWT NA noted that a summer e-bike event is being planned
NA reported a board call earlier this month. 2 events are planned; one is a hike with Leigh McAdam and the other is a holiday party to be held at Heritage Park. Ron will be arranging a Zoom fundraiser with a Ukrainian Chef and the invitation will be extended to all TMAC members. - Ontario -RC reported that the summer road trip in Hamilton was a success and other events outside of Toronto are in the works. TF confirmed that the Chelsea Hotel will be hosting a holiday party on December 6th. A huge thank you to Tracy Ford. The grant to Ontario University will be awarded this year, cash for clips continues as does the course grant of $100.
- Atlantic – Report enclosed.
8.0 CAO Report – DH TMAC Digital/Comms Report to Aug 31/22
Report enclosed within Board Report
Items for discussion:
1) DH explained that a site tour to Sudbury was not anticipated in the budget however a site visit is planned for Nov 17-19, 2022. Having discussed this item with our Treasurer, GF therefore tabled the following motion:
That $3000 be allocated from within Conference Expenses to support the Conference Committee to undertake a Sudbury site visit. This is intended to support travel/accommodations/foo, noting that where possible, the local host and partners will be leaned on to reduce our expenses.
Moved by GF, seconded by JG , approved.
2) DH submitted the following to the board for discussion.
In support of expanding our collaboration, presence and appearance as a national organization and partner within the tourism industry, there are three ways in which TMAC will become an active and engaged partner in the upcoming TIAC Congress in Ottawa, Nov 22-23.
a) Attend the TIAC Congress.
Budget allocation has already been put in place to include at least our CAO to attending the Congress to actively seek memberships, partnerships, prospective sponsors, and raise awareness of TMAC and our members among the industry leaders in attendance.
b) Donna has been working with TIAC to curate their Regenerative Tourism Panel at the Congress, mirrored after that of our own at our June conference. In addition to serving as the moderator for this session, Donna has been advocating for and working to ensure at least one of the panelists is one of our Media members. This will ensure we are contributing to the conversation and valued as part of it.
c) Discussions with TIAC to have TMAC be named Presenting Partner for the Canadian Tourism Award for the category of Travel Media Award. This includes marketing and positioning TMAC in affiliation of this award in all communications channels, and presenting the Award at the dinner event. This opportunity has been discussed with the Chair of our Communications Committee and seen to be of value and tremendous opportunity for branding and PR.
The actual cost of sponsorship is $15K, however an agreement has been met between our organizations that would see TMAC contribute $5K for this sponsorship.
This has not been a budgeted line item for 2022, however the following recommendation is being made to support this undertaking. Looking at creative and collaborative approaches to enable this to happen, preliminary outreach was made to our TMAC Chapter Chairs inviting them to be co-partners in making this possible as it will have positive impact on each National and Regional Chapters. Drawing from the 2022 Chapter allocation in the budget, we are proposing that $2500 be expensed from TMAC budget, and the remaining $2500 be funded from the 2022 Chapter allocation, prorated based on membership.
In support of TMAC becoming the Presenting Partner for the 2022 Canadian Tourism Awards, Travel Media Award category in the amount of $5K to be sourced from the following:
$2500 from 2022 TMAC Budget under a new expense line item.
$2500 from 2022 Chapter Funding allocation, prorated based on membership to include: BC/Yukon: $525, Prairies/NWT: $375, ONT: $1050, Atlantic: $550.
Moved by GF, Seconded by PK, approved.
3) Chapter Allocations
further to the discussion above, and in keeping with our Chapter Policy
Chapter |
% Breakdown |
2022 Amount |
TMAC Award Partnership |
Balance to Chapter |
BC/Yukon |
21% |
$1,650 |
$525 |
1125 |
Prairie/NWT |
15% |
$1,125 |
$375 |
750 |
Ontario |
42% |
$2,000 |
$1050 |
950 |
Atlantic (incl Que) |
22% |
$1,700 |
$550 |
1150 |
$6,475 |
$2500 |
3975 |
Honouring our National Chapter Policy, as noted within item #12 below, the Finance Committee recommends processing the financial allocation provided that the Chapters:
a) provide an outline of their 2022 plans with the funds; and
b) they provide a copy of their financial.
c) And that the allocation take into account the TMAC National Award sponsorship collaboration as outlined.
Move by GF, Seconded by JC, approved.
Chapter Policy
#12. Each chapter shall receive from TMAC on an annual basis $25.00 per member to a maximum of $2000.00. Each chapter, regardless of size, shall receive a minimum of $500.00 per annum from TMAC. The funds provided to the chapters from TMAC are delivered in trust and are to be used solely for the purposes outlined in paragraph four. Nothing shall prohibit a chapter from holding its own fundraising efforts providing the funds raised are used solely for the purposes set out in paragraph four. The TMAC Board may, upon reasonable notice, require an accounting of the funds provided to each chapter.
9.0 New Business – TF
10.0 In Camera Session – No in camera session
11.0 Next Meeting – TF
October 19th, 2022, 12 noon EDT
11.0 Meeting Adjournment
Motion to adjourn TF, seconded JC. Meeting adjourned at 1:26pm
Minutes prepared by Judi Cohen TMAC Board Secretary.