TMAC National Board Meeting, Wednesday, July 7, 2021, 10:00 a.m. EST
Via Zoom
Present: Tracy Ford, Darcy Rhyno, Paul Knowles, Jami Savage, Guy Theriault, Jerry Grymek, Donna Hatt, Bria Weaver, Judi Cohen, Pam Wamback, Grant Fraser, Yashy Murphy, Rod Charles, Noelle Aune, Ayngelina Brogan,
Regrets: Kattrin Duncan, Wendy Nordvik-Car
Call to order – TF 10:04 a.m.
Approval of Agenda – TF; Moved GT, seconded JG, carried
Approval of Minutes of meeting June 10, 2021. Moved DR, seconded GT, carried
Business Arising
TF welcomed JC as Board Secretary
Financial Report as of June 30, 2021 – DR
With the TMAC virtual conference behind us, I am pleased to present the second quarter 2021 financial statements. Here’s a summary of our position year to date.
As of June 30, 2021, total revenues were $120,273. This figure is comprised mostly of membership revenue ($56,507) and conference registration ($42,335). Compared to the same period last year, revenues are up from $83,720 as of June 30, 2020, the year we did not hold a conference.
At the same time, total expenses increased to $102,106 compared to the same period last year of $88,256. Administration made up about 75% of expenses for the period.
Therefore, net income for the period is up sharply year-over-year. As of June 30, 2021, we were in a net gain position of $18,167 compared to net loss of $4536 as of June 30, 2020.
Report received without questions.
2021 Conference – GT
GT thanked JS and YM for success of Remo Platform, Jerrod requested a Google review that Jami will complete. Yashy advised that there is still a 2-hour session available from Remo.
PK and team for the professional development and speakers (noted that it could be difficult the same calibre of speakers for a live conference).
Award Ceremony was also a great success. The addition of badges was noted.
Feedback and survey results were very positive. 70 responses submitted. 80-85 percent said they will come back in 2022.
GT thanked JS for assistance in negotiating the contract for 2022 Conference.
Media members claimed to not be aware of the conference on the first day as reported by Bria. Suggested that Chapter Chairs get more involved in communications.
GT thanked all sponsors who were in the meeting.
GT and PW to Co-chair 2022 in Yarmouth, JC inquired about a hybrid model going forward for consideration.
Action Items:
JG to follow up to collect outstanding sponsorship money
YM to identify when and how to use additional 2-hours of Remo
JS to complete google review for Jerrod
Chapter Chairs to get more involved and lead communications with their members
National Committees – TF
TF reached out all board members to chair and committee. TF to be ex-officio member of all committees.
Committee Descriptions have been drafted, and an organization chart will be created.
TF to reach out to Diane Selkirk to chair Awards Committee
2022 Conference Committee – Co-chairs GT and PW
Communications Committee – Chair YM working with Bria
National PD Committee – KD staying on as Chair
Governance and Nominations Chair – Chair JS
Media and Industry Membership Committees may be combined- JC -Co-chair supported by GF, with an industry Co-chair to be named
Sponsorship Committee – JG staying on as Chair
Membership Benefits Committee – N/A no more committee- TF decided Bria will be handling this. Some discussion among board about important links to Media and Industry Membership Committees
Volunteer Committee – N/A no more committee – REMOVE
Advocacy on behalf of TMAC – TF to lead. DH suggested sharing TIAC insights with Board
Human Resources Committee –JG, DR, MC
Finance Committee – Chair – GF with support from DR
Future Host Committee – Chair – JG
Chapter Liaison (bringing TMAC family together- PK
Action Items
DH to send out committee descriptions to board
TF to send out timing of the first committee meetings likely in September
Committee Chairs to recruit committee members
Committee Co-chair to be recruited for Industry Membership
Any vacant Committee Chair roles to be filled by TF supported by the Board
Membership Relations Officer Report – BW
BW provided an update on the brand workshop held on June 6, 2021 with some members of the board.
An overall Marketing and Communications Plan is being developed, including an Awards social media plan. The responsibility for these initiatives will be overseen by Communications Committee.
BW brought forward a proposal for a TMAC Opportunities Board, PK, PW, GT and TF opposed the proposal in its entirety. It was recommended that members update their profiles so that industry can have detailed information on media.
TF commented that TMAC should not be promoting opportunities for non-members.
CAO Report – DH
The Board received the report from DH. The email server capacity still needs to be investigated and sponsorship money is still being collected for the 2021 conference. All other matters closed. JS inquired if a previous complete Strategic Plan has been found. DH reported that none were found that had been completed.
Chapter Chair Reports
RC thanked JG for the outstanding M&Ms in 2021, and reported that the next Ontario AGM will be held in August.
NA reported that it has been a great year for the chapter. A media and industry event were hosted by Sundance Lodge, Banff Trail Riders and Banff Lake Louise Tourism. She also reported that they have secured additional members. An AGM is planned at the end of July.
AB reported. That an AGM will be held in August. They have added members including some content creators. Travel in Atlantic Canada is picking up.
WNC (sent update to PK for report to Board) PK reported that the BC Chapter has introduced the new Nathan Fong Award (Asian Tourism). A question was raised about how this relates to the national TMAC Awards.
New Business – TF
There was no new business.
Next Meeting – TF – Not discussed. Board will be advised.
In Camera – TF
Meeting adjourned TF at 11:54 a.m.