TMAC National Board Meeting Minutes – March 16, 2022 – Zoom
Attendees: Tracy Ford, Grant Fraser, Jerry Grymek, Judi Cohen, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Paul Knowles, Pam Wamback, Noelle Aune, Donna Hatt, Rod Charles, Guy Theriault.
Regrets: Ayngelina Brogan, Wendy Nordvik-Carr, Yashy Murphy
1.0 Call to order TF – 12:02 EST
2..0 Approval of Agenda – Moved JS, Seconded JG
3.0 Approval of Minutes – Moved JS, Seconded JC
4.0 Business Arising –
JC reminded members that committee chair and chapter chair reports for the AGM were due by March 31 for review at the April 20th Board Meeting. Nomination Information Briefing was held however no formal nominations have been received to-date. Board members are aware of up to 7 members who expressed an interest. A Facebook post and the newsletter will remind members to nominate themselves or someone else. Chapter chairs were requested to re-share and post information. JC and DH will monitor nominations. PK confirmed that a contingency plan is in place to all the Board to appoint directors if necessary.
5.0 Financial Report –
GF reported on financial balance. Motion to approve February Financials – Moved GT Seconded DR
6.0 National Committee Reports (see Board reports)
Communications Committee – report provided in package
Conference Committee –GT noted that bi-weekly meetings with the host committee will be held up until the start of the conference. He also noted that 86 media have registered already and that media registrations will be sold out before the early bird deadline. PW suggested that media be informed there is a waiting list. PW reported that additional funding has been secured from the province to cover increases in budget for fuel and lobsters. GT thanked PK for leading the buddy program at the conference, noting that a Buddy zoom meeting will be held ahead of the conference to prepare members. The host hotel is sold out. GT thanks PW and DH for all their efforts. GT advised that the Dine Around will be at one location only at Digby Pines. Those who sign up will be expected to attend.
TF joined meeting at 12:22.
Awards Committee – TF and DH meeting on emerging broadcast award and will include visual category judges.
Future Host Committee – JG provided update and will provide a timeline for announcements on future hosts, with the objective of seeing announcements two years ahead of time. Future host inquiries included California, Penticton, Newfoundland & Labrador. TF suggested planning a conference in the west and being strategic about locations going forward. GT suggested that a detailed report on the upcoming conference will be important to secure future hosts and sponsorships. DH commented that an overall economic impact assessment of the conference, media, PR, plus the ripple effects should be tracked.
Sponsorship Committee – JG Total sponsorship now $21K, JG said we will hit $25K. Goal was $25K. Interested sponsors must be members first.
Human Resources Committee-DR met with CAO for recommendations on future of staffing and contracts. Contracts ending shortly and will be reviewed. A further report will come the next board meeting. JS suggested a welcome be sent from the board to Diane Suazo.
Membership Committee – PK reported that an issue has arisen related to couples applying for membership. He requested documentation on a change in processing for couples that occurred last February, that appears to have created this issue.
Professional Development Committee –
No additions to the report. Next PD session on Architecture scheduled April 5.
Governance Committee – JS had 3 updates. Information session on board elections was successful and it was recorded for future use. Up to 7 members indicated an interest for the 4 open board members at large positions.
The AGM Calendar was presented by JC
Judi reiterated the following dates:
May 26: AGM, agenda, minutes, reports, financial, voting
May 4: AGM package must be sent to membership, no less than 21 days prior to the meeting
April 20: Board approves AGM package for distribution at Board meeting; Slate of officers confirmed based on voting
April 20: 12 noon EST, Closing of the voting
April 14: AGM Package DRAFT sent to Board for review
April 7: 2021 Financial review completed; documents provided
April 13: Voting on slate of officers begins/launched
March 31: Board/Committee/Chapter reports due, and bylaw amendments (Paul)
March 31: Deadline for Nominations
JS Motion to approve Board Mandates and benefits, and put them into effect immediately (See Board Mandates and Benefits) . There was no seconder for the motion and a discussion ensued. GT requested clarification noting that industry board members have their expenses covered by their employers while media have to pay on their own, unless the board covers some/all expenses. JS replayed that the intention would be to have conference fees and accommodation paid for, noting that for the 2022 conference, all expenses will be paid including transportation. In drafting the mandates, the governance committee did not want to burden future boards, and allow consideration. TF noted that each board member will have a role at the conference to be eligible for reimbursement. Expenses were budgeted at $21,000. In fact, they will be much less. GF requested wording be added, Finance Committee be involved in future decisions. GT voted against the motion noting that the board at a prior strategic working group had agreed to pay expenses.
The motion to approve the full document as presented passed but was opposed by GT.
PK motioned the acceptance of all Committee Reports. Seconded by DR.
7.0 Chapter Reports (See Documents)
No discussion. PW noted that her chapter will be having a meeting at Pier 21 on March 26.
8.0 Staff Reports (See Documents)
DH Highlighted the hot spots based on the schedule update in the Governance report. Lots of pieces are coming together in the next month, financials, AGM annual committee reports are due March 31, so they can be presented at the next Board Meeting on April 20. She will send out a gentle reminder on deadlines. DR thanked DH for all of her efforts requesting her to track her time to understand how much it takes to do her job. Capacity limits at the conference were noted. JC asked if we should stop accepting members who are joining with the intention of attending the conference. GT noted that there will be spots to attend the conference but not to attend the pre and post tours. PW noted capacity issues at Marketplace which has been communicated many times in the past as well. PK said we are always accepting new members, and DH suggested they go the waitlist for now for the conference. All board members agreed that TMAC is about more than just the conference and many other benefits.
GT left meeting at 1:15pm
9.0 New Business
ITAC: DH reported that she has been exploring opportunities to strengthen collaborations with the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada via an MOU eventually for consideration but immediately inquired about taking an Associate Membership Fee in the amount of $99. PK noted that we had invited ITAC to participate at the last conference, noting however there was a legal dispute with the Ontario Indigenous Tourism Association. PW noted that ITAC is very involved with Destination Canada, and we may not need a direct membership with them. There is lots of relationship building already in play. JS suggested putting this issue down as a fall decision and make it part of the strategic planning session.
Board Meeting at Conference:
After some discussion regarding a Board meeting at the conference, it was agreed that due to scheduling conflicts for conference organizers PW and GT, and the length of time to transfer from Yarmouth to catch flights in Halifax, the Board meeting would be held during the second week of July. DH suggested that a board get together could be planned on Saturday afternoon during the conference in lieu of a meeting. A date will be confirmed at our next board meeting.
10.0 In Camera – TF – Not required.
11.0 Next meeting April 20th 12:00 noon EST
12.0 Motion to adjourn JC seconded by JS. Meeting adjourned at 1:28pm
Minutes taken by Board Secretary Judi Cohen