TMAC Board Minutes – Feb. 4, 2021

Minutes of the Travel Media Association of Canada National Board meeting, conducted by video conference call

February 4, 2021, 12 noon EST

Present: Jerry Grymek, Tracy Ford, Guy Thériault , Monica MacNeil, Darcy Rhyno, Jami Savage, Paul Knowles, Kattrin Duncan (joined the meeting in progress at 12:30 p.m.)

Minutes recorded by PK.

Meeting called to order by TF at 12:03 p.m.

TF: Acknowledge this has been a difficult process for everyone. Thank EK for her support

Adoption of agenda: MM, seconded by DR, carried.

Adoption of minutes Dec. 2, Dec. 7, Dec. 17, 2020 and January 25, 2021, moved by PK, seconded, DR, with typographical changes. Carried.

Financial report: DR: Not ready to present a new version of the budget – too much outstanding information required. Need to get conference costs, staff changes costs, newsletter savings.  By next meeting, will have 2021 budget to present for board approval.

TF: will not be accepting president’s honorarium; should it be removed from the budget? Discussion – leave in until we make a decision about giving an honorarium going forward.

Awards: EK: 131 Submissions so far. Expects 300 entries this year; last year, there were approximately 400.
TF: There is an ongoing issue to be resolved at the committee re. finalizing the judges. TF will report back after committee meeting.

DR: asked for reconsideration of number of entries allowed, going forward, especially related to photo entries. TF will take this back to the committee.

TF will send out criteria for industry award prior to next meeting.

Media membership: JS: Believes membership drive is going well – have received 48 recommendations so far. Asks all board members to promote the media membership campaign, especially at any meetings coming up.

EK: Re. Couples: Three couples in the last set of referrals. Should we consider dual membership? Also nine couples in membership. EK will put a proposal together.

JS: presented the following:
Draft – Membership Renewal Deadline and Process

Following a robust discussion among committee members about both new members and retention of existing members, a recommendation regarding the membership renewal process was developed.

The membership expiry date is December 31st. A grace period for payment has been extended to February 29th. In addition members with difficulties paying the membership fee in full have the option of paying in 4 installments. 

It has become a practice that the renewal date is quite fluid, with our ED having to send multiple reminders, and at the same continuing to provide member benefits until a renewal is processed. The follow-ups are done by our ED up until August in some cases. This behavior and practice are not professional and our members should understand that the delays have costs and interfere with the TMAC executive being able to make financial commitments for the year ahead. 

It is our recommendation that for the renewal process for the current cycle of 2021 memberships be as follows:

1.    Members be sent a reminder notice by January 16 that their membership expired on Dec 31, 2020.
2.    In recognition of the challenges due to the pandemic, members will be given the option of paying the reduced rate up until Feb 28th, 2021. (and can pay in 4 equal installments to help out financially)
3.    If payment is not received by Feb 28th, members wishing to renew will pay the full membership fee. 
4.    If members are experiencing financial difficulty they may take a membership leave of absence for one year only. During the period of leave they will not have access to the website, email correspondence, Facebook page, M&M’s, conferences and other TMAC events.
5.    If payment is not received or an leave of absence is not requested, the membership will be treated as a resignation.  

EK: Right now, no one needs to requalify for 2021 because of COVID.
Moved by JS, seconded by DR: That the COVID discount of 15% extends to Feb. 28; the grace period extends to March 31, after which you will be removed from TMAC. Carried.

National PD: KD – Next webinar Feb. 24, collaborating with BC chapter on Indigenous Tourism. 55 people have already signed up.
March: Ontario chapter is hosting. 
April: Atlantic chapter hosting – media only, how to shoot video on your device.
May: perhaps an editors’ panel.

Re. Conference – KD recommended that the conference PD sessions include a BIPOC session. PK to follow up with KD and GT.

Conference: GT- People are working behind the scenes; Date: June 1-3, 2021. Conference committee is meeting first, to work out logistics, Monday, Feb. 8.  

JS: the committee has invited a number of providers re. tech platforms. Expect up to three proposals by the Monday meeting.

Governance: JS: Goal is to keep the board included; shared the Governance priorities. 
Mandate of committees: will be asking every committee to prepare and summarize the committee’s mandate.

EK noted: Bylaw changes have to go out 21 days before the AGM.

DR: thanked EK for being helpful re. financials.

EK left the meeting at 1:03 p.m.

HR committee report: Informal discussion about the current state of affairs.

GF: Encourages board members to identify our top priorities for the next 87 days.

At 2 p.m., KD and JG left the meeting.

Next meeting: February 25, 12 noon to 1 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.