TMAC National Board Meeting
May 17, 2023
Present: Tracy, Judi, Grant, Mark, Jerry, Yashy,
Regrets: Paul, Rod, Wendy, Pat
1.0 Call to Order – TF
Meeting Called to order 12:10pm
2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF
Moved by Judi, seconded by Mark, approved.
3.0 Approval of Minutes – TF
Minutes of April 19, 2023 – viewable here
Moved by Jerry, seconded by Yashy.
4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes
4.1 AGM Recap – Tracy
Tracy thanked everyone and reported that the AGM was well attended with 88 members and felt that it had flowed well, a good space, and smoothly. There is a sense that members felt TMAC is moving in a better direction and have confidence in their association.
The recording of the AGM along with the previously circulated package are now available on our website, here.
4.2 Strategic Plan Update – Judi
The Governance Committee is meeting on May 28th. We are working on a presentation, an update to share with the Membership at the conference on June 16th. Following the May meeting, Eva will be asked to build on presentation.
4.3 AI & TMAC Code of Conduct Update – Judi
Two meetings have taken place since the sending of our email communication to members.
It was acknowledged that ChatGBT and other programs are readily available. Our position is that we have a code of conduct which clearly indicates our members are the authors of their own work.
Discussion ensued, all in agreement that a framework was necessary to convey and uphold for our membership and our audiences that our accredited members are authentic and ‘real’, not AI generated.
– How will we ‘detect’ if a story is AI generated? What software is being used by Industry to ‘determine’ and assess?
– How will TMAC approach suspect cases? What action will be taken?
– A committee needs to be struck, acknowledged in our strategic plan, speakers at conference will touch on integrity and ‘authentic’ voices.
Refer to the 2023-24 Governance committee requesting report / commendations to come to the Sept board meeting.
4.4 ITAC Memorandum of Understanding announcement/media release – June 16 as part of Strategic Plan
Donna indicated that plans are in progress for the announcement to take place at the conference during our TMAC Strategic Plan session. Keith Henry, President and CEO of ITAC will join us via ZOOM. the ‘signing’ will be virtually performed, immediately following, the approved media release will be issued.
4.5 Request for Sponsorship from Prairies & NWT Chapter
Noelle shared plans for their upcoming event in Golden, BC for September 27-29, noting previous May dates have been postponed. Requesting TMAC National sponsorship for $1000.00 for a dinner at the event which expects to attract 25-30 delegates, it was noted that BC & Yukon Chapter was aware of this event planned in their region, but did not have funds to contribute.
After discussion, it was suggested that the funds from the annual Chapter Fund program are intended to support events like this, noting that we do not have past practice of sponsoring events at our Chapters. It was noted that Chapter programs and our collaboration would be reviewed within our Strategic Plan noting National-Chapter relations is one of our identified areas to review.
30th Anniversary – noting that he would soon need to leave the meeting, Grant reminded the board of his suggestion to create the years of membership ‘pin’. Tracy and Paul invited him to share his suggestion in writing and the membership committee could review it as the plans for the 30th come together.
Donna noted that forming a 30th anniversary committee has been tossed about and will be forthcoming.
5.0 Financial Report – GF
5.1 Account Balance as of May 12, 2023
Business Unlimited |
Business Investor Account |
Credit Card Balance |
$343,659.90 |
$10,576.12 |
$0.00 |
5.2 Monthly Financial Reports:
As of April 30/23 View Here (unapproved by Treasurer at time of sharing)
Grant provided a brief overview, all is in order.
Moved by Grant, seconded by Judi that he April month end financials be accepted.
Motion Passed.
5.3 GIC Recommendation:
Based on a 2023 fiscal cash flow analysis, recommending 1 year renewable, cashable : $50,000.00
In an effort to re-establish our reserve funds, with a goal to work towards establishing no less than one year operating funds, a review of our financials was undertaken. Based on the year end projections provided by Donna, and confirming GIC rates available with TD Canada, Grant provided the following motion for approval:
TMAC National secure a GIC in the amount of $50,000.00 from our current bank account for a 1 year term, which is currently offering a 4.6% interest rate, effective June 1st.
Moved by Grant, seconded by Yashy.
Motion Passed.
6.0 National Committee Reports: (View Reports)
View the full reports, the following are highlights from the discussions.
- Awards Committee: Tracy Ford
Awards have closed, finalists announcement to be issued today.
Gala plans are underway. - Communications Committee: Yashy Murphy
Continues working with Donna on conference and related communications. - Conference Committee: Pam Wamback
Everything is proceeding as planned, final tweaks being made. - Future Host Committee: Jerry Grymek
Donna is working with 2024 future hosts on their announcement at the luncheon, a great program coming together. The 2025 contracts are being finalized with the hotel. - Governance Committee: Judi Cohen
Previously addressed and report has been included.. - Human Resources Committee: Jerry Grymek
Nothing new to report. - Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Paul Knowles
Report submitted. - National PD Committee: Wendy Nordvik-Carr
Report submitted. - Sponsorship Committee: Jerry Grymek
We are on target and have just secured Barbados Tourism for a Bronze sponsorship.
We have achieved the goal of $39,470!
Awards: we have room for 2 more BUT we have achieved the goal of $30,000.
Jerry indicated he’s had initial discussions with Fuji Film Canada with hopes of securing them.
GRAND Total $69,470
7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates (View Reports)
- BC & Yukon
See enclosed report. - Prairies & NWT
May PD moved to September. Planning a get together during Stampede. - Ontario
Pop Up M&M on May 31, possible road trip in july. - Atlantic
8.0 CAO Report – DH (View Reports)
Report enclosed.
- Donna noted that she secured the assistance of a Community College student to assist in some conference administration which is being paid for through our allocation within the budget.
- Conference Expenses Claims & Process
Donna reminded the board of the process for claims.
9.0 New Business
9.1 Directors Liability Insurance – policy renewal June 1
Donna indicated that this is in progress, we will be renewing through the CSAE program, we are in the final year of the three year rates.
10. Other
Upcoming Timelines:
June 11-14: Pre-Conference Media Tours
June 14-18: TMAC Conference & Media Marketplace
June 18: 2023-24 Board of Directors takes office
10.0 Next Meeting
TBD: June? Or New Board? ONSITE in SUDBURY?
No meeting will be held.
Given this is the final meeting of the board as it exists currently, Tracy thanked everyone for their support and assistance during her tenure – extending a thank you to all departing board members.
11.0 Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned 1:28pm