Present: Tracy Ford, Paul Knowles, Donna Hatt, Pierre Santoni, Mark Stevens, Pat Lee, Rod Charles, Judi Cohen, Pam Wamback, Grant Fraser, Yashy Murphy, Wendy Nordvik-Carr
Regrets: Jerry Grymek
1.0 Call to Order – TF
Tracy called the meeting to order at 12:02pm
2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF
Approval moved by PK, seconded by PS
3.0 Board Orientation – TF
3.1 Introductions & Welcome
TF welcomed new board members and all members introduced themselves.
3.2 Directors Suitcase: Please Review Prior to Meeting
TF reiterated that all members are requested to review the Director’s Suitcase. Everyone confirmed they had reviewed and would be referring this document as a valuable resource.
VIEW Directors Suitcase & Links here
3.3 2022-23 Committee Chairs & Roles
TF presented the draft organization chart. Committee chairs will review the mandates and recruit committee members where necessary. Report received. DH distributed a National Board contact list and a complete list of committees to members following the meeting.
All Committee Chairs are requested to review their committee roles & responsibilities have hosted their first meeting and be ready to present an updated report on the 2022-23 undertakings of the committees at our September Board meeting.
NOTE: Rod Charles was reassigned to Conference Vice-Chair immediately following the board meeting.
VIEW Updated Organizational Chart for 2022 (DRAFT)
CAO Recommendation:
TF updated the Board on the new staff position of CAO for TMAC. The posted position received two unqualified applicants and Donna’s application. The HR Committee conducted the recruitment and recommended DH as the selected candidate.
A motion to approve the HR Committee recommendation to appoint DH as CAO, was moved by WNC, seconded by JC. The motion carried. Donna will start in the position effective August 1, 2022.
3.4 Board Meeting Schedule
Meetings will be held the third Wednesday on a monthly basis, 12 noon Eastern via Zoom.
There will be no meeting in August, however committee chairs were asked to recruit committee members as necessary, meet with their committees and identify their deliverables for this fiscal year and next. DH provided current committee descriptions to assist committee chairs.
See Committee Descriptions here, and associated deliverables..
TF will be reaching out to each of the committee chairs over the coming weeks.
4.0 Approval of Minutes June 15 See minutes here
Approval moved by PK, seconded by JC. Motion passed.
5.0 Business Arising
Debrief of TMAC Awards and Conference covered under committee reports.
6.0 Financial Report – GF
Donna/grant provided an overview of the Monthly Financial Reports as had been submitted, and were accepted.
View Financial Report for June 2022 here
Account Balances as of July 14, 2022
– Switched Account from Community Plus due to climbing fees to Business Unlimited at end of June, more cost effective and saves us transaction fees.
– Credit Card prepaid to ensure balance available for Rodd Grand Hotel payment that will clear the account July 15.
Business Unlimited |
Business Investor Account |
Credit Card Balance |
186,642.44 |
10,469.44 |
(8,999.78) |
Media Travel Grants: deadline is July 31, following this date, the allocated funds will be reassessed and adjusted based on budget and requests. Payments will not begin prior to the deadline.
7.0 National Committee Reports:
Governance Committee-JC
JC reiterated the request for members to review the Governance Suitcase and identify questions/comments.
Awards Committee- TF
Tracy reported that Mark Stevens will assume the role of Chair for the committee and that she will remain on the committee along with strong industry and media representation.
Conference Committee-PW
PW reported that a Conference Debrief package is being worked on and will be distributed and presented at our next meeting.
Communications Committee-YM
YM reported that a recap report is being worked on to assess social media and coverage impacts from the conference.
Future Host Committee & Sponsorship Committee-JG
No update. Donna indicated that she is undertaking and will have a DRAFT RFP ready for JG and Board to review shortly.
Human Resources Committee-JG
As noted above, the committee completed the call for applications for CAO, Donna Hatt has been extended the offer of employment for the role of CAO. This moves TMAC from an annually contracted service provider to an employee.
Membership Committee-PK
PK commented on the successful Buddies Program at the conference. Currently there are 356 TMAC members, 184 media + 148 Industry members. Retention will be an ongoing issue. All members will be asked to sign the TMAC Code of Conduct going forward as they qualify or requalify for membership. PK stated that the committee will be establishing the requalification guidelines, currently is for 2 years but may consider a 3 year reach-back. It was noted that SATW has just gone through their 3-year requalification process and work could be submitted from 2019 using a simple process.
Responding to a question from PS on the accreditation for membership in TMAC, PK stated that TMAC is the only Canadian Association with Media and Industry Members, and validates all members using strict criteria.
National PD Committee-WNC
WNC provided an update. The committee met on July 7. The committee is working on updates to speaker agreement, speaker compensation (with additional confidentiality clause), and will be working with the Conference Committee to look at themes for the Sudbury Conference and ensuring the Key note speakers will provide motivation and takeaways. Tania Kedikian of DCI is returning to the committee again. The committee is looking fall virtual sessions on regenerative travel and indigenous tourism. Next meeting August 16.
8.0 Chapter Reports/Updates
BC & Yukon
WNC reported that the chapter had a meeting on July 12. Lindsey is the treasurer, and Erica Hargreave has returned to the board.
Prairies & NWT
no report
Rod Charles reported that JG became Chapter Co-chair. A rural road trip is planned for August 16th. It is planned to go back to in-person events along with some virtual as well. Working on events in Ottawa, Waterloo and Toronto to make it easier for members to attend in different areas.
PL reported that a record number of members attended the chapter meeting at the conference with 25 members in attendance.
9.0 Staff Reports
CAO Report -DH The Clockify report was received.
Digital Media Report was received for June
DH reported that content created from the conference will be re-purposed. She is updating the National Registry to reflect the change in officers. DR was a signing officer previously, the Executive needs to appoint a replacement signing officer. She noted the TIAC Congress was coming up on Nov 22/23 and TF acknowledge DH’s expertise in working with destinations and she suggested that DH attend in addition to other board members. JC and TF attended in 2021 and found it worthwhile.
DH will continue to follow up on items resulting from the conference and will be stepping away for the last week of July for vacation.
10.0 New Business – TF
11. In Camera – No session
11.0 Next Meeting – TF
September 21, 2022 – 12:00 pm EST via zoom.
11.1 Meeting Adjournment
Motion to adjourn TF, seconded JC
Meeting was adjourned at 1:27pm EST.
Minutes recorded by Judi Cohen- Board Secretary.