TMAC Board Minutes – Feb. 25, 2021

Minutes of the Travel Media Association of Canada National Board meeting, conducted by video conference call

February 25, 2021, 12 noon EST

Present: Tracy Ford, Guy Theriault, Jami Savage, Darcy Rhyno, Kattrin Duncan, Jerry Grymek, Monica MacNeil, Paul Knowles, ED Elizabeth Kerr

Minutes taken by PK.

Meeting called to order by TF at 12:03 pm. EST.

Motion to approved the agenda – GT, second JS, carried.

Motion to approve minutes of Feb. 4, 2021 – MM, second, KD, carried.

Darcy: Financial report: 2020 will see a deficit of -$42,000

Projections: 2021 – two versions; First, lost of $53,000; second, loss of $38,000. The difference is version one takes a more conservative view of membership figures and conference income.  Overall: we’re going to see a large deficit this year.

Moved by DR, seconded by MM, that we adopt version one as our budget for 2021. Carried. (Financial spread sheet to be submitted as attachment to these minutes by DR).

DR – Funds coming to Ontario chapter will be directed through national as an in and out process.

Ontario is planning to donate back to National; amount to be confirmed by Ontario executive.

TF: The panel of judges is confirmed:
Visual: Bruce Kemp, Dave Brosha, Mishell Raedeke
Written word: Benoit Legault, Dick Snyder, Magalie Boutin

Entry deadline has past. Announcement going out Monday re. judges, number of entries, time line for judging and announcements.

Have put together criteria for volunteer member of the year award, industry award, and people’s choice award (to be chosen by both media and industry).

Now recruiting members for committee for next year.

Media membership:
JS: Have reached 101 recommendations, with five days to go. Ten new members have applied for membership. If new members register by March, they get to attend conference free of charge.

New buddy program and new onboarding system is in initial phase. Will keep buddy system within the committee for the next four weeks as a trial; then will ask for buddy volunteers.

National PD:
KD – Yesterday, BC/Yukon chapter collaborated with National on PD – Indigenous Tourism BC. March – Ontario collaborating with National – PD session on Career Planning. Atlantic chapter collaborating on April PD – How to shoot video on your smart phone.

JS – committee is currently evaluating bylaws, code of conduct, mandates; have done a job description for governance committee; will forward this template to all other committee chairs, asking them to create a job description for each committee. Ask for the job descriptions to be done in next three months.

GT: Dates set as June 1-3. Committee met this week. Will open with keynote speaker at 12 noon June 1; PD sessions Day 2 and 3, at noon, with options for media and industry; media marketplace, eight appointments a day, for all three days.

Have signed contracts with tech suppliers. Saved $3000 on budget.

Conference theme: TMAC: Together Towards Tomorrow.

Next conference committee meeting, Monday, March 8.

JS: Planning, in May, to hold use the REMO system contracted for the conference to hold a PD session, an M&M and a one-hour executive leadership retreat (for National and Chapters boards).

EK left the meeting, 12:51 p.m.

DR: Asked if GT would take leadership with conference for 2022, Yarmouth conference, on behalf of the executive. GT: agreed.

HR committee has created addendum to CAO RFP, concerning specific digital skills.

RFP emails will be sent out again to all TMAC members.

DR: Transition process. Need to discuss at a future meeting. Will do Doodle poll for next week.

Adjournment – declared by TF at 1 p.m.