Regrets: Chapter Co-Chairs PL, AB, NA,HF
1.0 Call to Order – TF
Tracy called the meeting to order at 1:02 pm.
2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF
TF Moved by GF, Seconded by YM
3.0 Approval of Minutes – TF
December 21, 2022 – viewable here
Moved GF, Seconded by PS
4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes
- Reminder of Volunteer Program approved last week. Committee chairs were asked to please reiterate to the committees.
- Reminder to take note of the timeline shared last month, included again in this agenda. TF requested that all board members please review the timeline, as amended in these minutes.
NOTE: A new date for the AGM was set: May 10 at 1:00pm EST via zoom.
5.0 Financial Report – GF
5.1 Account Balances as of January 12, 2023
Business Unlimited |
Business Investor Account |
Credit Card Balance |
$169,066.15 |
$10,544.33 |
$0.00 |
5.2 Monthly Financial Reports: as of December 31/22 (Viewable Here)
Grant presented the Financial report. TF moved approval and PK seconded, approved
6.0 National Committee Reports: provided verbally as bullet points during meeting
- Awards Committee: Tracy Ford provided update
- Communications Committee: Yashy Murphy provided update
- Conference Committee: Pam Wamback –
Rod Charles provided an update: FEB 6 Conference Registration OPENS. - Future Host Committee: Jerry Grymek reiterated past decisions.
- Governance Committee: Judi Cohen
Judi thanked everyone for participating in the Strategic Planning Session.
The ensuing discussion sought clarification around who is eligible for 2023-24 Board of Directors as we prepare to approach the AGM in May.
A summary of the board situation at the time of the 2023 AGM follows:
NOTE: Those intending to reoffer, please confirm with Tracy and Paul before January 31.
President Term Expired: Tracy Ford
President-elect: Paul Knowles
In 2nd year of first 2 year term, remain on the board for 2023-2024
Mark Stevens
Wendy Nordvik-Carr
Rod Charles
Pierre Santoni
2 year term expired, eligible to run for 2nd 2 yr term for 2023-24
Yashy Murphy
Pam Wamback
Grant Fraser
Judi Cohen
2nd of 2 year term completed
Jerry Grymek
2023-24 TMAC Board of Directors
- President, Paul Knowles
- Vice President: Vacant
Directors at Large
- Mark Stevens
- Wendy Nordvik-Carr
- Rod Charles
- Pierre Santoni
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
- Vacant
2023 TMAC nominations/elections:
6 positions available including Vice President.
Call for nominations would be issued for:
Vice President (any member of TMAC can run for Vice President)
5 members at large
- Human Resources Committee: Jerry Grymek nothing to report.
- Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Paul Knowles membership re-quals (almost done), renewal now underway.
- National PD Committee: Wendy Nordvik-Carr gave an update on successful conversations for upcoming events, including one on media kits
- Sponsorship Committee: Jerry Grymek
Jerry Grymek JG reported that they have achieved $27,475 in sponsorships towards the goal of $38,000. Some interest expressed from Thunder Bay and Destination Northern Ontario. MS will touch base with others. New award sponsor confirmed – Ontario Parks. Have 4 spaces left. PS suggested pursuing Ontario Northland(Metrolinx) for membership and sponsorship.
7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates : provided verbally as bullet points during meeting
- BC & Yukon
WNC reported that their M&M was cancelled but that the Holiday Gathering was well attended. Looking forward to an in-person event in Whistler or Victoria and working on sponsorships. An event is planned in Golden by the Prairies chapter and the BC chapter will be invited. - Prairies & NWT
- Ontario
RC reported that M&Ms are being planned for March, April and May with a road trip planned in July with Hilton Region. - Atlantic
Possible Lobster Crawl event, and possible Western Newfoundland Fam
8.0 CAO Report – DH : to be provided verbally
Nothing additional to add
9.0 New Business
9.1 TMAC AGM: AGM will be May 10, 1PM EST
All board members were asked to review the timelines below
9.2 Upcoming Timelines:
January 1st: Membership Renewal begins
January 10: TMAC 2022 National Awards Open / Jan 13: Awards Information Session
January 18 & 19: TMAC Strategic Planning meeting at Chelsea Hotel
January 18: BOARD MEETING, 30 mins over lunch we can have a ‘brief’ meeting
February 6 (week of): Conference Registration OPENS
February 6 (week of): Strategic Planning Meeting in advance of Board Meeting
February 15: Board Meeting
February 20: Judged Awards Submission closes
2022 Fiscal Review engaged/undertaken
February 28: Annual Reports due for 2022
February 28: FINAL DAY for Membership Renewal without penalty
5 vacancies for members at large and 1 VP
March 1: Member Voted awards OPEN
March 15: Board Meeting + DRAFT AGM Package ready for review, needs to be reviewed/approved for circulation in April
April 3: Member Voted awards CLOSE
April 12: Distribute AGM Meeting Package with Annual Reports
April 19: Board Meeting
April 30th: Conference registration Deadline
May 17: Board Meeting ( NEW & Existing Board)
June 14-18: TMAC Conference & Media Marketplace
2023-24 Board of Directors take office
10.0 Next Meeting
February 15, 2023, 12 noon EST – Via ZOOM
11.0 Meeting Adjournment – Tracy adjourned the meeting at 1:36 pm.