TMAC Board Minutes – June 10, 2021

TMAC National Board Meeting,  Thursday, June 10, 12 noon EST
Via Zoom

Present: Tracy Ford, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Kattrin Duncan, Guy Theriault, Jerry Grymek, Paul Knowles, Donna Hatt, Bria Weaver, Monica MacNeil.

Minutes taken by PK

Call to Order – TF at 12:02 p.m.

Approval of Agenda – TF; Moved GT, seconded KD, carried

Approval of Minutes:
May 20, 2021 Moved by GT, second by JG; Sabrina’s surname is Robson. Carried with amendment.

Items arising – DR – noted that in camera minutes should be separate. PK to adapt minutes.

Financial Report:
DR – There is a revenue item – line item “sundry” – which is a $7,000 donation from Ontario chapter. Will be re-allocated more specifically in future financial reports.

JS: Will be looking at freeing up some money from ongoing costs such as on-line surveys.

TF: With Bria, will visit the storage unit, for which we are paying $288 a month; may not need this unit.

PK: we need to adopt an email paper trail for e-transfers. Darcy and Donna will follow up.

GT: Conference:
187 participants, 122 media (record). Over 1432 scheduled appointments, plus additional informal chats. Nothing but tremendous feedback from people who participated. Good feedback from icebreaker event. Keynotes, PD session – nothing but positives. Awards gala, live, was a very successful event. Sponsorship – great job by Jerry. Kudos to Donna and Bria – for succeeding during their baptism by fire! Yashy and Jami – commended for all their work behind the scenes.

Re. Yarmouth – GT: we need to start planning in September; it will be a challenge to find keynotes that are as strong.  Will look at conference committee roles after AGM.

GT: Media enjoyed the layout, including moving from table to table, the lounge areas… like a real conference.

DH: Have had industry members asking for the list of media members who attended.

DH: We will post PD and keynote sessions to website, for member access only.

JG: Reports that there is a need for even better collaboration between conference committee and sponsorships.

TF: Awards :
All certificates and cheques will be packaged week after next. R
e-evaluating awards committee, new members, reevaluated categories, judges, etc.

JS: Can we send letters to other Volunteer nominees; TF will follow up.

Marketing and Communications:
Media release is going out. After this, communications committee will develop a policy about media releases.

National PD:
Kattrin: Now National program on a summer holiday… in August will organize September PD which will be “Power of the Podcast Part 2”.  If we merge national and conference PD committee, will need a conference sub-committee; perhaps two co-chairs. To be decided going forward.

JS: Have all committee descriptions in, and have a good draft of our new code of conduct. Directors’ suitcase will be put together and presented in draft.
TF: Thanks to JS for agreeing to continue with governance in the new board.

DR: Human resources meeting with DH and BW this week.

JS: Has held first meeting with BW.

PK: Suggested that we need to have parameters for the involvement of the chapter reps on our new board, going forward. 

KD: Can we change date or time of our regular meeting? PK to do doodle poll following AGM of all new board members and chapter reps.

AGM: DH: How do we guarantee our quorum (25 people).

Agenda: standard for AGM.  DH: collecting financial and auditor’s report.

TF: Thanks to Monica for all her work, especially with the HR committee.

TF: Meeting adjourned 1:32