Present: Dale Dunlop, Yashy Murphy, ED Elizabeth Kerr, Paul Knowles, Jerry Grymek, Guy Thériault, Suzie Loiselle, Marc Smith, Tracy Ford
Communicating by email because of digital connection failure: Monica MacNeil
Minutes recorded by PK.
Meeting called to order by DD; DD announced that minutes would be approved, and then the agenda would be set aside so we could deal with the key question of the 2020 conference
Minutes – of Feb. 25, moved by MS, seconded by TF, carried
EK: Reported on status of conference:
- A meeting is planned by Sudbury people “shortly”. No one has said it is cancelled. But Sudbury seems cautious about moving forward.
- EK has presented options to us, ranging from status quo to postponing to this fall to video conference to cancellation; recommends that we decide our position and let them react to that.
DD: stated that the board needs to make decision today. Consensus is that conference cannot go forward as scheduled. Many potential attendees feel they would not attend.
Each board member offered their perspective. General consensus – not to hold conference in June.
DD: Stated that we can hold an AGM digitally.
DD: Moved that we cancel the proposed dates of June 9-13 for 2020 conference, and that we consider finding alternate dates in the fall of 2020 if possible. Seconded by JG. Carried unanimously.
DD: EK will notify Sudbury re. this decision.
EK: Has given potential dates to Sudbury. One possible option is to go with a future Sudbury conference (2023), if we don’t have a conference in 2020.
DD: We need to inform membership after touching base re. postponed date. If Sudbury can’t make the fall work, we will announce no conference in 2020. If they will agree to postponement, we will explore dates this fall. Also tell the members we may hold AGM electronically.
DD: If we do reschedule for Sept. or Oct. we need to offer full refunds to any who choose not to attend. EK: Should refund across the board and then re-register. Agreed by board.
MS: PD – has scheduled April 2 as first webinar. Held off until board went forward. With everyone home, high viewership is likely. Board supported the holding of the April 2 webinar.
TF: Judging of TMAC awards will be done by April 17; final review will be done by end of April. If conference is cancelled, should we still go ahead with awards? DD: Consensus that we should still give out the awards. Details to be confirmed.
DD: Adjournment 12:44 pm