January 29, 2019 | 12 p.m. EST
TMAC Board Present: Grant Fraser (president), John Geary, Yashy Murphy Tracy Ford, Dale Dunlop, Guy Thériault, Mary Tulle and Melody Wren, Suzie Loiselle
ED: Elizabeth Kerr
1. Call to Order
GF called the meeting to order at 12:12 p.m. EST and welcomed all in attendance.
Approval of November 20, 2018 minutes – GF, Seconded – MW
EK is posting minutes on website within 24 hours of meeting. There hasn’t been any feedback from the membership.
2. Financial Report as at end of December 31
Looking at the December 31st financials, there is a small net income which is most positive and certainly Elizabeth has spent lots of time on this budget last month. Elizabeth will contact Lucic, accountant to start audit process in February.
Motion to accept financials as presented. Seconded – JG
There is a shift in membership dues and those have been incorporated into the 2019 budget. The 2019 conference will be less expensive than 2018. Elizabeth requested that the full cost for the website development (90% is completed) be an expense in 2019. Motion to accept this change – MT, seconded by GT.
3. Executive Director Update
As of January 29, membership renewals: three resignations (Marc Atchison, Barbara Kingstone and Sylvia Roussel), 67 for requalification and 130 outstanding memberships. Potential follow up in February. Chapter funding is based on membership in good standing – February 28 is the deadline for membership dues. After March 1, there will be a fee increase. If they are already a member, there may be some wiggle room. YM – the notice will go out on January 30 about membership renewal. GF mentioned that the dues haven’t been increased in five years. MT was concerned about notification time and DD indicated that there was no timeline in the bylaws. The notice would read: dues will increase, but renew by February 28 and there will not be an increase. MW commented that TMAC membership is very reasonable, not changed in five years and the least expensive compared to other membership organizations. EK asked if one month notice is enough. SL said there isn’t an obligation to let them know and DD mentioned that dues generally increase without warning. EK shared that this will be communicated on website, TMAC Travels, Facebook page. All agreed.
4. Chapters
There has been a request to access the TMAC iMeet software. EK – it’s a monthly bill and not a usage thing. It’s simply an availability thing as it been made available to them in a casual way.
5. Membership
YM and EK indicated that the membership criteria is completed and ten people will test it. The feedback will be very helpful and adapt into model system with instructions. A message to the membership will be going out on January 30 – launch will be Monday February 4.
6. Committees
Tracy reported that we have six judges – three for written word and three for visual. The categories have been finalized and timelines confirmed. Next conference call is March 20 to discuss award entries, score sheets and timing.
Editorial (Published or Posted)
NEW! Please note that submissions are welcome in French and English for all written categories.
Best Cultural/Historical Feature
Best Family/Partner Feature
Best Food/Drink Feature
Best Outdoors, Wildlife or Environmental/Responsible Tourism Feature
Best Adventure, Sport or Recreation Feature
Best Spirit of Canada
NEW! Best Lifestyle or Wellness Feature
NEW! Best Travel Column/Blog
NEW! AGM Host Destination Award
Photography (Published or Posted)
Best Landscape or Evocation of Place
Best People Photo
NEW! Best Video or Vlog
NEW! People’s Choice Award for Your Best Shot
First prize for each category: $750
Second prize for each category: $300
Third prize for each category: $200
There may be also one Honourable Mention for each category.
Written Word – Peter Johansen, Catherine Lefebvre and Dick Snyder
Visual – Bruce Kemp, Dave Brosha and George Fisher
Awards close – March 15
Judging process – March 25 to May 3
Committee vetting – May 6-10
Top five finalists in each category announced – May 13
Dale reported that he set up a committee to create a chapter policy largely as a result of some issues that have come up over the years, particularly with Ontario. And we struck a committee that we asked the chapters to appoint someone from each of them to sit on the committee and they all did. And I got excellent feedback from all of them. Guy volunteered to represent the interests of people that aren’t in the chapter and include Grant and Dale. A survey was sent including a series of questions and the feedback was legitimate. And as a result of that feedback from the members, DD developed a draft policy which was circulated and amended twice as a result of feedback from the committee members, all of which was very helpful and the end result is what you see today. These are created pursuant to a bylaw and they in effect become an operating system for whatever the policy is about. In other words, this now becomes binding in the chapters. The creation of the chapters, the running of the chapters, the funding of the chapters, and the purposes will all be in line with this policy. We also made it clear that the funds provided to the chapters are trust funds and can only be used by the chapters for the purpose and set out in the policy. We also set out the governance methods for the chapters that every chapter must have a president a secretary and a treasurer. They must have a bank account with two signatories if possible. They may or may not add the position of vice president. They may or may not have a board of directors. Motion: Adopt chapter policy as contained in board package. GF seconded.
Social Media
JG indicated that there’s a media member, Rod Charles (Vacay) was asking if we can share the news of a new travel app “Tripsy”. JG said it was legitimate and he was willing to pay. The charge could be same as newsletter content. – $250 for a press release. Since we do not have a policy for this, GT asked that a social media strategy discussion be included at the February strategy session. Upcoming TMAC Travels – JG awaiting content and will coordinate with EK.
Suzie indicated that January 30 will be the third meeting. Delaying launch for registration. EK waiting for content, but timeline in line with 2018. We will promote 25th anniversary.
6. Volunteer Policy
Criteria: How long do they need to be a volunteer to earn a) points and b) membership waived or pro-rated. As far as points, MW suggested they need to be a volunteer for 12 months. DD agreed – one year period – same model as requal. EK – after serving 12 months, next membership waived (Chairs and Co-Chairs) and earn points. This will be announced on website and in TMAC Travels. Motion for these changes – DD, seconded by MW
7. Other Business
EK shared the 25th anniversary logo – unanimous decision – #3 red
Facebook Live – after strategic session – looking at early March.
Agenda for strategic session (Feb 21) is coming.
8. Conclusion
Meeting adjourned at 2:14 pm.