TMAC Board Minutes – January 19, 2022

Minutes – TMAC National Board, Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Via Zoom

Meeting chaired by President Tracy Ford.
Minutes taken by Paul Knowles, in the absence of secretary Judy Cohen.

Present: Tracy Ford, Jami Savage, Darcy Rhyno, Yashy Murphy, Grant Fraser, Paul Knowles, Jerry Grymek, Pam Wamback, Donna Hatt, Noelle Aune, Wendy Nordvik-Carr, Ayngelina Brogan.

Regrets: Judi Cohen, Guy Theriault, Kattrin Duncan (on maternity leave), Rod Charles.

12:02 pm – meeting called to order by Tracy Ford.

Motion to approve agenda – Moved by Jerry Grymek, seconded by Darcy Rhyno, carried.

Motion to approve minutes of Dec. meeting – Moved by Grant Fraser, seconded by  Jami Savage, carried.

Business Arising from the Minutes
AGM planning:
Donna Hatt has prepared a time line – to host AGM May 26 at 1 p.m. EST.
Moved by Jami Savage, seconded by Pam Wamback, that the AGM be held May 26, 2022 at 1 p.m. Carried.

Financial Report 
Presented by Grant Fraser. Now preparing year-end financial statements completed, and full reports to the CRA.

Grant noted that there may be no need for our financial reports to be audited, and this will be discussed with our accountant. This could produce a significant saving.

Governance Committee:
Jami Savage – Code of Conduct. Explained two additions to the Code of Conduct, as distributed. Moved by Jami Savage, that the two additional sections as indicated in the document by added to the Code of Conduct. Seconded by Darcy Rhyno. Carried.

Jami Savage presented the new Board Mandate and Position Descriptions. There was considerable debate about covering all conference costs (including fees, transportation and accommodation) for Treasurer and Secretary for 2022 conference, or about covering costs for all directors.

It was moved by Jami Savage, that the Board of Directors accept the Board Mandate & Position Descriptions as presented by the Governance Committee and add them to our governing policy immediately; with the amendment that, the question of covering all conference costs for all executive members, which are president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, and that this will be revisited for 2023. Before the motion was seconded, it was moved by Paul Knowles, seconded by Darcy Rhyno, that this motion be tabled to our February meeting. Carried.

Jami Savage: re. Code of Conduct for Committee members. This must be shared with all committees. Requested that this be an agenda item for next committee meetings.

Paul Knowles discussed the written membership report and the current challenges of re-qualification.

Recommendation from Paul: That full qualification and requalification points awarded to any editor of any print or on-line publication who assigns paid travel articles to communicators. It was recommended that this be taken back to the committee for a recommendation.

Jerry Grymek had presented a written sponsorship report in advance of the meeting.

Future Host
Jerry Grymek: Future Host report, as presented in advance of the meeting. Interest is being shown in future conferences. Jerry expects three or four solid bids starting for 2024.

Conference Committee:
Pam Wamback: Conference report – as written and presented in advance of the meeting.

HR report – Darcy Rhyno – as presented in advance of the meeting.

Tracy noted that there have been additional changes that are not in the report in advance of the meeting. Changes were made to make awards more inclusive and fair. Competition deadline has been extended by one week – all of this announced in newsletter that was sent out this morning.

Chapter Reports:
Noelle: announced upcoming chapter events, some outdoors in person and some virtual.

Staff reports from Bria and Donna were presented in advance of the meeting.

New business: Tracy noted that Judi Cohen’s Mom has passed away, and we will send a sympathy card. Kattrin Duncan has a new baby boy, and we will send a congratulatory card.

Next meeting: February 16, 2022.