Present: Dale Dunlop, Yashy Murphy, Paul Knowles, Marc Smith, Tracy
Ford, Monica MacNeil, Jerry Grymek, Suzie Loiselle, Treasurer Darcy Rhyno
and ED Elizabeth Kerr.
Regrets: Guy Thériault
Note: The June 25, 2002 National Board Meeting was held using DEMIO in
preparation for June 30, 2020 AGM.
1.0 Call to Order
Meeting called TMAC National Board meeting to order by DD at 12:01 p.m.
2.0 Approval of Agenda
It was resolved that the agenda would be adopted as presented.
3.0 Approval of Minutes
It was moved that the minutes for the May 14, 2020 and May 27, 2020
meetings be approved as presented.
Approved: Marc Smith
Seconded: Jerry Gyrmek
Note to EK: Check Darcy’s recorded attendance on May meetings.
4.0 Financial Reports
EK updated Board that June 30, 2020 Financials and revised 2020 Budget to
be presented in July by Darcy Rhyno, after consultation with Darcy Ryhno
and Grant Fraser.
5.0 ED Report
EK provided the current member stats standing at 320, which includes
GRACE. EK proposes to extend GRACE to August 31, 2020 and will supply
updated member stats at that time.
6.0 Chapter Liaison Report
PK contacted all four chapters in the past week. This is his report.
Annual meetings: All four will hold annual meetings within the next month:
BC and Yukon, today (June 25); Atlantic, July 6; Ontario, mid-July; Prairies
and NWT, in July.
Several chapters requested that when a member joins or leaves, they be
notified asap. Elizabeth is already following up on this.
Prairies asked if there has ever been discussion about TMAC Chapters
requiring waivers for team events / activities? Quoting Paula Worthington:
“I was thinking about an upcoming hike and wondering if we should have
members complete a waiver (the hike is not strenuous, but there are always
risks hiking in the mountains, plus COVID-19 adds another layer of event
liability). All attendees have to formally RSVP which I think would limit
some risk but wanted to get some advice on that front.”
There is a request from Ontario chapter executive that that Chapters policy
be amended to allow more than seven executive members. In a large
chapter, in order to represent the entire area, and to fulfill all the central
functions, more than seven seems necessary.
Re: Question from Prairies
DD asked if the event was sponsored by an industry member. It was clarified
that it was a Chapter-sponsored event and no waivers would be required.
Re: Question from Ontario
DD says that the guidelines stipulate seven(7) but as it is not included in the
Bylaw, Ontario may elect more than seven (7).
7.0 Committees | Awards
TF reported out that the TMAC Awards Virtual Presentation would not be
LIVE, but convert into a YOU TUBE format to be posted on FACEBOOK and
on the website. The video will be released on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at
7:00 p.m. EDT!
Tracy thanked confirmed sponsors: Le Québec maritime; Destination BC;
Chelsea Hotel; the TMAC Ontario Chapter, President Dale Dunlop and Yukon
8.0 AGM
The rest of the meeting was spent going through the options for AGM
platforms and it was decided to change the platform to ZOOM.
A ZOOM test run to be scheduled with Dale, Darcy, Elizabeth, Mark and
Tracy before the day of AGM. All Board members will be invited to join
All Board members to arrive at AGM 30 minutes prior to meeting.
Proposers and seconders were decided for the three motions as follows
ahead of the AGM:
Acceptance of 2019 SSM Minutes
• Proposed TF
• Seconded MM
Acceptance of Financial Statements
• Proposed MS
• Seconded PK
Appointment of Accountant
• Proposed MM
• Seconded JG
These motions will be written up formally in AGM minutes.
DD will address Bylaw and proposed # of Board members.
DD will announce the three members who received the top three votes.
DD will then give a short report, thank the departing Board members and
introduce the future host videos.
9.0 Other Business
DD took a moment to thank both Suzie Loiselle and Yashy Murphy for their
roles as Board members.
10.0 Meeting Adjourns
DD adjourned the meeting at 12:40 p.m.