TMAC Board Minutes – December 20, 2021

TMAC National Board Meeting
December 15, 12:00pm EST
Via Zoom

Attendees:  Tracy, Judi, Donna, Bria, Paul, Darcy, Guy, Kattrin, Jami, Pam, Jerry, Noelle, Rod, Grant

Regrets: Wendy, Ayngelina, Yashy and Pat

1.0 Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Tracy – at 12:03pm

2.0 Approval of Agenda – TF Motion by Jami, Seconded by Paul. Carried.

3.0 Approval of Minutes – November 17, 2021
Motion to approve by Guy, Seconded by Grant. Carried.

4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes

  • TIAC Attendance: Insights & Actions/Next Steps: TF/JC – Judi and Tracy provided an update on the TIAC Congress, Jami and Donna provided update on the virtual experience. 
    ACTION ITEM: Tracy followed up with Beth Potter after the conference to initiate further discussions between TIAC and TMAC.
  • Holiday Greeting Card Update: JS – A preview video of the greeting message was shared by Bria. The message will be shared with members via email by the end of the week.

5.0 Financial Report – GF

Account Balances as of Dec. 9/21:
Community Plan Plus: $79,017.72
Business Investor Account: $10,453.36
GIC deposited to Community Plan Plus account on Nov 29/21
Credit Card Balance: $1,030.08

  • Monthly Financial Reports: as of November 30/21 (View Report here)
    Grant presented the Monthly Financial Report.  A motion to approve the Financial Reports was moved by Grant, Seconded by Judi. Carried.
  • 2022 Budget Review for discussion & adoption (View Budget here)
    Grant presented the 2022 Budget with a projected surplus of $53k.

    – Paul asked if chapter chairs would consider funding themselves to reduce the budget.  Guy suggested that a meeting with Chapter Chairs would be required noting that all chapters would need to be in agreement.  New chapters may require assistance in the future. Pam stated that with the smaller membership numbers in the Atlantic Chapter, a change in funding would be challenging, noting that they would have no ability to host events or have get-togethers. 
    Further suggestion that it be left up to the chapters to apply for funding from National, rather than having a budget item seen as a blank cheque. 
    Paul and Tracy will follow up on this matter and report back at the January meeting.

– Donna inquired on Jerry’s comfort with the sponsorship number of $25K.  Jerry confirmed that this was achievable. 

– A new item for Advertising/Promotion for $20,100 was included.  Jerry confirmed that this was a reinstatement of a revenue line item for website banners, e-blasts and sponsorship of M & M’s, etc.

– Tracy and Paul provided information on expenses related to Conference and Board Attendance
The current policy is that for the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary of the National Board- the hotel, conference fee and travel expenses are paid for by TMAC.  The balance of the Board receives conference fees waived, media being able to apply for the Travel Subsidy.

It was noted that recent changes on the National Board have resulted in all members chairing committees with the workload being increased substantially, therefore a far greater commitment of time has resulted.  The question of whether all National Board Members should have all expenses paid.  Additionally, question was raised regarding new co-chairs for PD Committee assuming role assumed by Kattrin as Board member and consideration Conference costs that may be covered.

Paul suggested that the budget include support for all members at this time.

A motion was tabled by Grant to adopt the TMAC 2022 Budget as presented. Seconded by Jami. Carried.

ACTION ITEM: Following a full discussion, the item of Board and committee expenses covered for Conference was referred to Governance Committee for review, report and recommendation to the National Board meeting in January. 

  • 2022 Membership Renewal Update as of Dec. 9/21:
    34 Media / 23 Industry. This was received for information.

6.0 National Committee Reports (See Reports Document for reports)

  • 2021 Awards Committee: Chair Tracy Ford – Received
  • Communications Committee: Chair Yashy Murphy- Received
  • Conference Committee: Co-Chairs Guy Theriault & Pam Wamback – Received
  • Future Host Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek – Received
  • Sponsorship Committee: Chair Jerry Grymek
    Jerry reported that he worked with Donna on some new initiatives including the addition of a Platinum level conference sponsorship. He also noted that the first one was sold to Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism at $9,500.  He is currently speaking with Brand USA about becoming a sponsor. Sponsorship raised to date: $18,500.  Received.
  • Governance Committee: Chair Jami Savage
    Jami requested consideration that the AGM to be hosted virtually in May, rather than at the Conference.  Following a discussion, a Motion to approve was made by Grant, seconded by Pam.
    Jami advised that an email vote will follow this meeting for the following Motion:.
    Moved by Jami, seconded by Judi that the Board adopt the new and updated Code of Conduct, Conflict Resolution Policy, and Harassment Policy, as outlined in the attached draft for final approval.
    Distributed electronically on Dec. 16: Motion Carried.
  • Human Resources Committee: Co-Chairs Jerry Grymek & Darcy Rhyno
    A verbal report was received from Darcy, noting that Bria will be leaving in a couple of weeks. With a gap of 4 months, the awards committee will take a role.  Social Media responsibilities will be filled using an RFP. Recognize that Donna will be managing a heavier workload during this interim period. Received
  • Membership Committee (Media & Industry): Chair Paul Knowles
    Paul questioned the requalification for members. Bria said that the committee waived requalification for this year, noting that the decision was made by the Membership Committee and presented to the Board with the recommendation. 
    *Subsequent to the meeting Donna confirmed the minutes and action taken.  The recommendation was not brought to the National Committee for approval.
    A further discussion ensued on the process for review and approval of new members. This process will be reviewed at a later date and a governance determination on decision-making powers of committee members.  Is Board approval of new members required prior to actioning administratively each new member?  Received.
  • National PD Committee: Chair Kattrin Duncan
    Kattrin reported that 2 new co-chairs will replace her during maternity leave.  The board was pleased that Irene Knight and Lindsay Nieminen will co-chair the PD Committee on an interim basis. Jami was sending a reply by end of day to Kattrin regarding Irene and Lindsay’s procedures.  They will be asked to provide Professional Development updates to Donna, and as they were not elected to the board, will not be invited to attend the Board Meetings. Tracy and the Board thanked Kattrin and wished her a happy maternity leave.
    There was a brief discussion about the Destination Canada Communications Working Group possibly having a joint session with Industry and Media Members, and Destination Canada.  This will be brought forward at a future meeting.

7.0 Chapter Reports/Updates (See Reports Document for reports)

  • BC & Yukon – Received
  • Prairies & NWT – Received
  • Ontario – Received
  • Atlantic – Received

8.0 Staff Reports (See Reports Document for reports)

Included within the package along with monthly time reports for October.
MRO Report – BW – Received

CAO Report – DH – Donna noted that both renewals and referrals are being communicated on our newsletter.  Received

9.0 New Business– There was no new business.

10.0 In Camera – Attendees:  Paul, Pam, Judi, Tracy, Jerry, Jami, Darcy, Kattrin
Tracy to provide a note to the Board to summarize discussions

11.0 Next Meeting

January 19, 2022, 12 EST via zoom.

11.0 Meeting Adjournment-

The Meeting was adjourned by Tracy at 2:08pm.