TMAC Board Minutes – July 19, 2023

TMAC National Board Meeting

Present: Paul K, Pierre S, Jerry G, Katie C, Yashy M, Rod C, Mark S, Tania K, Davindra R, Donna H
Regrets: Diane S, Wendy NC, Pat L, Noelle A, Jessica HF, Jay K,.

1.0 Call to Order – PK
Paul called the meeting to order at 12:06pm EDT

2.0 Approval of Agenda – PK

Motion to approve Agenda.
Moved by Pierre, Seconded by Katie

Paul reviewed our board governance approach. Using Robert’s Rules of Order, decisions requiring motions will be moved/seconded and accompanied by a vote. Noting that voting is for Board Members only, Chapter Chairs/Co-Chairs in attendance are observers of the meetings.

Board Meeting Packages are distributed in advance of the meeting, providing members the opportunity to arrive at our meetings informed and ready for discussions/decisions and hosting of an efficient meeting.

3.0 Approval of Minutes – PK 

Minutes of June 21, 2023 – viewable here  

Motion to approve Minutes as circulated.
Moved by Tania, Seconded by Yashy. Carried.

Minutes of May 17, 2023 – viewable here
(DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING to provide time to review)

4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes

4.1 Strategic Plan Update – PK

  • Half of the strategic plan is complete. We presented the framework at our TMAC Conference.
  • Paul reported that he and Donna met to review the next steps, resulting in the following approach/timeline:
    Donna will work to continue building the document based on the foundation in place and provided by our consultant Eva.
    A DRAFT will be prepared and shared with the Governance Committee in August with a goal to share with the Board at our September meeting.  Feedback will  be requested with plans to bring forth the final plan for adoption at our October Board Meeting.

4.2 2023 TMAC Conference & Media Marketplace Survey Results Update – DH

Provided for information at this time, highlights include:

  • Survey collected feedback from delegates June 23 – July 18.
  • 66% response rate (59 Media / 53 Industry) which is terrific
  • Some stats on the responses, based on combined scores of Excellent + Very Good:  
    • Overall 2023 Conference Rating : 4.1 / 5 which is terrific
    • Media Marketplace 4 / 5 rating, noise level in room cited as main concern
    • Overall Local Tours were a huge hit with a rating of 4.3 / 5 
    • Overall Pre-Conference Media Tours rating: 4.1 / 5

With 40 pages of comments and feedback about the entire program, many are repeated and were expected – easily addressed.

It was noted that the survey also resulted in a number of members expressing interest in volunteering. Paul reiterated the need to ensure everyone expressing interest in volunteering should be engaged if possible. He invited each of the committee chairs to review the list and reach out as they form/review their committees.

Next Steps:
All results, with specific recommendations to enhance future conferences will be shared with Committee Chairs to inform their discussions and plans.
It was noted that the recommendations overview will be shared with the Board at our next meeting. 

5.0 Financial Report – PS
5.1  Account Balance as of July 14, 2023
        Cash in accounts: $251,480.92

Business Unlimited

Business Investor Account

Credit Card Balance







5.2 Monthly Financial Reports:
Financial Month-End Report for May 2023 (for your reference)
Financial Month-End Report for June 2023 as of  July 14/23: View June Statement

Pierre noted that we are on solid footing for 2023. The Finance Committee met to review the June month-end report, based on information available, our Conference continues to be our main source of revenue for the year with a preliminary estimated profit of $90,000.00.
He also flagged the travel expenses for the board (and certainly membership)  may be higher for conference attendance in ‘24 given the destination. Carrier partners are being pursued.
As we look out to year end, it will be with a lens to secure an additional GIC.

To accept the May and June month-end financials as circulated.
Moved by Pierre, Seconded by Katie

6.0 National Committee Reports: (View Reports)

  • Awards Committee: Diane Selkirk
    Report enclosed.
  • Communications Committee: Tania Kedikian
    Report enclosed, noting that she is now also an ADMIN on our Facebook Page
  • Conference Committee: Rod Charles
    Report enclosed, nothing additional to add at this time.
  • Future Host Committee: Jerry Grymek
    2024: June 12-14 St. John’s.
    2025: June 4-8, destination to be announced at Future Host Luncheon in 2024.
    Indicated that we will look at issuing the RFP for 2026 within the year.
  • Governance Committee: Wendy Nordvik-Carr
    Report enclosed
  • Human Resources Committee: Paul Knowles
    Report enclosed, nothing further to add.
    Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Yashy Murphy
    Report enclosed. Future Conference dates being shared with members will enable members to plan ahead – and attend. 
  • National PD Committee: Tania Kedikian
    Report enclosed, nothing additional at this time.
  • Sponsorship Committee: Jerry Grymek
    Report enclosed.
    Happy to share that we surpassed the goal for the 2023 conference by about $6,000  $75,150 total!
    Interest by existing and new sponsors are already being received.
    It was noted that 10 of the 12 Awards were sponsored this year, achieving $30,000, room for more sponsors.

    2024 Conference Sponsorship Package will be developed based on the Conference Committee (including Awards and PD) and ready for circulation in October, with 2023 sponsors having first right of refusal for their levels and categories until November 30th.

    It was noted that the Awards program is not driven by sponsors, it is curated by the Awards Committee based on feedback from membership and subject to budgetary limitations. Sponsors are then secured. 

    It was noted that the Conference is important to the bottom line of TMAC, Sponsorship is a significant part of TMAC’s financial success 

Paul called for a motion to accept the Committee Reports as circulated.
Moved by Tania, Seconded by Mark.

7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates (View Reports)

  • BC & Yukon 
  • Prairies & NWT 
  • Ontario
    Davindra spoke to the report enclosed. 
  • Atlantic

Paul called for a motion to accept the Chapter Reports provided and enclosed.
Moved by Pierre, Seconded by Jerry.

8.0  CAO Report – DH  (View Report)
Report enclosed for your review. Few highlights:

  • Travel Grant requests have been reviewed, and amounts adjusted with increases for each province. Having been reviewed by the Finance Committee, the amounts will be adjusted and grants issued to 61 Media Members having submitted their expense claim forms and receipts.
    Reminder, the grant amount for 2023 is $22,000.00. These funds come from our local host ($10,000.00) and Industry Primary registered delegates ($150.00/delegate registration) 
  • Follow ups with all sponsors have been completed, working through balance of activations
  • Have met with all new committee chairs to support planning and next steps.

Paul requested a motion to accept the CAO report.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Tania.

9.0 New Business
9.1 TMAC Chapter Fund Distribution
$25/member to max of $2,000.00 per Chapter

Paul noted we are ready to release the 2023 Chapter Funds.  Donna prepared and shared templates for the submission of 2022 Year-end Financials and their 2023 Budget, and requested annual reports for 2022 along with 2023 plans.
These documents are required prior to releasing the Chapter Funds. 

9.2 30th Anniversary – PK
Paul noted with our 30th anniversary approaching, rather than strike a separate committee, while the program will be reviewed by the Executive Committee, he is requesting a collective approach. Needing to prepare budgets and while we are working on committee deliverables for 2024, he requested, and all were in agreement that, we would bring forth ideas.

Every committee/board member is being asked to come up with an idea(s) on what their committee could incorporate/host a 30th Anniversary element within our 30th Celebration Program. 

  • September: each Committee Chair will bring forth and share ideas at the September board meeting  
  • All ideas are welcome. They don’t have to be specific to the conference – we have a full year of celebrating 

Mark: Do we have an archivist? Noting that we ‘used’ to, and if not should we?

Paul noted we do not at this time. Items like recognizing 10, 20 years members of TMAC etc,  may (or may not) be difficult to verify. Donna and Paul are looking into the information we have on file.

Should we reach out to veteran members who have expressed interest in assisting?
Could be part of our anniversary program.

10.0 Next Meeting – PK
August 16/23 12 pm EDT – CANCELED.
It was agreed that our August meeting would be canceled.
Next meeting is September 20th, 12 noon EDT via Zoom.

11.0 Meeting Adjournment – PK

Motion to adjourn at 1:10pm.
Moved by Jerry, Seconded by Tania.

Important Upcoming Dates
July 18: Deadline for Conference Feedback
July 24: Deadline for Media Travel Grant Claims
August 16: TMAC Board Meeting
September 20: TMAC Board Meeting & Committee Deliverables ready for review