TMAC Board Minutes – February 25, 2020

Present: Dale Dunlop, Guy Thériault, Yashy Murphy, Jerry Grymek, Marc Smith, Monica MacNeil, Darcy Rhyno (Treasurer) and Elizabeth Kerr (D)

Regrets: Tracy Ford and Paul Knowles

DD called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. EST. DD thanked the Board for date change and advised that meeting is being recorded.

The January minutes, as circulated, were approved by JG and seconded by MS.

DR presented the 2019 year-end financials. In summary, we show a modest surplus of  $10,000 with revenues of $210,000 and expenses of $199,000. No motion required at this time. Motion required for audited statements to be presented in April.

EK reported the following stats:

  • Media
  • Renewed – 135
  • To Renew – 36
  • Industry
  • Renewed – 116
  • To Renew – 65
  • Total – 352

New Members (since November 1, 2019): 8

At this point, the final date to renew to be included in Chapter funding is March 31, 2020.

MS announced that the National PD Committee has met and crafted out four National PD sessions, as presented. The first presenter will be Nora Dunn on Creating Multiple Revenue Streams. This National PD session is tentatively scheduled for late March/early April.

YM had previously shared a social media stats report created by Lindsay Davies which will be distributed monthly.

DD reviewed and provided revisions to Nominations Package:

  • Treasurer is elected by Board
  • Secretary is elected by Board
  • 10 volunteer points allocated to President in the re-qualification process after term is completed

DD asked Yashy Murphy and Guy Theriault to consider returning to Board for second term and asked that they inform DD/EK by March 6, 2020.

GT provided a conference update including the creation of a theme (TBD), and transportation to/from Toronto. GT also provided a list of potential plenary speakers to the Board including Michelle Valberg, Keith Henry and Rachel Dodds. PK is following up with Melanie Joly and a potential contact at Google. So far, we have received 32 media and 26 industry registrations.

EK reported on TF’s behalf re: awards. The judges have all met and the scoring has been revamped. There are 250 submissions to date. In 2019, there were 397 submissions in total.

Moving timing back by one month allows time required to create certificates, issue cheques and prepare and dry run the AV presentation.

JG reported that we have exceeded our budget of $20,000 already and will continue to solicit sponsorship over the coming months.

EK reported on behalf of Future Host Committee. A 17-question survey was created to assess the proposals. 4/5 of the review committee had completed the survey and the two proposals were within 5 points of each other on a scale of 1-100 attributing this to the quality of the proposals. The Committee is compiling a list of additional questions to ask both potential hosts after which they will meet again to make a recommendation to the Board. A special meeting of the Board will be scheduled to discuss the recommendation and move forward. EK did point out that the F&B costs in Location # 1 were significantly more than in Location #2. DD expressed his concern over the quality of accommodation in Location #2 and wanted the committee to ensure that renovations would occur in time.

EK confirmed upcoming Board meetings, all to take place at 12:00 p.m. EST, unless otherwise advised.

DD updated us on SATW. The SATW Board was meeting at the same time as we were and that there may be a further update as a result of that meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:43 p.m.