TMAC Board Minutes – November 20, 2018


November 20, 2018 | 12 p.m. EST

TMAC Board Present: Grant Fraser (president), John Geary, Yashy Murphy, Tracy Ford, Dale Dunlop, Guy Thériault, Mary Tulle and Melody Wren   

TMAC Board Regrets: Suzie Loiselle                          

ED: Elizabeth Kerr

1. Call to Order

GF called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. EST and welcomed all in attendance.

2. Financial Report as at end of October 31

Mary reported that there was nothing of significance to share.  Membership is down which is impacting the bottom line.  No expenses to report.  We are in line with where we were last year.  Looking ahead to 2019 – Mary, Grant and Elizabeth have already started and any points with variance will be addressed and shared for board discussion.  A draft 2019 budget has been created.

3. Executive Director Update

Based on November 20 data, there is a 10% net growth.  Conference – anticipate same income but waiving fees for board membership.  Awards revenue change for 2019.

4. Conference Discussion

The expense of the 2019 conference host hotel will be 60% of 2018 (Fairmont Empress, Victoria, BC).  For the A/V portion, we will need a quote. For Professional Development, increasing from $1,900 to $2500.  Discussed the second delegate fee – Mary indicated that the cost to host media is $650 and the revenue generated from industry offsets the costs for media.  Grant indicated that the second delegate who has their own set of appointments, should be a higher rate.  Those with two delegates sharing one appointment schedule, fee would remain same.  At the 2018 conference, there were 20 secondary delegates and only two had a second appointment schedule. It was suggested that the fee for the second delegate (same schedule), increases from $580 to $750.  Tracy agreed.  Only members allowed at the conference. 

Allocation Travel Grant – we inherited from the past, but wish to make a change.  Feedback from membership on use of the grant – prefer to use for both travel and accommodation.  EK reported that 65/80 media used the grant.  It was agreed that if the media choose to use the grant for accommodation, it can only be applied if they stay at the host hotel(s).  John Geary indicated that airfare can take up the entire grant if travelling a long distance so the subsidy is very helpful. 

Comparing to other organizations:

Go Media – conference fee is almost double, no fee for media

SATW – No subsidies – media pays for pre and post tours, all fees and travel

Mary suggested that the criteria be updated for policy and procedure for allocation of subsidies. Elizabeth will review travel guidelines and show what we are doing now and allow for air/hotel use, but again, has to be host hotel.  Grant indicated that conference committee should review.

Discussed a national professional development session such as a webcast/podcast.  Possible initiate for 2019.  Many of the members are unable to attend conference so we should ask members what they want with respect to PD throughout the year.  Grant indicated that there should be a national strategy for training and development – adds good value for the members

5. Chapter Funding

By February 28, each chapter should be paid $25 per member.  It was suggested that we make chapters accountable (governance) for use of funds provided – distribute ½ funds and once spending is in accordance to the guidelines set by the Governance Committee (Dale), the other ½ can be released – accountability.  It would be a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $2,000

6. Membership

Elizabeth indicated that we have not increased membership fees since 2013.  It was proposed that we increase media at 10% and industry at 15%, which would generate a potential revenue of $15K.  Discussed this increase for 2019 and a 5% increase each subsequent year.  Grant indicated that the media membership would go from $175 to $200 and he felt that this was a fair increase.  Tracy indicated that a slight increase for industry shouldn’t be an issue.

Elizabeth indicated that based on the current stats at November 20th, the data from TO Corp is not accurate – going forward, she will have this accurate data to present.

Yashy reported that the survey to the membership was deployed on November 8th.

Results of the survey were now in and the only issue outstanding was that of sponsored content. It was agreed to issue a secondary survey to ensure the results reflect the majority of the membership.

Grant reported that Destination Canada has a screening process – vetting domestic and international media – go through numbers, unique visits.  New media were included at Go Media conference.  Host destinations have a say – ranking system exits.  Domestic media are not invited each year and in 2017, there were 54 Canadian media and in 2018, there were 30 Canadian media. Editors and major publications are included each year.

It was agreed that we need new media members – make room for influencers.

For destination writing where the media visit and write and picked up by an outlet = points.  Discussed editorial vs advertorial.  Yashy indicated that traditional journalists are not aware of the process and similarities.

7. Committees


Tracy reported that the committee has made a great deal of headway with positive changes to the categories, bringing in new judges and the event on June 22.  More details coming.


Dale reported that has drafted a policy and will circulate to the committee.  They are tackling areas of disagreement, chapter policy coming to the National Board by spring 2019 and implement in the upcoming year – included is spending of chapter funds and bank accounts

Social Media

John Geary reported that the Facebook group has new additions.  We need to discourage members from bringing in non-members to the group.  He will add this to TMAC Travels and the FB page.  Grant asked permission to re-tweet.  JG said there are 4-5 action items to accomplish and build on the committee.  TMAC Travels will be sent out before the end of the year.  If you have any news, please share with JG.


The first meeting has been set for November 22 therefore more updates on next call.  For future host destinations, Elizabeth sent out a message to the membership and she will make it a feature story on the website and add to TMAC Travels.

8. Other Business

Holiday greeting will come from Grant and Elizabeth.

Considering a Facebook Live session in January

Discussed the process for membership complaints.  With respect to Alan Luke, the board decided that he wasn’t welcome back.  A complaint policy and procedure exists for one member against another.  The board is on same page for all issues.

Elections – Nominations Committee (Dale) – new VP process needs to start asap.

9. Conclusion

Meeting adjourned at 1:48 pm.