Present: Jerry Grymek, Tracy Ford, Dale Dunlop, Suzie Loiselle, Marc Smith, Yashy Murphy, Guy Thériault, Monica MacNeil, Paul Knowles, ED Elizabeth Kerr, Treasurer Darcy Rhyno
Minutes recorded by PK.
Meeting called to order by DD at 12:03 p.m.
Minutes of April 29: Moved adoption MS, seconded MM, carried.
Minutes of May 14 will be distributed by email for approval.
Financial report: Report to end of April presented by DR; net income for period year over year, a decrease of $43,605.
Audited statements from 2019 are in.
Moved by MS, seconded by TF, that the year-end audited statement be adopted and included in AGM package. Carried.
EK: Projecting a minimum loss of $50,000 this year due to pandemic and cancellation of conference. TMAC can carry most of this from a cash perspective; may need to access some GIC funds. Also may be facing financial hit re. 2021 conference.
DD: Asks EK and DR to prepare a report re. decline in revenue and its impact.
EK: After a request from DD that a 2021 conference committee have further discussions with 2021 conference location, EK noted that we have not officially appointed a conference committee for 2021. But EK will follow up with destination. There was consensus to continue with the chosen site for 2021.
EK: Membership – picked up a few memberships because of the grace period. We will extend grace period to end of June 30.
Note: members taking advantage of the grace period who will not be paid-up members will not be able to vote at AGM.
National PD: MS – two webinars were held in May. Has hosted cocktail hours n Monday. Have had participation from every chapter. June – four webinars planned. MS suggests there is potential for revenue generation and membership recruitment through webinars.
Awards: TF – Finalists have been announced. One category was eliminated because of insufficient entries.
Awards might be presented over the course of “The 12 days of TMAC”, or might be a one-time event. Committee is working out the timing and details of the live presentation.
AGM: Nominations – EK: Have received multiple nominations. We will have an election. (note: as of noon, June 2, there appear to be six nominations for three positions).
EK: Hopes to have all reports for AGM package by May 29.
EK: Planning to use a video link that allows all board members to be live and on screen. Proposes a dress rehearsal for the board prior to the AGM.
Chapter Liaison Report: PK has contacted chapter chairs in all four chapters, and has received feedback from all. Issues mentioned include:
Atlantic: want to be sure we are following up with members who are not renewing. Confirmed by EK that this is happening. Also encourage the chapters to follow up, themselves.
Two recommendations for new awards, honouring Habeeb Salloum and Nathan Fong, were passed on to Awards committee.
Ontario reports very successful virtual M&Ms with PD components and a community support element included.
Prairies holding physically distanced events.
BC asking if there is a national Zoom account for their PD sessions; EK has already been in touch to arrange this.
DD: AGM is June 30. We should have one more board meeting prior to AGM. EK will do a Doodle poll re. date for meeting. (Note: as of June 2, the date appears to be June 25, 12 noon EDT.
DD: Adjournment 1:17 p.m.