TMAC Board Minutes – June 15, 2022

TMAC National Board Meeting Minutes – June 15, 2022 – Zoom

Attendees: Paul Knowles, Guy Theriault, Darcy Rhyno, Grant Fraser, Judi Cohen, Jerry Grymek, Pamela Wamback, Yashy Murphy, Noelle Aune, Donna Hatt

Regrets: WNC, TF, RC, AB, PL

1.0 Call to Order – PK called the meeting to order at 12:03pm

2.0 Approval of Agenda – PK – Moved GT, Seconded JS, approved

3.0 Approval of Minutes – PK- Moved GF, Seconded GT, approved

4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes

  • AGM Follow Up: recording/reports
  • Media Marketplace Appointment Updates
  • DH reported that of 1752 total appointment possibilities, 1642 appointments have been booked. 
  • Discussion on qualifying minimum number of appointments for reimbursement

Review use of  appointment auto responder post conference.
Some discussion on the diligence in accepting appointments, inviting appointments and the importance of attending scheduled appointments. PK will reinforce this at the First Timers Reception, and Buddies will reinforce as well.
It was noted by GT
that not all media have completed their profiles.

5.0 Financial Report – GF

5.1 Account Balances as of June 8, 2022

Community Plus Plan

Business Investor Account

Credit Card Balance




5.2 Monthly Financial Reports: as of May 31/22
Viewable Here – UNAPPROVED by Finance Committee at time of distribution

Note:  June VISA charges: CSAE membership & Press Card Printing with Advocate Printing

Motion to adopt by GF, seconded GT, carried.

DR suggested looking into investing the balance in a GIC to earn some interest.  GF will bring back a recommendation after the conference. 

6.0 National Committee Reports (Verbal Reports to be provided)

  • 2021 Awards Committee: Chair Tracy Ford
    DH noted the script for the awards evening has been prepared and is being reviewed. Board members have been invited to participate in the presentations.

  • Communications Committee: Chair Yashy Murphy
    Yashy noted the committee has been active on all channels with the assistance of GT and PW. Plan is to share 15 stories/day during the conference.  Exploring pre and post tour sharing opportunities.

  • Conference Committee: Co-Chairs Guy Theriault & Pam Wamback 
    PK thanked GT and PW both personally and on behalf of the Board for their extraordinary work as co-chairs. GT noted that PW and Hannah have been working around the clock leading up to the conference.  Dietary restrictions for attendees have been challenging. He also gave a shout-out to Neil and his team who have been in overdrive!  PW reported that she is now checking, re-checking and double checking everything and is on a weather watch hoping for sunshine. JS inquired about assignments of work for board members at the conference.  Participation in the Awards Presentations, acting as Buddies, and being an Ambassador throughout the conference are such duties.  TF or PW may assign more duties as necessary.

  • Future Host Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek 
    JG noted that announcements of future hosts will be shared at the conference.   GT noted the need to find co-chairs for next year’s conference in Ontario (June 14-18, 2023)
  • Sponsorship Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek
    JG noted the goal of $25k was exceeded and sponsorship is at $31,470.
  • Governance Committee: Chair Jami Savage
    PK acknowledged the enormous amount of work and contributions by JS, DR and GT on the National Board.  He thanked them on behalf of the board noting that this will be their last board meeting.

JS stated that the Governance Suitcase has been sent to Donna Hatt and will be shared with new board members.  The new code of conduct will be utilized for the next cycle of renewals.

  • Human Resources Committee: Co-Chairs Jerry Grymek & Darcy Rhyno
    DR reported that the annual review of our CAO was completed. The CAO contract expires on July 31, 2022, and a job advertisement for a permanent CAO will be posted by the end of June with a deadline to apply by July 12, and is open to TMAC members and contractors. 

  • Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Chair Paul Knowles
    PK noted that the Membership Committee has been focused on the buddy system and looks forward to meeting first time attendees at the reception with their buddies.

  • National PD Committee: Co-Chairs Irene Knight / Lindsay Nieminen
    It was noted by DH that 6 sessions were developed for the conference and video sessions to-date are available on line.

7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates (Verbal Reports to be provided)

  • BC & Yukon
  • Prairies & NWT NA noted that a summer e-bike event is being planned
  • Ontario -JG reported that a summer road trip event is in the works
  • Atlantic

8.0 Staff Reports (Clockify report)

CAO Report – DH 
PK acknowledged along with the board that the CAO has contributed significantly to the success of the board and the conference as a result of her commitment and attention to detail.

9.0 New Business – PK

10. In Camera Session – PK/PW

10.0 Next Meeting – PK

Wednesday July 20, 12 noon EDT (TENTATIVE)

11.0 Meeting Adjournment
Motion to adjourn GF, seconded JS. Meeting adjourned at 1:10pm

Minutes prepared by Judi Cohen, TMAC Board Secretary