Present: Tracy Ford, Monica MacNeil, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Kattrin Duncan, Guy Theriault, Jerry Grymek, Paul Knowles, Elizabeth Kerr ED
TF called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m.
Approval of agenda – moved by GT, second MM, carried
Approval of Minutes of Feb. 25 2021, moved PK, second GT, carried
Awards – TF – judges are working on judging process, will finish process by April 23, with top five finalists chosen for each category. Committee will then announce finalists. Have been promoting Industry, Volunteer and People’s Choice awards; deadline for these, April 30.
Media membership – JS – On track for 25 new members. 18 confirmed, seven in process. Still approximately 50 potential members. Considering changes in requalification process going forward.
MM: There is overlap between industry and media membership committees. EK: from the beginning, there have always been two. MM: There may be advantages in merging. JS: Agrees. TF: May be best to simply have one membership committee.
National PD: KD – March PD yesterday – had about 30, in collaboration with Ontario Chapter, led by Rod Charles and Liz Campbell. April and May PDs are confirmed. One theme: podcasting. KD – discussed a change in fees paid to presenters. Currently – $750 to non-TMAC members, $250 to members. GT: recommends a session introducing Clubhouse. Moved by JS that we offer $250 to PD presenters, members and non-members. Seconded by DR. Carried.
Note: if a presenter requires more, that will come to the national Board.
Governance: JS – now working on a new code of conduct and other pieces of the directors’ tool kit. PK is working on bylaw quirks. Will be sending out documents to the board within the next two weeks. TF: notes that committee descriptions need to be send to JS. TF: Thanking JS for her work on governance, “tireless hours and efforts.”
Conference – GT – everything working well to date; PK – update on PD sessions, including Marcelo Risi of UNWTO, as a keynote, Wednesday, June 2, 12 noon.
Sponsorship – JG: have significant money confirmed in sponsorship. Promotion is ongoing. Held meeting this week – have started to discuss floor plans, sponsorship acknowledgement, next meeting planned for post-Easter.
EK: Now have 80 media and 29 industry registered. GT: hoping for 150-plus. We will promote the UNWTO speaker asap.
JS: Is there a process in place to clean up National Facebook Page, removing those who don’t sign up by April 1, being sure we add new members. EK: New members will be acknowledged on FB next week.
JS: Conference event logistics. Will do three events in May on Remo. Will follow up with KD on this. May do a session related to conference-specific training. May do a National PD session. May do a leadership event – a Remo tour for the board, chapter directors and committee members and new staff members.
JS: recommends an AGM before the end of June. GT: should be before June 24. JS: moved that the AGM take place at 1 p.m. EST June 17. Seconded by GT, carried. KD: Suggests time during conference for board candidates to speak.
EK left the meeting at 1 p.m.
PK moved that the TMAC President Position Description, and the TMAC Polices & Guidelines be considered for amendment, to bring them in line with the TMAC Bylaws. Seconded by DR. Carried.
PK: Should we increase the number of directors to 11? GT: Should chapter chairs be directors on the national board? DR: Invite all chapter chairs to every national board meeting.
Moved by GT, seconded by DR that we invite chapters to send a liaison as a non-voting member to all National Board Meetings, except in-camera portions of said meetings. To come into effect after the 2021 AGM. Carried.
Moved by JS, seconded by PK, that we set the number of elected directors at nine elected directors for two-year terms plus VP and President. All directors are expected to chair a national board committee, attend the regular meetings of the board, and participate in the AGM. Carried.
: nomination forms to be returned to PK as secretary.
TF declared meeting adjourned 1:51 p.m.