TMAC Board Minutes – June 26, 2018

TMAC Board Present

Grant Fraser (president)

Mary Tulle (treasurer)

John Geary

Suzie Loiselle

Dale Dunlop

Yashy Murphy

Guy Thériault

TMAC Board Regrets

Tracy Ford

Suzie Loiselle

Melody Wren                

Executive Director

Elizabeth Kerr

1. Call to Order

GF called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. EST and welcomed all in attendance.

2. Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes

2.a.     Approval of Agenda for June 26, 2018
Moved by: Dale Dunlop; Seconded: John Geary

2.b.    Approval of Minutes from May8, 2018

Moved by: Dale Dunlop; Seconded: Mary Tulle

3. Financial Report as at May 31, 2018

Mary reported that there’s been a delay in providing the updated financial report due to Michelle’s loss of a family member.  EK has reviewed line by line and the Fairmont Empress final bill has not been received, but expecting by end of the month.  TMAC Travels (newsletter) is on hold until this is finalized so that these stats can be shared.  Mary indicated that it will be a positive bottom line.

4. Membership

4.a.    Current Membership Stats and member feedback

EK reported that there are no significant changes in members.  To date, membership sits at 161 media and 197 industry for a total of 358.  Attrition is at 61 – media lapsed, those re-qualifying are awaiting new criteria to be released and for industry, the member either left their company/destination and no one has re-joined to represent.  There’s an opportunity to follow up with both lapsed media and industry reps.

4.b.     New Media Membership Criteria

Discussed at end of call

4.c.    New Industry Membership Criteria and Proposed Categories

Discussed the opportunity to create new categories – beyond PR or DMO’s.  Possibly new category could be travel related services such as airlines, transportation, products (eg NorthFace).  Dale agreed – industry needs to be on side for this change and it their decision.  He suggested we do a special online proposal – VOTE.  Guy suggested that a special industry membership could exist, but they do not take appointments at the conference marketplace.  Maybe set up a trade show and they purchase booths to promote themselves.  Some airlines do take appointments.  Mary suggested that magazine/digital publishes (eg Canadian Geographic and TravelPulse) are seeking writers for travel content in magazine.  Guy mentioned that Canadian Geographic has an additional two publications – Geographic Traveller and Geographic online.  Guy suggested that these would be good for the trade show booth concept.  John Geary felt that appointments may be preferred. It was agreed that the Industry Membership Committee needs a board member to work with Minto (Chair)

4.d.    Fee Increase discussion

Grant asked about the last increase – which was 2016.  Guy felt that it was justified to have an increase.  It was discussed that a 5% increase would be fair.  Before a decision can be made, we need to understand what the competition is charging (eg SATW).  Mary indicated that the cost to host media for the conference is $1000 (exclusive of the travel grant) and the cost is $500 for industry.  Net goes to offset media.  Grant feels that we need to re-think the conference fee – we cannot afford a “Fairmont” type of hotel as a conference venue.  Yashy felt that the fee for the conference is very reasonable and indicated that she may attend a conference in the fall and the fee is $1500.  Grant asked Elizabeth to do a conference comparison since we all believe that TMAC is the best deal in town.  John Geary indicated that once we have this information, it needs to be shared with the membership.  Mary feels that the membership has no idea about the costs/investments.  Grant asked about the 2019 conference fee and what would that look like.  Dale suggested an announcement should include all details and make comparison.  Grant is concerned that we do not implement double increases – suggested we split into two years – one for conference increase the second for membership increase.  Elizabeth will have the comparisons for the next meeting.

5. Chapter Business

No responses from the Chapter Chairs.  Not much in the way of participation or feedback

5.a.    Chapter Governance – Dale Dunlop

The committee met after the AGM.  They drafted a document outlining areas to address.  Dale to follow up with the committee about suggestions and in September, they will address each.

6.  National Committees

EK provided an attachment showing the structure.  It is imperative that a board member lead or sit on a committee.  Guy/Suzie are confirmed on the conference committee, Dale for governance, Tracy for awards and EK for communications.  Yashy volunteered to sit on the membership committee and assist with the communications committee. Grant will see if Jerry Grymek is available to continue as sponsorship chair.  For the awards committee, Guy has offered to join and Jenn Smith Nelson indicated an interest.

7. Conference updates

EK indicated that the conference survey will be sent out soon.  There were 80 media, 100 industry, but only 80 industry appointments.  Guy indicated that industry in general, were impressed and it was better than the past.  Dale heard same feedback.

8. Other Business

8. a.    Facebook Live

It was agreed that we should consider this for September and we would set a date at the August meeting.

8.b.    Key dates

See attachment included in board package.  EK suggested we start re-qualifications in September.  She suggested we move the renewals up by one month and awards process starts in January.

8.c.    Destination Canada opportunity

Maureen Littlejohn (Canadian Chair, SATW) and Jennifer Bain (Canadian Vice Chair, SATW) suggested that SATW and TMAC work with Destination Canada.  Guy said he wasn’t sure about joining forces, but consider working closely with DC.  Guy reported that for this year’s Go Media, the domestic media has been reduced from 56 (2017) to less than 30 for 2018.  Media are also invited every other year and hearing that many credible media are not being invited.  Mary wants to work with Guy and will speak offline.  We believe that a relationship with TIAC would be important and Minto is on the TIAO Board.  Grant will get back to Maureen and Jennifer after hearing from Guy and the results of his call with DC.  Guy did mention that DC’s goal is not to work with domestic media.

9. New Media Membership Criteria

Bloggers/influencers:  the Task Force Committee shared the proposed changes at the AGM.  There was no voting since each change requires rationalization and implementation one at a time.  A survey should be deployed for feedback and allow time for feedback.  EK brought up the hot buttons – accepting material with no payment and fees collected – “Pay to Play.”  A new committee needs to be formed and should be co-chaired – media and industry.  For the committee, it was agreed that two of the original media and industry members should be on this new committee and recruit two new media and industry.  Yashy has offered to chair this committee.  In the meantime, we will stick with what we have for criteria until this is completed.  Guy suggested we send a message to chapter chairs to allow for feedback for the committee.

11. Conclusion

It was resolved that with no further business, the meeting be adjourned at 1:19 p.m. EST.