TMAC Board Minutes – May 8, 2018


May 8, 2018 | 12 p.m. EST

TMAC Board Present:            Grant Fraser (president), Tracy Ford (secretary),

Jerry Grymek, Melody Wren, Suzie Loiselle, Dale Dunlop

TMAC Board Regrets:            Mary Tulle (treasurer), John Geary

ED:                                          Elizabeth Kerr

1. Call to Order
GF called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m. EST and welcomed all in attendance.

2. Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes
2.a.       Approval of Agenda for May 8, 2018
It was resolved that the agenda would be approved as presented.

2.b.      Approval of Minutes from March 27, 2018

Moved by: Dale Dunlop; Seconded: Tracy Ford

3. Executive Director Update

EK reported that the conference is consuming her time.  There are 100 industry (80 appointments) and 80 media, which is an outstanding scenario. The marketplace appointments are automated. Room allocation is complete and Melody Wren assisted with the F&B. For the local tours, more than 60 haven’t yet chosen.

4. Membership

A membership stats report was provided by EK. There are a total of 358 members, of which 162 are current media members and 196 current industry members. The attrition is the result of 20 people choosing not to qualify. There are 32 members who haven’t paid their dues. They will be removed from Facebook but one more message will be sent to chapter chairs and EK will do same. April 30 was the deadline for chapter funding. Tracy to provide EK with a final membership report including proposed changes for AGM package. We discussed other industry category options such as Trivago or membership benefit companies – create a new category. SL attended the Women in Travel Conference. There was a trade show as part of the event. SL will provide EK with a supplier list as a prospect list for next year’s board to consider. DD suggested that there be a motion as to whether we implement changes to the industry membership. DD also suggested a survey to gauge industry on this initiative – organize a special meeting.


6a. Conference Committee

SL reported that the next committee meeting is on May 10th.  She reported that they are on schedule. She wants Connect 7 to be speaking with Tourism Victoria. DD said that the Fast Ferry was an easy application. MW spoke about conference greening – proposing a 2018 greening industry award – greenest swag/giveaways – judges come from conference committee and include a score sheet. The biggest issue relates to the number of delegates not staying at the host hotel. The block is closed and rates are now close to $500 per night. There will not be an attrition issues. EK said that the media marketplace is going well and she is working to take care of a couple of the kinks. GF reported that the Q&A session during the AGM will be positive and no old issues will be answered. New members will be welcomed. This will be the revised open mic session.

8. Awards Committee

For the written word categories, the judges know each other which makes it so much easier. The score sheet is automated. For the photo categories, there is one new judge. Final selections are due May 18th.

9. Chapter Liaison

No responses from the Chapter Chairs. GF wants to set up a meeting with them in Victoria. It was agreed that there needs to be a new committee made up of the chapter chairs. GF working with Paul Knowles to pull this together. Let chapters know about the meeting – timing is best after chapter meetings. Whoever is chapter chair for 2018-2019 will sit on the committee.

10. Sponsorship Committee

JG reported that the committee has raised $8250.00 and this excludes award sponsorship. As of the meeting, $3K was committed by Guy and Costa Rica committed to a silver level. Calgary Stampede is interested in sponsorship, but asking to be included in the marketplace, which has closed. There is a travel insurance company interested which means a potential of $19K in sponsorship.

10. Other Business

10.a National Board Slate Openings/Follow-up

There will be a board meeting from 4-5:30 pm on Wednesday May 30th in Victoria and another meeting with the new board on Sunday June 3 – breakfast – timing to be determined. Jerry announced that he has a baby on the way so he will be leaving the conference on the Friday evening. We will need a new MC for the Fri and Sat. JG and Holly are leaving and there are four new nominations.

10.b Future Conferences


2019 – Sault Ste Marie – EK and JG reported that they had an excellent site visit. There was a good tour, two good hotels and they are confident that they can host. There are plenty of options including attractions, tours and restaurants. Based on the needs, the best hotel choice is Delta since the other hotel is unable to host all delegates. There was a motion to accept SSM as the 2019 TMAC conference site.


11. Conclusion
It was resolved that with no further business, the meeting be adjourned at 1:54 p.m. EST.

Moved by:   Melody Wren

Seconded by: Jerry Grymek


May 8, 2018 | 12 p.m. EST

TMAC Board Present:            Grant Fraser (president), Tracy Ford (secretary),

Jerry Grymek, Melody Wren, Suzie Loiselle, Dale Dunlop

TMAC Board Regrets:            Mary Tulle (treasurer), John Geary

ED:                                          Elizabeth Kerr

1. Call to Order
GF called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m. EST and welcomed all in attendance.

2. Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes
2.a.       Approval of Agenda for May 8, 2018
It was resolved that the agenda would be approved as presented.

2.b.      Approval of Minutes from March 27, 2018

Moved by: Dale Dunlop; Seconded: Tracy Ford

3. Executive Director Update

EK reported that the conference is consuming her time.  There are 100 industry (80 appointments) and 80 media, which is an outstanding scenario. The marketplace appointments are automated. Room allocation is complete and Melody Wren assisted with the F&B. For the local tours, more than 60 haven’t yet chosen.

4. Membership

A membership stats report was provided by EK. There are a total of 358 members, of which 162 are current media members and 196 current industry members. The attrition is the result of 20 people choosing not to qualify. There are 32 members who haven’t paid their dues. They will be removed from Facebook but one more message will be sent to chapter chairs and EK will do same. April 30 was the deadline for chapter funding. Tracy to provide EK with a final membership report including proposed changes for AGM package. We discussed other industry category options such as Trivago or membership benefit companies – create a new category. SL attended the Women in Travel Conference. There was a trade show as part of the event. SL will provide EK with a supplier list as a prospect list for next year’s board to consider. DD suggested that there be a motion as to whether we implement changes to the industry membership. DD also suggested a survey to gauge industry on this initiative – organize a special meeting.


6a. Conference Committee

SL reported that the next committee meeting is on May 10th.  She reported that they are on schedule. She wants Connect 7 to be speaking with Tourism Victoria. DD said that the Fast Ferry was an easy application. MW spoke about conference greening – proposing a 2018 greening industry award – greenest swag/giveaways – judges come from conference committee and include a score sheet. The biggest issue relates to the number of delegates not staying at the host hotel. The block is closed and rates are now close to $500 per night. There will not be an attrition issues. EK said that the media marketplace is going well and she is working to take care of a couple of the kinks. GF reported that the Q&A session during the AGM will be positive and no old issues will be answered. New members will be welcomed. This will be the revised open mic session.

8. Awards Committee

For the written word categories, the judges know each other which makes it so much easier. The score sheet is automated. For the photo categories, there is one new judge. Final selections are due May 18th.

9. Chapter Liaison

No responses from the Chapter Chairs. GF wants to set up a meeting with them in Victoria. It was agreed that there needs to be a new committee made up of the chapter chairs. GF working with Paul Knowles to pull this together. Let chapters know about the meeting – timing is best after chapter meetings. Whoever is chapter chair for 2018-2019 will sit on the committee.

10. Sponsorship Committee

JG reported that the committee has raised $8250.00 and this excludes award sponsorship. As of the meeting, $3K was committed by Guy and Costa Rica committed to a silver level. Calgary Stampede is interested in sponsorship, but asking to be included in the marketplace, which has closed. There is a travel insurance company interested which means a potential of $19K in sponsorship.

10. Other Business

10.a National Board Slate Openings/Follow-up

There will be a board meeting from 4-5:30 pm on Wednesday May 30th in Victoria and another meeting with the new board on Sunday June 3 – breakfast – timing to be determined. Jerry announced that he has a baby on the way so he will be leaving the conference on the Friday evening. We will need a new MC for the Fri and Sat. JG and Holly are leaving and there are four new nominations.

10.b Future Conferences

2019 – Sault Ste Marie – EK and JG reported that they had an excellent site visit. There was a good tour, two good hotels and they are confident that they can host. There are plenty of options including attractions, tours and restaurants. Based on the needs, the best hotel choice is Delta since the other hotel is unable to host all delegates. There was a motion to accept SSM as the 2019 TMAC conference site.

2020–Toronto is a potential destination

2021 – Kelowna, Thunder Bay and Sudbury are the options.

11. Conclusion
It was resolved that with no further business, the meeting be adjourned at 1:54 p.m. EST.

Moved by:   Melody Wren

Seconded by: Jerry Grymek