TMAC Board Minutes – May 20, 2021

Thursday, May 20, 12 noon EST
Via Zoom

Present: Tracy Ford, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Kattrin Duncan, Guy Theriault, Jerry Grymek, Paul Knowles, Donna Hatt, Bria Weaver; Monica MacNeil joined the meeting in progress.

Minutes taken by PK

Call to Order – TF at 12:05 p.m.

Approval of Agenda – TF; moved by JG, seconded by GT, carried

Approval of Minutes

  • April 22, 2021 (attached) moved by JS, seconded DR carried
  • May 4, 2021 (attached) moved by JS, second DR carried

TF: welcomed DH and BW

Financial Report
DR (attached) – no formal report; financial statement – we are behind in our YTD estimates; could be tougher by Dec. 31 than anticipated. Urges caution for the rest of the “exceptional” year. Reserves are still “substantial right now.” 
JG: says we should consider chapter reserves, if necessary in the fall; GT – we need to consider monitoring funding to chapters; TF – need to raise this at our first meeting of the new board.

Conference Report
Registration, media marketplace, general info – GT: Everything moving forward; “all hands on deck”.  DH: have 191 members registered.

GT: re. Destination Canada; GT suggests that we create a relationship with DC going forward; perhaps have National PD session after the conference.

Sponsorship – JG – added Swoop and Miami as bronze sponsors. Revenue approximately $20,000. Two award spots are still available.

PD, keynotes – PK – update on reason for Indigenous Tourism cancellation, and new session.

Awards – TF: connecting with Yashy and Jarrod tomorrow re. award show… show flow will be done tomorrow. Award sponsors have been invited to participate; MCs, Rod Charles and Sabrina Robson.

DH: working through details of Media Marketplace. By May 25, everyone’s conference schedules will be populated.
BW: Needs images for social media; want to avoid stock photos.

National Committees:

National PD: KD- final spring PD next week, “The Power of the Podcast”.
RE. merging national PD and conference PD committee… should still have a subcommittee for conference.  There will be a summer break, starting national PD program in September.

Governance – JS – close to having directors’ suitcase completed.

Membership – JS, following up on member questions. MM – on hold until post-conference; everyone contacted plans to renew when budgets allow; no negative feedback.

Chapter Liaison – PK – will advise to chapters re. need to hold their annual meetings

AGM: TF Notice must go out to members on or before May 27; to be held June 17, 1 p.m. EDT; Minutes from 2020 AGM attached. TF and PK will meet to plan the AGM.

New Business
JG: new baby arriving next week.

The meeting moved into an in camera session. DH and BW left the meeting.

The meeting ended the in camera session.

Meeting adjourned 1:30 pm.