TMAC National Board Meeting
October 20, 2021 – 12:00pm EST
Via Zoom
Present: Tracy Ford, Judi Cohen, Jami Savage, Jerry Grymek, Guy Theriault, Darcy Rhyno, Rod Charles, Noelle Aune, Ayngelina Brogan, Donna Hatt, Bria Weaver
Regrets: Paul Knowles, Pam Wamback, Grant Fraser, Yashy Murphy, Wendy Nordvik-Carr, Kattrin Duncan
1.0 Call to Order – TF
Tracy called the meeting to order at 12:10pm
2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF
Approval moved by JS, seconded by GT
3.0 Approval of Minutes Sept 15, 2021
Approval moved by JG, seconded by GT
4.0 Business Arising
No business arising noted
5.0 Financial Report – In the absence of GF, DH provided.
Monthly Financial Reports: October
Motion to accept October Financial Report, Moved by DR, seconded by JS.
GIC Maturity & Recommendation from Finance Committee:Value: $73,027.71 / Matures: Nov. 28/21
Motion to roll into Operating Account upon maturity.
Moved by DR, seconded by JS. Approved.
2022 Budget preparation & timeline:
2022 Membership Rates recommended for motion to remain at original 2021 rates. Moved by JC, seconded by GT. Industry: $350 / $100 Secondary and Media: $200. Approved.
2022 Budget Timeline:
Draft Committee Budgets: Nov 12
Draft Budget for discussion: Nov 17
Budget for approval: Dec 15
DH will work with committee chairs on the schedule and submission deadlines.
6.0 National Committee Reports
2021 Awards Committee, Acting Chair TF:
TF reported that PK will assume the role of the chair shortly.
Board Governance Committee, Chair JS:
JS advised that she will be sending board mandate documents to board members for review shortly
Conference Committee, Co-Chairs GT & PW:
GT reported that PW has been able to arrange for Bluenose II to be in Yarmouth during the conference. JC inquired if there would be a virtual opportunity to attend. GT reported that the conference will be in person only. JC asked a further question about recording sessions and selling a recorded version to members who could not attend in person.
DR inquired and GT confirmed that the room block cut off date is in May and TMAC can released rooms at that time, if necessary, without penalty.
Conference Rates were confirmed as shared within the report.
GT also reiterated the invitation/request to Chapters to assist in sharing Conference information when it is available.
Communications Committee, Chair YM:
TF provided update on behalf of YM. Noted TMAC branded luggage tags for use at the TIAC Conference by JC and TF are now in hand. NA mentioned that she would also be attending TIAC. JC/TF/NA to coordinate for event.
Future Host Committee, Chair JG:
JG suggested the goal of being 2 to 3 years ahead in planning hosts.
Human Resources Committee, Co-Chairs JG & DR
No update
Membership Committee (Media & Industry), Chair -vacant BW
GT suggested a quicker vetting process for potential members suggested by Industry and Media members. He also mentioned that GO Media was likely to be cancelled again this year and there may be an opportunity to attract new members to TMAC. BW mentioned that the points system is being reviewed and a new Hybrid membership category is being evaluated for organizations like Expedia for example.
JS mentioned that the BC Chapter inquired about the membership drive asking if it may be able to deployed in November instead of December as they wanted to get a jump on it. BW indicated that she reached out to them letting them know process will unfold in November.
BW reported 4 new members signed up recently and there is strong momentum for growth.
National PD Committee, Chair KD
TF provided an update on behalf of KD. It was suggested that due to declining attendance at PD sessions, in the future they be held quarterly, including one PD session during the conference. Attendance has declined from 40-50 attendees to around 20 now. There was a motion to approve the new format, however further information is required and Tracy will pass on the questions about whether the decline is due to lack of interest or subject matter.
Sponsorship Committee, Chair JG
JG thanked DH for input on the sponsorship packages. Packages are in spreadsheet format now and approved by the Conference Committee, it will be formatted as a shareable PDF. The draft final version will be shared for information with the Board in November once approved by the Conference Committee. The first sponsor is Parks Canada. JG thanked GT.
7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates
BC & Yukon:
DR asked about whether Nathan Fong award would be included in the national awards. TF will address the Nathan Fong award shortly. DR questioned if this would be funded by the BC Chapter, and suggested that he could offer assistance with the creation of an endowment.
Prairies & NWT:
NA noted that they are looking to expand their chapter board. An event is planned with Indigenous Canada on Nov 15, a dinner for members and a holiday party in Banff are being organized
RC mentioned two successful recent events including press trips to Niagara Falls and Perth County. Looking into a holiday event. He suggested inviting prospective members to the events to help get the word out on our membership drive.
AB noted the Atlantic Chapter was planning its first overnight getaway and anticipated that the Yarmouth Conference will help boost membership numbers and engagement
Reports were all received.
8.0 Staff Reports
Included in package, along with monthly time reports for September
Membership Relations Officer Report – BW – Report received.
CAO Report – DH– Report received.
9.0 New Business – TF
Membership Survey-
TF reported that Bria and Donna developed a survey and have sought feedback from TF and JC. The plan is to seek further feedback from board members between October 21 and 25, and that the survey would be open on October 27. The Newsletter will be used to communicate this to members. Survey will close on November 7.
Meeting with Destination Canada –
TF, GT and DH met with Destination Canada.
GT led the discussion having been a champion in bridging a collaborative relationship between Destination Canada and TMAC. There is a verbal expression of interest that Destination Canada will become a member of TMAC with confirmation expected in November.
10. In Camera – TF
Notes will be prepared and distributed to Board Members.
11.0 Next Meeting – TF
November 17, 12pm EST via zoom.
11.0 Meeting Adjournment
Motion to adjourn DR seconded by GT Meeting adjourned at 1:51pm