Minutes of the Travel Media Association of Canada Special National Board meeting, conducted by video conference call
January 25, 2021, 12 noon EST
Present: Jerry Grymek, Tracy Ford, Guy Thériault , Monica MacNeil, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Paul Knowles, Kattrin Duncan
Minutes recorded by PK.
Meeting called to order by TF at 12:15 p.m.
TF: Noted that Monica, Darcy, Jerry have done a great deal of work as the HR committee. Thanked them for their work – “it’s been like a full-time job for them”.
MM: Reporting on behalf of the HR committee.
The process had been, in order, to determine TMAC’s maximum sustainable management costs; then to examine the role of the Executive Director; then determine best management model for TMAC.
After these considerations, the committee would reach a recommendation as to whether the 90-day clause in the ED’s contract, allowing termination of the contract without cause with 90 days’ notice, should be invoked.
In examining the role of ED the committee looked at the job description; determined the work being done by other contractors; and compared contracts in other organizations.
The committee identified all TMAC administrative duties; determined time allotments, skills needed, time frames, contracted roles; considered the roles key to the strategic growth of TMAC; and discussed the model that best suits TMAC’s needs. The committee concluded that a custom design would best suit the needs of TMAC, that we need to develop a management model tailored to TMAC success, especially related to membership retention and growth.
DR: Reported that the committee recommends that TMAC hire two contractors, one as the membership relations officer; the other as CAO. The two will be equal in authority and hours worked, and will report to the board. Each would be a half-time position, hired at approximately $30,000 a year.
Membership Relations Officer needs to a super communicator, personable, someone who looks after people. Responsible for member recruitment, membership management; member relations; awards, social media and other communications tasks; exit interviews and member surveys.
CAO would be responsible for administrative functions, including financial oversight, working with the board; future host, conference, website management, working with the board.
The HR committee has created job descriptions with more extensive detail, which will be shared with the board.
JG: Noted that the HR committee had access to consultation with an HR expert.
He noted that both contractors will be required to keep track of all their hours. There will be more quality assurance and accountability as to what they are doing, and what they haven’t done. The HR committee stresses the importance of ongoing supervision and oversight by the board, to ensure the contractors are meeting all responsibilities. The board will also require updates from other service providers, such as our accountant. Transparency is key.
DR: Outsourced jobs will be pared down from the current five to seven, to two or three. We will plan to outsource bookkeeping and auditor, and perhaps web work. We will have a contract with each of those.
DR: Timeline: First step, to end the contract of the current ED; the HR committee suggested that notification be given on Feb. 15, 2021. By mid-February, will have created RFPs for those two positions. Will advertise RFPs for a month, until mid-March. Schedule interviews by April 1. By May 1 hope to hire and sign those two contracts. The HR committee also recommended some overlap between the current ED, even stretching to after the conference.
During a free and open discussion, some board members expressed concern about such a long transition.
Subsequently, TF offered to devote two days a week to working with our ED, to be prepared to train new hires when that happens. She suggested we invoke the 90-day notice on Feb. 1.
GT left the meeting at 1 p.m. because of previous commitments.
Responding to the proposal by TF, it was then moved by JG, seconded by PK, “that the recommendations of the HR Committee be adopted by the board, including invoking the 90-day termination clause in the current ED contract, on February 1st, 2021, and the restructuring of TMAC’s management model, including hours and fees.”
During the discussion of the motion, JS left the meeting due to previous commitments, so it was decided that the vote should be conducted by email. The vote was conducted by email, all votes were in by January 26, and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.