TMAC Board Minutes – May 18, 2022

TMAC National Board Meeting Minutes – May 18, 2022 – Zoom

Attendees: Tracy Ford, Darcy Rhyno, Pat Lee, Donna Hatt, Grant Fraser, Judi Cohen, Paul Knowles, Noelle Aune, Jerry Grymek, Yashy Murphy, Jami Savage. Guy Theriault, Pam Wamback

Regrets: Wendy Nordvik-Carr, Rod Charles

1.0 Call to Order – TF called meeting to order at 12:01 pm EST

2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF – Moved GT, seconded JC. Carried.

3.0 Approval of Minutes – TF- Moved GT, seconded PK. Carried.

4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes

  • AGM & Annual Report Available here
    Distributed May 4th. 
  • AGM script will be distributed to board by DH for review and comment.
    (Post Meeting Note: Completed)

    Also available here

5.0 Financial Report – GF

5.1 Account Balances as of May 16, 2022

Community Plus Plan

Business Investor Account

Credit Card balance




5.2 Monthly Financial Reports: as of April 30/22 Viewable here

GF provided an overview of the April financials.

Motion to accept financial reports moved by GF, seconded by JC. Approved.

5.3 2022 Projections (enclosed within financials noted above on separate tab)

GF noted that we have completed Q1 and are still projecting a surplus of $50k by year end, and he will mention this at the AGM in the financial report. 

GF commented that as past treasurer he noted the dire situation after the Wales Conference and that we have turned a corner for the better. The last two years of financial operating losses in 2020 and 2021, due to COVID-19 were challenging, but with conference and sponsorship on track in 2022, our financial position is stable.  TF noted that she will mention the budget situation at the AGM.  TF thanked the board for working positively. She further acknowledged and thanked previous boards who secured a GIC which gained interest and resulted in an ~$80k in rainy-day fund that was cashed and deposited to help us manage through COVID.

GF reinforced the message that there had been no mismanagement of funds and it was the impact of Covid that affected TMAC as it did many other businesses.   The express goal of the next board will be to restore a rainy-day fund.

5.4 Travel Grant update – GF updated the Board on the status of funds to reimburse member for travel, noting that 73 media members expressed interest in applying for the funds after the conference.  Approximately $21,000 will be available to distribute to members who meet the criteria of attending a minimum of 18 appointments during the media marketplace.  By June 1st DH will know how the algorithm has assigned appointments and will flag issues if any arise about members not being matched for at least 18 appointments.

Donna will share the allocation, by province with Media Members and update the website.
(Post Meeting Note: Website updated here)

6.0 National Committee Reports (Reports available here)

  • 2021 Awards Committee: Chair Tracy Ford – TF and DH will be able to share the top 5 in each category by May 30. These will be shared on social media as well.   Winners will be announced at the conference. The member-voted awards have been somewhat disappointing and DR suggested in the future to move to using judges to rank the top 5. 

Paul is working on the Industry of the Year and Volunteer of the Year Awards.
The Awards committee will be recouping after the conference and Awards Gala.

  • Communications Committee: Chair Yashy Murphy – YM noted that she and DH will be handling Conference social media and if board members are interested in assisting to amplify the messages and tweets that would be appreciated.  GT and JC offered to help.  Others will as well. YM and DH are creating a new design for the award certificates.
  • Conference Committee: Co-Chairs Pam Wamback & Guy Theriault. GT said that it was “crunch” time for the conference and how grateful he is that both PW and DH are based in Nova Scotia.  PW reported that pre and post trips have been confirmed, and that day trip confirmations were sent out to all delegates.  Shuttle questionnaire has been issued as well.  The Host Committee is working with PW and GT on a Gifting Room in Yarmouth.  GT shared that there would be lots of surprises and special occasions.  In the FAQ’s there will information on dress code for the conference, tours and the gala.
    (Post Meeting Note:
    completed and visible here.

  • Future Host Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek 
    JG reported that interest has been expressed by Sun Peaks as a future host. And others from Canada and the US. 

  • Sponsorship Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek – JG noted that we have achieved $28,475 in sponsorship to-date.  He anticipates additional sponsors before or during the conference. A reminder/invite was sent to Industry members May 17. Deadline is June 1st to secure sponsors.


  • Governance Committee: Chair Jami Savage – JS has been focused on getting a suitcase ready to welcome new board members, including code of conduct, bylaws and branded luggage tags.
  • AGM report: Judi Cohen -JC reported that a script prepared for meeting and reviewed by JC, TF and PK.  DH will distribute to board requesting comments and questions. 62 members have already RSVP’d yes.
    Reminder is being issued via email on May 23. Social Reminder on May 24.

  • Human Resources Committee: Co-Chairs Jerry Grymek & Darcy Rhyno. As reported.
  • Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Chair Paul Knowles – PK noted success in recruiting many new media members and industry members. The Zoom meeting for new members was very successful and is available online for the future.  In regards to the Buddy program at the conference, PK said that 26 members, 15 from industry, have requested buddies.  With 8 volunteers to be buddies, PK will be looking for more buddies.  Consideration will be given to other conference roles and responsibilities for board members by PW, GT, DH and TF, and this will be shared with PK first.
  • National PD Committee: Co-Chairs Irene Knight / Lindsay Nieminen. As reported.

7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates Reports available here.

  • BC & Yukon
  • Prairies & NWT – NA noted a successful event was held at the end of March.  Chapter AGM or other gathering may be organized on Saturday, June 25th at the conference.
  • Ontario
  • Atlantic

8.0 Staff Report – Report available here.

CAO Report DH  

GT inquired about how many were still on waitlist. DH said industry has 20 on the list, with no changes made, and media has 15 on the list, with 5 people moved up based on cancellations.

DH reported that the Media Marketplace platform was being tested tomorrow.


DH noted that she is working on the Insurance Renewals at this time.

9.0 New Business – TF noted that she will be sending out a package from Travel Unity to the board following this meeting for review.

10.0 In Camera – TF – No business

11.0 Next Meeting TF

June 15, 2022, 12 EST via zoom.

11.0 Meeting Adjournment TF adjourned meeting at 1:14 pm EST

Minutes recorded by Judi Cohen – Board Secretary