May 29, 2019 | 12:00 pm EST
TMAC Board Present: Grant Fraser (president), Yashy Murphy, Tracy Ford, Dale Dunlop, Guy Thériault,,Suzie Loiselle, and Mary Tulle
Regrets: Melody Wren and John Geary
ED: Elizabeth Kerr
1. Call to Order
GF called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. EST and welcomed all in attendance.
Approval of April 30, 2019 minutes – DD, Seconded – TF
2. Financial Report as at end of May 29
EK indicated that she will have a one final meeting with Grant and Mary prior to AGM. There are no glaring issues. Revenues are not as high as hoped. Net is where 2017 was. Going into 2019 solidly.
Motion to accept financial report April 30 – Mary Tulle, seconded – Grant. Approval – AGM
Numbers are soft from revenue perspective due to membership at 73% and conference at 53%. Mary recommended a review of June to December – reality vs forecast
Elizabeth reported that the host hotel contract included rooms much reach 80% of commitment. Cancellations – 4 nights. All pre tours into Delta – no issues. Conference sponsorship forecast is $20K. Jerry did not have any updates. Elizabeth reported that she has another award sponsor.
On July 1, she will have a review of what we may net out for the end of the year.
3. Executive Director Update
Membership – there are 40 late payers. 50% have converted to payed. After conference – outreach to add new members
M&M – there are five potential members. We need to check guest lists and reach out. There is no process for follow up. This could be a potential task for Jerry if he joins the board. Guy hosted an event and has three potential members. Tracy reported that she also has potential members.
4. Conference
Suzie and Guy report included a registration update – 48 media and 52 industry and 8 without appointments = 108. The conference committee had ten meetings and reported good communications. Meeting scheduled for today was cancelled. Registration still open but won’t benefit with marketplace appointments. There are no additional media to recruit. Need to review cancellation policy – reasons accepted.
Grant reported that Alberta, Atlantic and BC chapters all had mini conferences. These members may be investing in local chapter events/meetings. Also, Go Media is happening in August, which can affect TMAC. Guy added that the number of Chinese media was reduced and domestic media numbers increased.
Elizabeth pointed out that the conference dates are shared one year out. Dale suggested that a policy would state that chapters couldn’t have any events within two weeks of conference. Chapter chairs should check with national. Mary suggested that there’s an opportunity to have the Chapter chairs for a lunch to discuss these issues. Elizabeth suggested this could be an Open Mic topic. They are always invited to join calls and we should reinforce this if we meet.
Elizabeth reported that there are seven awards (target = 8). We are not tracking well for general sponsorship. It is suggested that we approach airline and train partners at least six months ahead.
Board roles at conference – suggested we meet before Wednesday cocktail hour (5-6 pm). Elizabeth to send out invite.
For the Chapter Chair meeting – promote volunteerism and recruit potential and future board members
Board sessions – meet members. Lanyards need ribbons to identify board members. Grant suggested we set time to chat with him and engage members. Discuss outcomes of two years strategy plans. We will set aside a table of ten chairs and meet at breakfast, including Dale. The opportunities include encouraging volunteerism. Suzie indicated that Grant is the MC and voice of the conference.
AGM Preparation
Elizabeth asked Dale to review the election of VP for two year term and add Tracy Ford. Mary suggested we vote on the bylaw – Dale will introduce at AGM
Dale reported that there are four Directors at large. Dale is asking that each candidate present (two will send videos since they are unable to attend conference). He will make a resolution to acclaim the four. There will not be any issues since there aren’t any additional candidates. Dale will contact each candidate. Nomination process is closed therefore there won’t be any nominations at the AGM. Elizabeth will revise package and script – share with Dale for approvals.
5. Other Business
Grant indicated that the Strat Plan should be the responsibility of the new board. Each item of the plan to be assigned responsibility. Dale and Grant to discuss turnover.
We are every two years. Dale reported that SATW is one or three year options. He likes the three year option. We should add this to the new board meeting agenda. Dale asked Grant to send details from SATW and bring up at AGM at Open Mic.
Elizabeth is going to — next week for site visit. She will get draft of contract to give to Dale. After reviewing, they will sign contract. — will host the Saturday luncheon, where they will announce as hosts of 2020 conference.
Member Profile:
Elizabeth shared the survey results – Industry 65 responses, of which 19 yes and 46 no. Media – 81 responses, of which 53 yes and 28 no. Total – 146 responses, of which 72 yes and 74 no.
6. Conclusion
Meeting adjourned at 1:04 pm. Seconded by TF. Next meeting – AGM